Vladimir Episcoposyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



If nature has believed such an unusual appearance that the directions in need were proposed by the roles of villains, which in the plot were invariably deprived of life, then nothing remained, as if you were considering this with irony. As I once noticed Faina Ranevskaya about Anna Akhmatov:"Be in her place is not a great poet, and the average one would have been offended for life. She was delighted. "

This definition is best suited to Vladimir Bishoposyan, who called himself "the main corpse of Russia" and released the book of the same name.

Childhood and youth

In the 1950s, a day, when the entire USSR was grieving due to the death of Vladimir Ulyanova-Lenin, in the hospitable and loving family of Episcoposyan in Yerevan, the eldest son appeared to the world, which, possibly, was called in honor of the leader of the world proletariat - Volodya.

Full Vladimir Episcoposyan.

Children's years were held invariably by the sea - Uncle in Abkhazia built a 2-storey house. Next door to him was located mansion of the poet Evgenia Yevtushenko, the dwellings of artists and the boarding house of the Soviet weekly "Literary Gazeta".

Numerous relatives with children came to visit here all year round, and not to accept them cannot be - such Caucasian customs. Subsequently, this peaceful gracious time, remembered by noisy feasts and trees, covered with lemons, tangerines, oranges and feihoa, pursued the actor in dreams.

Vladimir Episcoposyan

Father Arusteam had a degree in technical sciences, brother became a programmer, mother was engaged in household and acquainted local residents with the art of cutting and sewing. Sons were dressed in the last fashion due to the photo and patterns from the Baltic magazines. Also, the woman was famous for his culinary masterpieces - many-story cakes were baked under the New Year, where Volodya trusted the responsible task - the creation of cream jewelry.

From an early age, the boy has seriously fond of basketball, played for the national team and later even received the title of Master of Sports. But parents considered that the child needs to receive a serious profession, and he, in favor of an adult, entered the law faculty of EHU.

Vladimir Episcoposyan

And here the case was intervened in the case: the 2nd course student faced the employees of Armenfilm and instantly received the episodic role of the young men in the Namella of Filmalman's King Chah. Later, after graduating from the University and School of Culture, I got to the Yerevan Drama Man named after Stanislavsky and remained in the actor's acting. By the way, the debut presented a young man with the first spouse Tamara.


In an interview with journalists on the occasion of their 60-year-old anniversary, Vladimir Arustamovich, on the question of the beginning of a creative biography, jokingly replied:

"I was invited to samples, and then approved for the role. Then I understood: that in Armenia hero-lover, in Russia - a gangster. So began my career on the big screen. Artists on the costumes even laughed: you do not need to grumble, the automatic machine is ready - and the image is ready. "
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It was about the cult "pirates of the 20th century", where the Soviet viewer first showed the techniques of karate. In work, like everywhere, the bishoposyan is used to laid out at the maximum, especially in youth. And once for it, he almost paid for health: I decided to perform a complex trick in the "Rus initial", but did not calculate a little. Now, by virtue of age, prefers the body the body does not risk.

In the filmography of the artist - familiar to everyone "Thunder Gate", "Zvethoy", "Chinese set", "Crusader", "I - Doll", 3 parts of the series "Next", "Border. Taiga novel "," Moshair, 12 ".

By the way, once a verse about Lenin helped the actor to be born into the role of a preacher, in which "animals instincts" woke up in relation to the heroine of Barbara Brylski. The director demanded "to whisper something in Muslims" from him, and had to remember the poetic work about Ilyce in Azerbaijani.

In 2012, appeared in the 18th series "Fizruk", after 2 years - in the updated version of the "Caucasian Captive!", And after 2 - in the second "day of election" of the unsurpassed "quartet and". The Little Spectator could notice the Bishoposian in the releases of the beloved "Elash." For example, in "Who is cooler?" He starred with Vladislav Galkin.

Personal life

From the first marriage that existed for 4 years, Vladimir had a single son. In the footsteps of the famous parent, he did not go, but engaged in computer technologies. As we noticed some media, he inherited only a high height (196 cm).

Vladimir Episcoposyan and his wife Svetlana

With the second wife met by chance. Somehow, during the walk, he liked the passing girl during the walk, decided to come to get acquainted, and after 2 years - to make an offer. Spouses together raised daughter Svetlana Sasha. There are no other children.

December 6, 2018, after the release of the next release of TV shows "in fact" on the first channel, specializing in the disclosure of the unknown facts of personal life, the public stunned news.

Favorite Soviet actor turned out to be accused of any other Elena, who may have a daughter Nelli's daughter from Vladimir. To the final of the program of the audience shocked again - the man's father is not a girl, although he did not hide what I would like.

Bishoposyan with sports so far on "you": the constant morning jogging, exercises with dumbbells and on the horizontal bar, visiting the pool and saunas.

Vladimir Episcoposyan now

As it is for the representative of the Caucasian nationality, the artist is open and glad to any communication with journalists and TVs. On March 1, 2018, he became a stellar guest of the culinary program of Sergei Tsigal "on kebabs", where she shared with hostess, and the recipe for blue screens, the recipe for dishes in Kars, as well as the Salad "Horovatz".

Vladimir Episcoposyan in 2018
"For all of its 130 roles in the movies, one thing noticed. All the actors who play the worshipers on the screen, all sorts of Karabasy-drums, rags, bastards, rapists, pirates, they are in the life of charmings, warm, wonderful, spiritual. They are with humor to themselves and to all the rest, "in parallel with the preparation of meat and vegetable masterpieces, Vladimir revealed the secrets of his profession.

The bishoposyan does not change the Moskovsky Theater "Buff", serving faithfully from the very day of the foundation, for which he loves and respect the "colleagues".


  • 2016 - "Elections Day - 2"
  • 2014 - "Caucasian Captive!"
  • 2014 - "Fizruk"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2001 - "Next"
  • 2001 - "Border. Taiga novel "
  • 2000 - "Mosseeka, 12"
  • 1999 - "Chinese service"
  • 1995 - "Crusader"
  • 1995 - "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
  • 1992 - "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or on Brighton Beach again come rain"
  • 1990 - "St. John's wort"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1980 - "Pirates of the XX century"
  • 1969 - "Tsar Chah-Chah"

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