Mirdza Martinsone - photos, movies, biography, personal life, news 2021



Nature awarded Mirdz Martinsone truly Hollywood appearance: big blue eyes, dazzling smile, chubby sensual lips. It seems that familiar features of the recognized beauties Sophia Lauren and Bardo, Bardo, were bugged, and brick, for which it was nicknamed by a sex symbol of Soviet cinema.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the future actress met each other in Latgale, from where it was from Middise Middza Mother. The father at the time was served in the border troops and the dance in the dismissal met with the future wife. In 1951, on August 16, in Riga, they had a daughter, which was noticed by a beautiful and sonorous name, translated from the Greek Meaning "Peace", and from Latvian - "shining".

Later, when the girl grows, dance activities became accessible to her. At first, when invited to walke, she shy and flee away, and later loved the musical evenings with all the soul. Summer was invariably held in the village of Grandmother, whining the favorite granddaughter with the stories of past years.

School knowledge was assimilated easily, Diary of Perell's positive estimates, especially in exact sciences - mathematics and chemistry. In parallel with this, a student Martinson, unlike classmates, willingly participated in amateur time, the sleeper of the dream to shine on stage as an actress or singer.

At the time limit, the graduate chose a chimfach of a polytechnic university. However, the teacher of the algebra Werner Estrapa, who fond of numerology and astrology and was acting to attract his wards to this, warned Mirdz that she did an incorrect choice. After obedating the advice of the mentor, the girl entered the folk studio of the film actor.

And here she was lucky again - one of the teachers was the main director of the Riga Theater "Dales". He first sent a talented student to the Theater Faculty at the time of the State Conservatory, and then took it to the troupe of his own theater, where she was detained for many years.


The scenic debut of a young actress took place in his youth. For the first time, she went on stage in 1973 in the play "Night of Iguana" American playwright Tennessee Williams. Mirdze got the role of Charlotte, and Haria Lypins became her partner.

In the future, other roles in the stages of the creations of the famous William Shakespeare, Anton Chekhov and Bernard Shaow began to appear on the star bill. According to the memories of the performer, while her mother was alive, she proudly kept all notes about performances with the participation of the heir, cut out the reviews from newspapers.

All this time, the actress actively toured with the troupe of his theater, speaking to representatives of different nationalities. She managed to visit the scene of the Russian Mkat, where the actors showed the "marriage" Nikolai Gogol. This event remained almost unnoticed, but journalists still managed to talk with the famous Riga.

With the age of Mirdza, she remained beloved and in demand, and her repertoire was replenished with a role in the play on the "Heart Crimes" play, for which the author received a prestigious Pulitzer Prize.


The cinematic page in the biography of the actress began in the 70s. While still a student, she starred in the episode of the film "Shoot instead of me," telling how the war turned the film to the warrior. Mirdze got a small role of aculinushki. Then followed the creation in the creation of a film "Klava - Son Martina", where the star colleagues were Lilith Ozoliny and Juris Kaminskis.

Already after the release, the performer appeared in the adventure picture of the arrows Robin Hood. After the premiere, she ranked 11th in the Soviet box. In addition to Martinson, Boris Khmelnitsky, Viya Artman and Yuri Kamoore were involved in the project.

The first in the career the major role of the star received in the detective "death under sail". The tape was removed based on the novel of the British writer Charles Perse Snow. Mirdza embodied Tony Gilmor - the girl of the Son of Shipbuilding Magnate.

But popularity came to young actress only after filming in the Mirage criminal drama. Martinson appeared in the image of the red-haired beauty-adventurist of Ginny Gordon, decided to robbery. He voiced the heroine Irina Gubanova.

On the shooting area, the artist accounted for hard. The director turned out to be strict and demanded from all participants in the complete return process. They even had to jump from the rock with Martins Wilsons, but not the one shown in the film, but smaller. The ropes tied to the legs of the actors, and the mats were cast below.

According to the performer, during work on the project, she did not know that it would be her starry hour. The girl received far less than his partners, but not worried about it. But after the premiere, National Love collapsed on her. The artist packs received letters with confessions and delighted reviews about her figure in a swimsuit, and in the streets she was not given a passage, asking for an autograph. Mirdze had to leave signature in the photo, white shirts and almost all parts of the body.

Looking at Mirage, the star began to regularly receive invitations to the sites of Lithuanian projects. Soon the audience was able to appreciate her work on the film "When the brakes are handed over" Gunar Tsilinsky. In it, she played Ligit Gulbe.

In the following years, the performer continued to replenish the performer. The scandalous was published in the drama "Photography with a woman and wild boar", where Martinson embodied the teacher Judit Pirak. In the frame, she appeared completely naked, because of what, then he received letters from angry teachers for the fact that the profession would deteriorate. But the actress did not take criticism to heart.

In the 90s, the star almost ceased to be removed, and in the early 2000s appeared in the Russian thriller "Lady in glasses and a gun in the car." In Russia, Mirdza was involved in several projects, including the Comedy "Mom-3" and the Drama "Son".

Personal life

As a child, Mirdza did not consider herself beautiful. She experienced due to high growth, chubby lips and nasal shape. But her fans still grabbed. In the kindergarten in the kindergarten, the boy decided on her for a crazy act. He ran on the road and lay down on the asphalt before walking trolleybus. Fortunately, it cost no victims.

When Martinson became the actress, attention was only added. The fans bore her gifts, devoted to her scientific publications, and some even threatened to kill themselves and her if she did not respond to the feelings of reciprocity.

I noticed the performer of interest and partners in the site. But at the beginning of the career of Mirdz, the Council of the experienced actor was obedient and decided to avoid official novels. According to rumors, one day the performer was still failed to resist the charm of Remigius Sabulis, who was her colleague on the film "Rich, Poor ...".

The only husband of the artist was Martins Verdins. They filmed together in the picture "Mirage", where he played a policeman. Two children were born in marriage: Madara's daughter and son Martins Matyus. Martinsone's parents were helped with their upbringing, as she was busy on set.

A star lived with a spouse for almost 20 years, but decided to part with him. According to one of the versions, there was a constant professional employment of the actress, on the other to the aggravated preassee of her husband to alcohol. They are not officially divorced, but rarely communicate.

After the rupture, the performer did not leave hope to establish a personal life. According to her, she dreams of being happy and beloved, which is possible only with a number of reliable man.

Mirdza Martinson now

Now the star remains a loved one to the public. In 2021, Mirdza willingly accept proposals to visit TV shows, talk with journalists and give an interview where invariably advises readers to learn to forgive and always smile everywhere.


  • 1970 - "Shoot instead of me"
  • 1975 - "Arrows Robin Hood"
  • 1976 - "death under sail"
  • 1982 - "Red Bells"
  • 1983 - "Mirage"
  • 1983 - "Rich, Pozhnyak"
  • 1985 - "Raspberry Wine"
  • 1987 - "Photo with a woman and wild boar"
  • 1989 - "Tapper"
  • 1997 - "FATHESTY MOREMS"
  • 2001 - "Lady in a car in glasses and a gun"
  • 2012 - "My only sin"
  • 2013 - "Aunt"
  • 2014 - "Moms - 3"
  • 2014 - "Son"
  • 2015 - "Alyoshkin Love"
  • 2015 - "Born Star"

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