Bob Ross - photos, paintings, biography, personal life, cause of death



Bob Ross is an American artist, a popularizer of creativity and TV presenter, the inventor of "fast equipment" Letters with oil paints, which has become famous thanks to the curriculum "Joy of drawing", which has been broadcast from 1983 to 1994 on the PBS TV channel in the USA, Canada, Latin America and Europe. Ross became even more popular posthumously, after launching his show on the YouTube channel and reprinting video tutorials at Melodysheep and PBS Digital Studios studios.

Childhood and youth

Robert Norman Ross was born on October 25, 1942 in the American city of Dayton Beach, Florida. His father Jack Ross, the hereditary Indian tribe of the Cherokee, by profession was a carpenter. Mother Olli Ross worked as a waitress in a cafe. Bob held childhood, causing wounded animals inhabited around. Among his wards there were armadiors, a snake, an alligator and 2 proteins, which later participated TV shows.

Bob Ross

Ross threw the school, having completed until the 9th grade, and began to master a carpentry business with his father. In the workshop, the boy lost a part of the left index finger, fortunately, the injury did not affect how he kept the palette in the process of drawing. In 1961, the 18-year-old young man entered the US Air Force to the post of medical record specialist. Military career he graduated from the title of senior sergeant at Ailson Air Base in Alaska, where she first saw snow and mountains, which later became themes of many of his works.

During the years of service, Bob became interested in painting. He created the first paintings for sale, and draw them in short breaks between the instructions of the higher authorities. Thus, the novice artist took the first step to the creation of a quick painting technique, which made him famous for the whole world.

Bob Ross in youth

Bob signed up in the class of drawing in Anchorage U. S. O. Club, "where he often elected with teachers who preferred abstract art realism. Then Ross saw the television show "Magic Oil Painting", organized by the German artist Bill Alexander.

The transfer advertised the style of "Alla Prima", ("First Attempt" in the Italian Language), which allowed the creation of a complete work in 30 minutes. Bob studied this method of "wet technique," began to draw the northern landscapes of Alaska, which were well sold. When income from paintings exceeded the wage salary, Ross left the service and decided to devote himself entirely to art.


Bob went to Florida to acquire additional skills in drawing. Then got a job at the company Bill Alexander "Alexander Magic Art Supplies Company" to the position of the commivoy and a tutor. Soon Ross opened his own business and began to teach independently in the United States of America.

Artist Bob Ross

Since 1983, the Non-Profit Television Station PBS has begun broadcasting the transfer of Bob "Joy Drawing" on the WIPB channel in Mansi, Indiana. The show started on January 11, 1983 and was broadcast until May 17, 1994 in many countries of the world, including the Create digital network.

In half-hour issues, Ross gave step-by-step lessons for oil painting, which assumed the use of a limited palette of paints. After some time, Bob created the company "Bob Ross Inc.", which sold art equipment, training literature and lessons of marketing painting according to the "method of Boba Ross" method, conducted by instructors who made the experience of the mentor.

Bob Ross and his protein PEAPOD

On the air, the master advertised the products of the corporation, promoting them in the global market. Ross attracted the audience, leading to the animal program, which continued to take care. More than others were famous for the manual proteins of Peapod and Wirrelly Brown, which became frequent guests on television and models in the photo of the artist.

The circle of fans of the Ross show expanded thanks to a simple and effective way of learning, not requiring material costs of artistic supplies. The presenter recommended the use of inexpensive canvases and a cheap, non-odorous solvent. Bob argued that every person has a talent, and he can become an artist who can only take into account time, practice and support.

Landscape Bob Ross

Master trained the audience the technique of oil painting "wet on a wet", the feature of which was the imposition of a new layer of paint to the not yet dried previous one. Ross worked in large single and two-day brushes and painting knives, which allowed in seconds to draw trees, clouds, sea and mountains in seconds.

Each picture began with simple smears, at first seemingly colored spots. As the artist added more and more strokes, chaos turned into complex scenic landscapes.

Bob Ross - photos, paintings, biography, personal life, cause of death 13162_6

Ross created in 3 versions of almost every painting. He painted the first before the start of the show, and she stood out of sight of the camera. The master referred to this instance in the process of writing the second version that occurred directly on the shooting. She stayed at the studio as a memorable gift. The third version of the work, detailed and brought to perfection, the Bob included in the textbooks. According to the artist's own estimates, he wrote more than 30 thousand paintings for his life.

Personal life

Ross was a very secretive person who did not favorite to spread about his personal life. Some details of his biography became known in 2011, after the release of the documentary film "Bob Ross: Happy Artist".

Bob Ross with his wife and son

It turned out that the first wife of Ross was Vivian Ridge, which soon after the wedding gave birth to Son Stephen. The boy showed talent to drawing and, having passed the course of study at his father, became a certified teacher of the "method of Bob Ross".

In 1977, the artist divorced his wife and found a new companion of life. The couple lived together for 15 years, they did not have common children. In 1992, the second wife of Ross, Jane, died from cancer. 2 months before his own death, Bob married the third time - on Linde Brown.


In the spring of 1994, Ross was diagnosed with lymphoma, which forced the artist to leave work on television. On May 17, 1994, the last series of transmission of the "joy of drawing" was published. Only the closest people knew about the Master's disease, she kept secret from the general public.

The grave of Bob Ross

On July 4, 1995, Bob Ross died, the tumor led to metastases and caused the death of the painter.

The artist was buried on a memorial cemetery in Gote, Florida. At his grave, a memorable board was installed with the inscription "Bob Ross, a television artist."

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