Rita Hayworth - photos, movies, biography, personal life, cause of death



Hollywood actress Rita Heivort is one of the most famous stars of the 1940s, which became famous not only at the expense of filming in American films, but was a great dancer. Despite this, it was generally nominated for the Golden Globe Prize and never - on Oscar.

Childhood and youth

Margarita Carmen Kansino, so initially called the future actress, was born in the fall of 1918 in New York. Her father Eduardo Kansino had Spanish roots, a man worked as a choreographer and even created his own dance studio. Mother was a chore in the theater show Florenz Siegfeld, who at that time enjoyed success. Girl's parents were creative people, so the future actress was predetermined in advance.

Rita Heivort in childhood

When Rita was 3 years old, his father leads a girl to a dance school, where in the future she often delayed until the night. So in the biography of Margarita dances appeared. In fact, choreography classes replaced her education, because because of the frequent speeches, the daughter of the dancer often missed classes at school.

A little later, the Kansino family moves into Los Angeles, where the girl's father opens a new dance studio, which is very quickly gaining popularity and is in demand among the inhabitants of the city. Some time, the school successfully worked, however, after the economic crisis, called the Great Depression, the Business Kansino fell into decay, had to close the school.

Rita Heivort in youth

To at least somehow earn money, the whole family goes on a travel around the country, entertaining the public with dance numbers. Margarita had to grow early, in 12 years she was already very attractive and did not look like a child, but as an adult girl.

The dancer attracts the views of the audience, often the owners of film studios are drawn to her. So she received the first proposals on participation in the musicals, however, the young age and the lack of acting was not allowed then to occupy the main roles, its participation in the production was limited to dancing in the background.


The first shooting of a beginner actress took place in 1926 in the film "Fiesta". From that moment on, the girl fell in love with the cinema and clearly decided that her life would be devoted to the film industry. The next time it was invited to be removed only in 1934, this was also a small character, and the girl's name did not even appear in the credits. And 1935 did not bring popularity, although it was productive for her. Future celebrity was removed only in dance scenes. In several paintings, she appeared with a star of Hollywood, a dancer, choreographer and singer Fred Aster.

Rita Heivort and Fred Aster

To break into a big movie Heivort helped her first husband Eddie Jadson, who had some connections in show business. Thanks to him, the girl concluded a contract with the famous Columbia Pictures studio. Thus, in 1939, a picture appears in the filmography of Rita called "An only angels have wings." Although this is not the main role, she played a noticeable character and from the first seconds on the screen fell in love with the audience. Then at the same platform with a girl worked Jin Arthur and Carey Grant.

After that, the actress is increasingly invited to shoot. For several years she starred in the films "Music in my heart", "Susan and God", "Angels over Broadway", "Strawberry Blonde" and other pictures.

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The iconic for the artist was 1941, when Haywehort is removed in the tape "Blood and Sand". Since before that, the girl played mostly dancers and dunkers, the role of the beauty of Donna Salt was perceived by the audience wary, but she did not disappoint the audience. Her professionalism was rated by many.

Peak Career Heivort fell on the same 1941. Moreover, its popularity is not connected with the movies, but with the shooting for the popular Life magazine. Photo girls appeared on the cover of the publication and immediately caused great interest among the male public. Rita posed in frank at that time a swimsuit, which was very bold. But not only shooting for the magazine left behind it the status of "sex bombs".

Rita Hayworth in a swimsuit

Work in 1946 in the Love Melodrama "Guild" made an erotic idol from her for American men. The public was remembered by the scene, where the beauty is exposed, slowly removing his things. In the cinemas, at that time, posters were traded with snapshots of actresses, who enjoyed huge demand from bachelors.

Posters with actress have been popular for a long time, and even the writer Stephen King in 1982 included the name of a woman in his story, which he called "Rita Hayworth and Escape from Showshank."

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And after a while even came out the screening of a book called "Escape from Shawshank", the plot of which tells about the concluded Andy Dufrein, which makes the hole for more than 20 years in the wall for escape. And so that his LAZ is not noticeable to supervises, a man covers his actress poster.

After the "Guild", a woman appeared in the films "Carmen", "Solwemya", "Behind the Separate Tables", "Happy Thieves". In 1964, a woman is filmed in the tape "Circus World", and after that her career gradually goes to the decline.

Personal life

In 1937, a revolution in the personal life of Rita. She meets and quickly turns relations with Eddie Jadson. A man had a not a good reputation, he knew as an adventurerist, often his name was associated with Mafia. However, the girl did not embarrass this, because Heivort believed that he would help her make her debut in big cinema. And the female flair did not let her. Jadson becomes the first husband of the future actress, although many have already understood that this marriage is concluded.

Rita Hayworth and her first husband Eddie Jadson

In his youth, the appearance of a woman gave her Spanish roots, and to increase the chance of getting the best roles in films, the spouse actresses advised it to resort to plastic surgery and cosmetology. In addition to the fact that the woman repainted his hair in a redhead color, she passed the nasal form correction surgery, with the help of electrolysis raised the hair line in the forehead region and replaced the Spanish name of Margarita Kansino to the more soniced American Rita Haywehort.

Rita Hayworth and her second husband Orson Wells

The second spouse of the artist - Orson Wells. The film director saw a future wife on the screen after the release of the film "Blood and Sand." The actress struck a man with beauty, he threw everything and went to the United States on her searches. Soon, Rita divorced Jadson and married Wells, in this marriage, young people were born a daughter Rebecca. The man even filmed her in his film "Lady from Shanghai" in the lead role, for which a woman repainted into a blonde and squeaked long hair. Shortly after that, the couple divorced.

Rita Hayworth and her fifth husband James Hill

Further actress marries Prince Alikhan, who was the son of Sultan Aga-Khan. In this marriage, Hayworth was born daughter Yinda, there were no more children from a woman. And in 1953, the artist divorced the prince and married Dick Hams. Marriage with the American singer and actor lasted 2 years. The last spouse of the woman was James Hill, but also with him the actress divorced in 1961.


In the late 1960s, the health of the Hollywood Star was shaken. At that time, she first began to show signs of Alzheimer's disease. Initially, doctors could not raise the correct diagnosis, believing that the symptoms are manifested due to alcohol intoxication of the HEWORT body.

Rita Heivort in old age

Although the actress was only 54 years old, starring in the tape "Wrath of the Lord", due to illness, the woman committed as an acting career. Over the years, the disease has only progressed, first she had dips in memory, and in 1981, the Los Angeles court defined it under the custody of the daughter of Yasminy, having read that she could no longer care for themselves.

Since in young years, actress was not able to pay a lot of time to children, in old age she mastered the missed. Yasmina loved his mother until last days was near. Rita Heivort died in 68 years, in 1987. The cause of death probably became the disease of the artist, which years aggravated the health of women.


  • 1926 - "Fiesta"
  • 1935 - "In pampas under the moon"
  • 1937 - "troubles in Texas"
  • 1939 - "Only angels have wings"
  • 1941 - "Blood and Sand"
  • 1942 - "You have never been delicious"
  • 1944 - "Cover Girl"
  • 1946 - "Guild"
  • 1947 - "Lady from Shanghai"
  • 1958 - "Behind the Separate Tables"
  • 1961 - "Happy Thieves"
  • 1967 - "Adventurer"
  • 1970 - "Naked Zoo"
  • 1972 - "Wrath of the Lord"

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