Alina Nasibullina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Wife Husky, News 2021



Alina Nasibullina - actress whose popularity brought the Belarusian film "Crystal". The picture was announced by the 2018 sensation, and the young artist attracted the attention of the media.

Alina Nasibullina was born on March 21, 1990 in Novosibirsk. By nationality, she is a boring. In childhood, the girl was fond of choreography, dreamed of becoming a lawyer to defend people.

Actress Alina Nasibullina

Choosing a university, Alina decided to give preference to the Novosibirsk Legal Institute, but, having received a diploma, conceived to devote himself to another profession. Friends stubbornly told that she has a dramatic talent that needs to be implemented. Alina referred to this is not serious, considering the acting skills of a dubious profession in which success depends on the type and having a charisma.

In his native Novosibirsk, Nasibullina tried to enter theatrical, but did not pass entrance exams. Having received an education, the girl decided to experience the fate and left to conquer Moscow, which manila her from the young age. There she entered the Studio Studio MCAT and turned out to be a student workshop Dmitry Brusnikna.

Alina Nasibullina

During his studies, played in the performances "Second Vision" and "This is also". In an interview with Nasibullina, notes that the Institute has become a home for her who gave the second family and learned responsibility for its part of the work and for the team.

Alina wanted to try the forces in the director and entered the school drama Herman Sedakov. In 2015, she became an actress of the theater under the control of Dmitry Barbnikna and began cooperation with other theatrical associations of Moscow.


Alina Nasibullina works in the theater and filmed in the cinema. The debut in cinema for her was the picture of Alexander Khanta "How Vitka Garlic was a pin to the house of disabled people." Comedy drama approved critics and warmly met the public. At the International Festival in Karlovy Vary, the film received the Grand Prix, as well as at the "Window to Europe" festival. Film and experts showered tape with a laudatory reviews.

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2018 brought the girl the role of the main character in the painting Daria Zhuk "Crystal". The actress embodied in the frame of the Minsk DJ, dreaming to move to the United States. The path to the cherished target blocks the obstacle in the form of a lack of reference from work for registration of a visa.

The heroine indicates the Phone of the Crystal Plant, assuring officials, which has a permanent job. Feeding that the consulate will decide to check the likelihood of the information provided, it moves into a provincial town of Crystal, stops in someone else's family and is waiting for a fateful call.

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The story is accompanied by a familiarity of a girl with local customs and harsh inhabitants. "Crystal" became the winner of the Grand Prix at the Film Festival in Odessa, received the main prize of the "coproduction. The window into the world, "the ICF award in Almaty and Odessa, as well as a prime sympathy at the Film Festival in Vladivostok. The film was even put forward on the Oscar of 2019 as a dramatic film from Belarus.

Personal life

Alina Nasibullina is married to rapper husky. The present name of a young man is Dmitry Kuznetsov. The couple met in 2016. The severity of the feelings of lovers confirmed in 2017, combined with marriage. The ceremony was quiet. As media persons, the actress and rapper preferred not to betray an intimate event public.

Alina Nasibullina and her husband husky (Dmitry Kuznetsov)

In the winter of 2018, the media learned that Alina is pregnant. In 2019, Husky's wife will give birth to the wife of the firstborn. According to the actress, she dreams of a family with several children and a loving husband. For her, this is a real idyll, which is the most important thing in life.

The girl has a personal account in "Instagram", where she shares with the Follovers with its photos and stories about personal life. On the page you can see pictures with my husband, in a swimsuit, promotional images, and all that is interest for the actress. Alina is engaged in a photo and likes to play the guitar. Her biography, as in the case of any creative person, is closely related to the art in any manifestation.

Alina Nasibullina now

The artist works at the Dmitry Barnikovna Theater, but is open to various offers. She cooperates with the "Practice" theater, and also organizes its own experimental projects. One of them was the play "Yelenhea", for which Alina independently sought the budget, fully engaged in the preparation of production from collecting props to the stage embodiment. Once interested in a performative direction, the actress adheres to this enthusiasm and now.

Alina Nasibullina in 2018

Nasibullina tries himself in filmmaker. In 2018, her filmography was replenished with a copyright short film, which Alina itself characterizes as tragic comedation or parable. The tape tells about 10 passenger women waiting for the train. In the plans of the artist, put forward the picture for the awards of film festivals. The cinema has become an integral part of the life of Alina and is very fascinating it.


  • 2017 - "How Vitka Garlic was a pin to the house of disabled people."
  • 2017 - "Psychotronics"
  • 2018 - "Promotion Man"
  • 2018 - "Let's tomorrow"
  • 2018 - "Headless"
  • 2018 - "AKRAMRYA"
  • 2018 - "Crystal"

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