Margarita Vasilyeva - biography, personal life, photo, news, biathlete, biathlon, "instagram", salary, swimsuit 2021



Margarita Vasilyeva - Russian biathlete. Its career path passed through the thorns, but the athlete hardened with difficulties sustained the test and did not leave the desire to conquer the peaks.

Childhood and youth

Margarita, Chia Maiden Surname Filippova, was born on June 5, 1991 in the Novopavlovka of the Chita region. The girl grew in a completely ordinary family, and her passion for sports gradually from the hobby turned into a professional career.

In orphanage, Rita participated in school and regional competitions. At the same time, the young athlete noted Alexander Vasilyevich Kapustin and invited to train on the ski base. He became the first mentor of the girl and asked a certain tempo of her training.

Vasilyeva coped confidently with strong physical exertion, possessing a rare ability - masterfully hold speed throughout the distance, especially in the last round. At first she performed for his hometown, but later decided to go to the team of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It was Kapustin that managed to agree and send Margarit to a viewed collection to the cheat to Talented Coach Lyudmila Pavlovna Panova.

On the first summer collection, Margarita won the control cross trainer and eventually began to engage in biathlon with Panova, Pavel Lantsov became the coach for shooting. Together they taught the beginning biathlete to all Azam - skating, shoot.


In a professional biathlon, the athlete came pretty late, at the age of 16. And already in 20 Margarita Vasilyeva won a brilliant victory in junior competitions, which were held during a hot summer. In 2012, she became a member of the Junior World Championship, who conducted Finland.

At this trip to various championships, they did not end, in the same year, Margarita fought for the first place at the European Championships. At the World Biathlon Championship, Vasilyeva took only the 8th place, but such a result for a young and promising athlete could be considered not bad. But at the European Championship, the biathlete made a mistake, a little slower at the distance, because of which it took only the 11th place.

Good luck came to Margarita in 2016: she won qualifying competitions and took part in the World Summer Biathlon Championship in Odepa.

At the Russian 2018 championship in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk Vasilyeva won the first place in the mass start, became a silver medalist in the pastry (view of the biathlon race) and replenished his piggy bank awards bronze medal in the sprint. According to the results of the 2017/2018 season, Margarita won the Cup of the Russian Cup and occupied the honorable first place.

In August 2018, together with the athletes, Catherine Jurlova-Perht, Nikita Piston and Yuri Shopina Margarita earned gold medals in a mixed relay at the World Summer Biathlon Championship in the new place. To the sports season 2018/2019 Vasileva trained in the main composition of the women's Russian national team under the leadership of Coach Vitaly Noritsyn.

In December 2018, Margarita one of the sports publications gave a comment on his speech in the persecution race at the World Cup stage in Plotuk. She admitted that the race seemed to her just crazy. The athlete occupied the 15th place in the tournament table, missticking in shooting the only time.

The life of the athletes is saturated with physical exertion and depends on the state of their health. In the biography of Margarita appears disappointing diagnosis - non-allergic asthma. Vasilyeva was set before the choice: either to issue a therapeutic exception, or to abandon the main treatment during the competition, pleaseing with small doses of drugs. Biathlete chose a second option, saying that another alternative is not entirely honest in relation to rivals.


In 2018, Vasilyeva attracted the attention of the public and fans of biathlon. Athlete for various reasons missed 3 doping tests.

On the first visit of Margarita just forgot and left for classes at the university. The second time Vasilyeva wondered with doping control due to a dense training schedule. For the third time, the check did not find an athlete. She confused time zones and managed to fly to Canada to competition. There, Margarita passed the test, but she still counted the skip.

As a result, the Anti-Doping Commission recognized Vasilyev guilty of violating the rules and prescribed a sentence in the form of disqualification for a period of 18 months, starting from September 17, 2019. All results conquered in 2019 were canceled.

Personal life

About their personal relations athlete Vasilyeva does not like to tell the press. Margarita did not share the details of the relationship with her husband, the name of which she wears, however, in social networks, the biathlete described a personal life with a short status "not married".

Personal profile in "Instagram" athletes does not replete photos in a swimsuit, at most pictures of Vasilyeva dressed in a sports suit and is busy with training. But the page contains frames with her son Sergey. In the signatures to the pictures, biathlete talks about joint classes with a child.

Margarita Vasilyeva now

The life of Margarita, like the skiing, was saturated with climbs and descents. Now in her career came a new stage.

In February 2021, the period of disqualification of Vasilyeva ended. The biathlete was to participate in the championship of Russia, but missed the tournament, sick of pneumonia.

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The wave of negative comments by Margarita raised, posing on the "Instagram" page of the video, which burst out due to a small salary. Its size, according to the athlete, was 10 thousand rubles.

The President of the Biathlon Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Kontseva, spoke in an interview that Vasilyeva hurried with statements. Its salary is 25 thousand rubles and paid twice a month. But the lack of biathletes at the Russian Championship, according to End, strongly affected the speech of the team of the region.

Awards and achievements

  • 2017 - Russia champion
  • 2018 - Russia champion
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the championships of Russia
  • 2015 - Silver winner of Russia championships
  • 2018 - Bronze medalist of Russia championships
  • 2015 - Russia Biathlon champion
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the Russian Biathlon Championship
  • 2016 - Bronze medalist of the championships of Russia in the summer biathlon
  • 2012 - Junior World Championship (3-seat)
  • 2017 - Cup of Russia (1st place)

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