Alexander Dubova - Biography, Personal Life, Career, News 2021



Alexander Dubova - a prominent figure on the Ukrainian socio-political and business arena. The work journey began in Odessa: he worked at high positions, headed large investment enterprises, implemented himself in the field of a big business, in parallel with public and charitable activities. Elected to the people's deputy in 2007, from that moment began an active political career.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Fedorovich Dubova was born on March 11, 1976 in the city of Kilia, Odessa region, Ukraine. There are practically no information about an early biography. It is known that the future politician is a leaving from the working family, he has a brother Sergei Dubova. Grandparents and grandmothers, as well as the parents of the oak belong to the Baptist denomination. The same religion adheres to the politician itself and his family.

Svetlana and Alexander Oaks in youth

The childhood of young Alexander passed in the village of Shevchenkovo ​​Kyili district. Here the guy graduated from secondary school. Parents really wanted to see the Son by the doctor, so the young man went to the neighboring city Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, became a student of a medical school.

In 1995, a young man is a certified medical specialist, but during the years of study finally understood that the medical case is not his element. And next year, Alexander became a student of the Odessa National Law Academy, where he studied for 6 years.


Already at the first courses of the Academy, the guy began its production practice, became an assistant to the head of the Dombudconstructure enterprise in the city of Izmail, in record deadlines he was sent to the deputy director. Here, in Izmail, in 1997, still as a student, it is held by the new leadership position - Deputy Director of the Christian Charitable Foundation "Trust". The authority of the young man included the solution of organizational moments.

Businessman Alexander Dubova

In 2002, Oakovaya moves to Odessa, where the PCF Poliservis LLC is arranged at the enterprise, holds the position of Deputy on Legal Affairs. From here, in 2 years, it takes an increase in Kiev, adopting the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Investment Group CJSC. In 2003, the entrepreneur even receives a diploma from Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych for his contribution to the business environment.

Two years, Oakov turned out to be enough to establish themselves with an effective managerial. And in 2006 it is waiting for another increase - the position of President CJSC International Investment Group. In this position, Alexander Fedorovich is engaged in the association of Odessa enterprises under the start of a single business community.

Alexander Dubova

Business activity The entrepreneur combines with charitable activities. In 2007, he creates a "Foundation of Good and Love" for the help of low-income people and representatives of the vulnerable layers of Bessarabia - the historical region located in the south of Odessa.

In the same year, the political career of Oakovaya starts: entered into the Batkivshchyna party, he was running into people's deputies within the VI convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Having received the deputy mandate, Oakov became part of the BP Committee on the Fuel and Energy System, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Security, in which she worked for 5 years, until 2012. For a specialized understanding of the specifics of the Committeeship work, Alexander Fedorovich entered the Odessa National Polytechnic University, after graduating from the course of the atomic energy department.

Politician Alexander Dubova

Another education that the deputy receives during this period is financial: In 2011, politician graduated from the Institute of Postgraduate Education at the Lviv Commercial Academy. These knowledge helped him in his work on the dissertation on the topic "Intellectual capital in the context of the information society in Ukraine".

After the next victory in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada in 2012, Alexander Dubova headed the Subcommittee in the structure of the BP Committee on Legislative Security Committee.

Alexander Dubova and Yulia Tymoshenko

In 2014, a turning point for Ukraine, Dubova met the events of Euromaidan, putting in the opposition ranks, and later headed by the Odessa headquarters of the presidential president of Yulia Tymoshenko, who demonstrated a high appearance and a considerable percentage of votes.

In 2015, Alexander Fedorovich took part in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada VIII convocation, but did not gain the passage of the voice quota.

Personal life

About the personal life of the businessman almost does not speak numerous interviews. It is known that the name is Svetlana, she for 2 years younger than his spouse.

Alexander Dubova with family

Couple brings up five children - Mark, Fyodor, Alexander, Sofia and Lidia.

Alexander Dubova now

From 2015, Alexander Dubovoy is headed by the "International Energy Company" Chao and continues to engage in public and charitable activities.

Alexander Dubova

Many projects of the "Foundation of Good and Love" are dedicated to children. In 2014, Alexander Fedorovich initiated the action "Best Diary" for Bescarabia's schoolchildren: participants received thousands of prizes, and 25 the main winners - a trip to the Paris "Disneyland".

Every year, the Fund gives gifts to thousands of needy children for Christmas, New Year and other holidays. Presents and other representatives of the vulnerable layers are obtained - pensioners, people with disabilities, single mother and others. Included in the objectives of the Foundation and the cultural support of the native land: Oakova organizes the charity concerts of pop stars and sponsoring a cognitive movie.

Alexander Dubova in 2018

Now the entrepreneur is part of the public initiative group of the region, which solves the improvement of edges. So, in 2018, more than 100 km of road canvase were repaired. For merit in this long-term activity, Oakov has awards and titles: "Honorary Citizen of the city of Kiliya" (2015), "Bessarabia: man of the year" (2010, 2013).

Residents of the village Shevchenkovo ​​in 2015 renamed Soviet street to the street in honor of the active countryman Alexander Oakovoy.

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