Robert Burns - Photo, Poems, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



Scottish poet of the XVIII century Robert Burns entered the history of world literature as a true patriot of his people. The leaving of the family is just a peasant, he dedicated to poetry all his life: sang Oya to his native land, stupidity and ignorance, struck beautiful ballads about love, carefully kept the Scottish folklore. The work of Burns, like his name, is known to the whole world, and in Russia the beauty of his rhymes were able to evaluate thanks to the translation of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak.

Childhood and youth

Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759 in the village of Alloway, Eyrshir County. The boy's father was Farmer William Burnes, who took the peasant daughter of Agnes Brown to his wife. The family lived in his own house built by William. But when the boy turned 7 years old, his father sold the dwelling to take the 70-acre put on the Earth in the farm Mount Oliphant, and the whole family moved there.

Robert Burns.

The harsh weekdays of Little Robert began. Being the oldest, he was forced to work on a par with adults, which had a negative impact on the health of the boy, he grew up weakened, painful. Despite this, Burnessers still lived in extreme poverty, children (there were seven) were not able to even go to school, the father himself taught their literacy.

Robert's houses with Brother Gilbert mastered reading, arithmetic and letter, taught history and geography. Agnes encouraged her sons to read, the guys rose on the poems of William Shakespeare and John Milton, but the poet of Robert Ferguson became the most favorite author of Burns. Also, the boy also took over the knowledge and love for the Scottish language and folklore: songs, fairy tales, ballads.

House where Robert Burns was born

Later, the brothers visited the rural school of John Murdok, he taught him Latin and French. Robert periodically studied in different educational institutions (in Divriple, Kirkosvald), but every time he gave classes to help his father with harvest.

Samples of the poetic feather of the young man makes in 15-16 years under the influence of romantic gusts. First he writes poetic recognition to the rustic girl Nelli Kirkpatrick. And in the Kirkosvald school, he meets Peggy Thompson, which is devoted to the first poems "NOW WESTLIN" WINDS "and" I DREAM'D I LAY ".

Portrait of Robert Burns

The life of the young man changes in 1777, when the Father, the charter of tolerance fail, moved to the farm in Lokhley near Tarbolton. Brothers Burnessee became, to the great displeasure of the Father, participate in the secular life of Tarbolton, signed up in the village of Dance School, founded the "Bachelor Club". Robert fell in love with the local beauty Alison Beby, but she, despite the song written in her honor, rejected the guy.

1781 in the life of Burns - Special: First, the young man enters into the Masonic Loop of St. David, and secondly, I get acquainted with the sailor Richard Brown, who turned Polimyr, was a great storytellor, knew a lot of interesting facts. Brown strengthened the Scottish faith in himself, approved him as a poet. In 1784, Father Burns died, and relatively carefree life of a young man ended.


Sold down the farm, Brothers Burnes moved to Mossgil. One day Robert, suffering from need, decided to publish his poems to get some money and go to West India. Fortunately, his poetic material has plentifully. In 1786 his first book collection was released "Pois: mainly on Scottish Diaek."

Poet Robert Burns.

Contrary to the expectations of the author following the solid fee the success and success. The poems of the young, nobody famous the poet touched the hearts of connoisseurs of the genre in Edinburgh. Before Burns (now he subscribes to this shortened pseudonym), the doors to the world of higher light of the Scottish capital opened.

The popularity of the poet brings more and more profits, his poems reprinted more than once, the rhymes diverge on the quotes. The debutant poetry has a place and satire, and romance, and didactics. He writes an affordable, lung language about the life and everyday person, about the nature of Scotland, about disinterested love, about merry peasant holidays.

Collection of poems Robert Burns, Edition of 1794

The author becomes a favorite guest of literary salons and creative evenings. In 1787, the status of Bard Caledonia assigned him a meeting of the Scottish Great Masonic Lodge. However, secular interest is fleeting, bored the highest light and Burns. In addition, according to his recognition, he felt the indulgent attitude of the aristocracy because of his peasant origin. In 1788, the poet returns to the village, where he marries his beloved girl.

In 1789 he receives the position of an excise official. In parallel, it works in the "Scottish Musical Museum" edition, collects texts and melodies from different sources, editing what seems to him by frivolous. This work made it possible to maintain a lot of Scotland's rich folk heritage.

However, even despite the service and public work, Robert Burns leaves no pen. During this period, his biography writes such works as "Oda dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Osvald" (1989), "Tam O'Chenther" (1790). In 1793, the second edition of Burns poems in two volumes was published in Edinburgh. By this time, the writer is already seriously sick: he is increasingly heart attacks and fainting.

In 1795, a man writes the poem "Honest Poverty", in which the person of man is challenged above ranks and state. This work has become the last in the work of Robert Burns. The People's Poet of Scotland left behind the rich literary heritage: over 500 poems and 300 songs.

This recognition of Burns, as a true talent, received after death. The incredible beauty of his work has learned all over the world thanks to transfers to dozens of world languages. The big merit in this for the Russian-language reader belongs to the Children's poet Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak. He translated for schoolchildren of the poem "in the mountains of my heart", "John Barley Grain" and hundreds of others.

Personal life

The personal life of the Great Poet Biographers devoted separate books - Burns was famous in love in love and left behind a considerable number of extramarital children. Together with legitimate heirs, their number was 12, all were born from 4 women. The poet was good - the preserved portraits convey the attractiveness of his face - and in his youth began to captivate the hearts of the girls.

Help Robert Burns and Mary Campbell

His first extramarital daughter Elizabeth was born when his father was 21 years old. She was given by the maid of Mother Betty Peyton. Robert recognized the girl, but Betty renounced her, and the baby raised his sisters and mother of the poet. The guy was condemned in the village, and although they allowed the church service, but they forced to sit on the "Repentance bench".

However, it was not a lesson to Burns. In rural dancing, he meets with a fun laughter of Jin Armor - daughter of a wealthy contractor. The ardent young man immediately falls in love and literally fountains verses (many will then enter his first compilation). In 1786, Jin got pregnant and gave birth to twins. Back in the course of pregnancy, young concluded a secret marriage. But the father of the girl came to the rage and revoked the document. He was not satisfied with the beggar, besides the windy son.

Jin Armor, Robert Burns

Offended Robert was looking for consolation in the arms of Mary Campbell, but she soon died from Tifa. After saturated with the amur adventures of life in Edinburgh, the Scottish heart returned to the village already three times by his father - his metropolitan passion Jenny Cloow gave birth to a son, who was also called Robert. And finally, the fourth lady who gave the genius illegitimate child - the daughter of Betty, has become a certain Anna Park.

In 1788, Robert still married Jin Armor, who father by then kicked out of the house, and that was a familiar woman. In total, Jin gave birth to Burns 9 children, 6 of whom were still in childhood. However, as biographers write, Robert did not leave passion for adultery until the end of the life.


The last years of the poet's life was noted by strong need, and he himself was weakened by the heart disease, which "earned" in his childhood on the farm, living the injignment and hard working hard. In 1796, he moved to Damfreis and joined the detachment of volunteers of the local guard. Here is a man and died on July 21, 1796.

Room, where Robert Burns died

Death came from rheumokarditis. Burns was 37 years old. The famous Scotman was buried in Damfris with big honors.

In memory of the poet, fans celebrate his birthday - January 25 - the so-called "Burns' dinner", which necessarily includes pudding "Haggis", adored and the writer.


"Do not die hearts,What are soldered into one "" In a strong friendship, our power.

Friendship of glory and praise "" We catch joy on the way.

Pugishly our happiness

It will disappear - and find

Its not in our power "" But it is better to work before the extension,

Than with miserable life reconciliation "


  • "My heart in the mountains"
  • "Scottish Glory"
  • "Robin"
  • "There was an honest farmer my father"
  • "Honest poverty"
  • "John Barleycorn"
  • "Oda Scottish Pudding" Haggis "
  • "Merry beggars"
  • "Bride with dowry"

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