Agafya Lykova - biography, personal life, photo, news, earrings, age, today, how old, alive 2021



Agafya Lykova - anterior, for the fate of which the media has long been observed. A woman lives on a borrowing in Western Siberia, away from civilization, 300 km from the nearest settlement. Agafya Karpovna is the last representative of the kind of herds-Old Beloviers living in this region.

Childhood and youth

Agafya Lykova was born on April 17, 1944. She is a descendant of the genus of the Old Believers, who accidentally discovered a geological expedition who worked in Khakassia in 1978. The family consisted of parents - carp and sharks of Lykov - and their four children: Savina, Natalia, Dimitria and younger daughter, Agafia, who lived without contact with the outside world since 1937; They came from the side of Altai.

Karp and Akulin in the youth lived in the settlement of Starovarov. After the defeat of the community houses, held in 1923, together with several other families, the Lykov took a hike in the mountains. There is a couple and settled. They lived openly, but did not contact people intentionally. In the fall of 1945, Lykovov noted the patrol, pursuing deserters, and the family moved to a deaf place, wasolateed from outsiders.

Together with adults, Agafia was engaged in agriculture and made billets from fish and game, which was brought by the father and brothers. Lykovs existed according to old-procurement traditions and rustically treated their own faith, excluding the possibility of pressure on it from the side. Agafya and other children knew a diploma due to the efforts of the mother. The family led the bill and regularly carried out household services.

Help and worldview

Biography and fate of Agafa Lykova are associated with wildlife and life away from developed technologies. A woman believes that a secluded lifestyle is the only chance to preserve the health of the soul and body. The girl Lykova passed the baptism rite in accordance with the old rites and studied the church charter, which was honored in Russia to the church split that occurred in the 17th century.

Agafya Karpovna does not accept the achievements of science and technology, does not perceive the changes that history and culture are replete. But it avoids some prohibitions dictated by an old-desired tradition. For example, in the family of Lykov, there was a potato, which was prested to use the annels. She also recognizes the church hierarchy and does not believe in a spiritual antichrist. In her opinion, life would stop without a priesthood and all living things would be cursed.

The life of Agafia Karpovna can not be called easy, because she lives in an abandoned place in a taiga, where the landscape make up steep mountains, forests and rivers. It feeds on mushrooms and berries, and also catches fish. It is curious that in relation to agriculture, the Lykov family had large knowledge, and now Agafya Karpovna continues to grow vegetables on the covenants of the parents. She knows how to handle seeds, knows how to preserve the harvest can be focused on the biological features of the plants. In the family it was customary to grow root and grain. Lykovs did not read books on horticulture, but to this day products of their own production, the anti-fertilizer is growing with the use of fertilizers who came up with ancestors.

The main occupation for women in the family was weaving. Lykov clothing made on their own, making yarn from cannabis fibers. Agafia Karpovna can provide himself with everything necessary, despite the fact that the way to her house does not pave them on the same map.

The latter, who is alive from the family of Lykov, continues the case of parents, leads its own economy and supports the garden. She breed chickens and goats. Next to the house Lykova live dogs and cats.

Agafia Karpovna still follows the recovery views, but takes the hotels from hunters and fishermen, which meets in the taiga. Today in her house there are things from the modern world: clock and thermometer. She considers these objects to wonder.

An amazing discovery was the fact that it was the contact with the outside world that the family of Lykov was brought with the outside world. They easily experienced the tests of bad weather and the difficulty of distinctive life, but interaction with the participants of the expedition, found them in the forest, turned out to be destructive. Starbers became infected with the virus unknown to them, to which the immunity of the Taiga residents was not ready.

Agafya Karpovna causes interest and participation among doctors, so at the first request it helps to improve health. So, the lykov was taken to the source a hot key. She visited the city hospital 2 times and even went to visit relatives by train. Despite this, leave the old life, the lamination does not want. The achievements of civilization are fascinated in comparison with the services and the joys of the prayer, which she starts and ends the day.

The history of the Lykov family did not know the ex-governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev, who visited Agafia Karpovna in 1997. Since then, the official supports the connection with the re-sortie. According to his decree, a woman provided any help and support. After the tragic death of the relatives of the Lykova, doctors was forbidden to attend borrowing without a special permission. First you need to get a special pass.

Among the assistants of Agafia Karpovna are members of the families of the Old Believers. According to them, it does not differ in the good temper, so it is not easy to get along with her. Nevertheless, the high level of spirituality of Lykova does not have any doubts. Lack of consumer thirst and self-sufficiency of existence cause respect.

According to the testimony of visitors who were at the borrowing in 2018, the hotel is in goodwill and common memory. It feeds animals coming out of the forest in the hungry periods, lives according to the customs of the ancestors and is praying hard in accordance with the traditions that the anthewers adhere to.

To maintain communication with the world Agafier Karpovna provided a satellite telephone. From him on December 10, 2018, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations received a call: the extraception requested about humanitarian aid. On the same day, the governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev arrived at Zaimka. Together with the head of the Tashtagolsky district, Vladimir Makuta, he delivered foods, hay and food for domestic cattle, and also gave a puppy. The doctor who arrived together with officials inspected a hermit, noting that there are no reasons for the provision of medical care.

Personal life

By the time Geologists became acquainted with the family of hermites, it consisted of 5 people. Agafia's mother died back in 1961. In 1981, death fell her brothers and sister. Until 1988, Agafia Karpovna lived with his father. After the death of the parent, she continued existence alone. Thanks to the media, relatives who lived on Kuzbass learned about her. Residents of the village of Kilinka invited a woman to move to them, sorry her health, but Lykov refused proposals.

The personal life of Agafia Karpovna was difficult. In privacy, she did not find her husband and would not leave the children after himself. In 1990, Lykov accepted the Holder and had moved to the Women's Old Believer Monastery. After a few months, the earrings returned to the borrowing, explaining this ideological discrepancies with nuns. To live with people a woman was not easy, and she chose the usual way to exist in civilization.

Emit has a number of health problems. In 2014, she was detected by a tumor. The bump is under the breast, its diameter is 15 cm. As Lykov admitted, she appeared 30 years ago. The doctor Alexey Khuhrev, who spent inspection, said that the tumor weighs 4 kg, while the weight of the Agafy itself is 45 kg. "My opinion is such that this neoplasm is benign. Most likely, this is a lipoma, "he added. Also, the anthem detected such a disease as Hondronoz.

With age, Agafier Karpovna became worse independently to conduct the economy. Therefore, she welcomes guests who want to help, often refer to the officials that communicates. But throwing native places Lykova is not enough spirit.

For a long time, Agafi Lykova was an Erofey of Sedov, who provided her assistance. However, in 2015 he died. Then the Russian Old Believer Church began to send assistants for her lap.

In 2019, Agafya Karpovna met with his nephew Anton Lykov, with whom he was a correspondence. A man works in a tram depot. Once he became interested in the story of a kind and found out that Lykov was his blood relative.

Anton reached her launches with the support of the Governor of the Kemerovo region. The visit of the relative The organizers united with the delivery of the supplies. Agafya Karpovna was glad to guests, at the meeting she hugged the nephew firmly, and then long argued about the old way of lyrics.

In the same year, the Altai Old Believers Alexey Utkin flew to Taiga Zavim. For some time he lived in a taiga, helping Lykova in the housework, and even restored the bath, which was destroyed in the spring when rushing the river.

In 2019, the transfer of "one house", in which the new details of the personal life of Lykova revealed. She talked about the violence, which Ivan Tropein accomplished: "We thought to live in Name. About this and say no longer, about tropine. I told him a threat: "You are me, a siroto, you will only offend you, God will punish you." But nothing was thoughtful. " The man also Strover, he appeared on Zaimka, when Agafie Karpovna was 45 years old. He brought out the products from Abaza and rendered an excellent help. They even wanted to make a marriage, but did not work out.

Agafya Lykov now

In November 2020, Agafya Lykova appealed to the billionaire Oleg Deripask with a request to help in the construction of a new home. The entrepreneur agreed. "Request will be performed. The project of horses and building materials are ready. Now the issue of building materials is being resolved - this can be done only on the river. But we will overcome these difficulties, "the representative of Deripaska commented on the start of the building process. In addition, he told that a billionaire on a helicopter sent food and other necessary things.

In December, the beginning of the construction of a new house for the hotel was confirmed by Viktor Nepomnyazhazhnaya - Director of the Khakassky Reserve, in whose territory is Lyko. He said to journalists that the workers gathered the hut in advance in Abakan, numbered the logs, and then disassembled the construction and delivered in parts to the recreation center. Transportation of materials had to perform on aerolodes.

The project is simple. It has one room, the size of which is 6x5 m. Inside will be installed stove-bourgeitog.

For the period of the Christmas post at the request of Agafia Karpovna, construction work was discontinued. They resumed only in January 2021 and were completed by spring.

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