Rushan Valiev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Rushan Valieva - Russian singer and participant of the 7th season of the popular show "Voice". The girl went to participate in the project for a long time and stubbornly, now, thanks to the talent and the atypical voice of the voice, the honored delight of the audience and the jury of the competition.

Childhood and youth

Rushan Valieva was born on February 23, 1999 in Bashkortostan, in the village of Tweak. Talent for music was transferred to the girl inheritance: her father worked in the field of culture, knows how to play several musical instruments and sings. Therefore, music accompanied Rushan throughout the biography, since childhood. And the monotony of speech did not go - national songs and rocks sounded in the house. The elder brother Rushani, who knows how to play and on the piano, and guitar.

Rushan Valiev in childhood

Parents gave a girl to a music school - learn the game on a violin. In parallel with this, Rushan learned to dance and engaged in vocals. However, the occupations had to leave: the load was too high, so the girl just continued to sing at home, without the tips of the teacher. At 12 years old, a guitar game was added to the musical skills of Rusan, and the elder brother was engaged in training.


The project "Voice" Rushan became interested in childhood and decided to try the strength in the show "Voice. Children". However, the first attempt with the song "And you know, still will be" success did not bring: on the "blind auditions" none of the mentors turned to the girl, and Dima Bilan argued this by the fact that the young singer was too "adult" voice.

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Having lost failure, Rushan I had no idea to get to the competition, and in 2016 I took the second attempt to take a "voice" by storming. This time, the girl participated in an adult project, as she turned 17 years old - the lower age border of the show.

According to the singer, she decided to bet on "typical" songs that the girl herself did not like. As a result, the compositions of Alisha Kiz and Angelica Varum was so not impressed by the editorial board of "Voice", that this time, Rushan did not even overcome Casting. However, the girl's persistence does not occupy, and when in 2018 "Voice" was declared in a new format, Rushan again went to try his strength. Passing the casting, the singer made a bet on the individuality and guess.

On the "blind auditions" Rushan was not alone: ​​she accompanied by the musician Evgeny, and the tool chose an unusual and little-known in Russia - Hang. With Evgeny, the girl met by his account in "Instagram", where the cavities laid out in their own performance. Rushan's voice seemed to the musician suitable for the timbre for Hanga - and so began their cooperation.

The singer performed a song in the Ukrainian language "Pobbit Meni" team "One in Canoe", which she also advised Eugene, a leaving from Ukraine. The first 2 failures were replaced by a deafening success - they were unexpectedly for Rushans, all mentors turned to her, although the girl herself thought that only Basta and Meladze would react positively.

Because of this reaction, Rushan had to do a difficult choice, and, having overcome doubts, the girl went to the team of Sergei Shnurov - a rapid musician and owner of a specific reputation. According to Rushan, there was no need to regret the choice, and outside the scenic image of the cord-delicious and open person, as well as a good mentor.

When it came to the "knockouts" time, Rushan was put in a couple with Sergey Mushta: the performers sang the composition "Our Summer". The audience perceived the duet favorably and even wrote in social networks that musicians should continue to sing together.

Taking the top in the first competitive stage, Rushan appeared with an extremely unexpected composition: the girl, whose own style closer to Indy-Rock, performed the song Olga Buzova "Few Polovin". At first, the singer tried to challenge the mentor's opinion and suggest something other, but Sergey stood on his own, agreeing to change the option, only if Rushan and Eugene would not work at all.

Personal life

Rushan is a beginner singer, and the journalists are still little known about her personal life. The participant of the "voices" of talented not only in music: Successfully passing the exam, she entered the MIEM at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

Rushan Valiev

Among the subjects studied, the preference of Rushan gives mathematical analysis, programming and discrete mathematics. She even liked the differential equations - the subject, due to which the session was filled with one future mathematician. Although it is not easy to combine studentism and participation in the show, Rushan does not give up and warmly responds about classmates that support it.

Rushan Valiev now

Now, in front of the singer, there are difficult tasks of combining a singing career with study at the faculty, requiring students from complete dedication. The final "Voice 7" in 2019 - by no means the final of the Creativity Rushany.

Rushan Valiev in 2018

The singer leads blogs in the social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram", where not only photos, but also video recreation and performances. Soon Rushan plans to please the first album fans. The girl is going to include songs in it on Bashkir and Tatar languages ​​- she is sure that under the accompaniment of Hanga such compositions will sound especially colorful.

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