Thomas Akvinsky - Photo, Philosophy, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



Thomas Akvinsky is the most authoritative Catholic religious philosopher, who managed to associate Christian creeds with mind and logic. The biography of Thewoman turned out to be short, but was saturated with wise thoughts, fundamental treatises (for example, the "amount of theology"), Divine Revelations, Miracles. The main achievement of the Italian thinker is the formulation of 5 evidence of the existence of God.


Thomas Aquinas, or Thomas (Thomas) Aquinat, was born presumably on January 25, 1225 in the Italian city of Aquino (territory of modern Lazio), in the castle of RockKazek. Father Landolf Aquinas served as a knight at King Roger II, and Theodore, Mother Neapolitank, brought up seven children.

Portrait of Foma Aquinsky

While the elder sons mastered the military affair, the parents were elected for Thomas the path of Sinibald, Brother Landolf, who served as the abbot in the Benedictine monastery Montekassino. At age 5, the boy was in the church monastery, in 1239 - at the University of Naples. Here, Thomas Aquinas met Aristotle, the Jewish theologian Maimonide, the West Arab philosopher Averroest, whose views influenced theological teachings of the Italian.

In 19 years, the young philosopher decided to join the Catholic Order of the Preachers Brothers. Foma Aquinas family was against this idea. To avoid interference, Theodora in the fate of the Son, members of the Order tried to cover the thinker in Rome, but on the way they grabbed their siblings.

Thomas Akvinsky

Parents trying to make her son abandon joining the monastic order, 2 years old kept him in imprisonment. It is said that one day the brothers led a public woman in the "prison" to destroy the vow of celibacy. Thomas Aquinas defended it from her hot full.

The victory of a young man over the temptation is captured in the portrait of Diego Velasquez "The Temptation of St. Thomas Aquinas." On the canvase depicts an exhausted, dressed in the monastic robe Thomas, who hugs an angel. Another messenger of Heaven is behind, and because of his shoulder there is a surprised woman. On the floor, at the feet of the thinker, charred is lying.

Thomas Akvinsky - Photo, Philosophy, Biography, Personal Life, Cause 13124_3

The vow of celibacy, the philosopher kept until death, personal life in the widespread value of Thomas Akvinsky preferred scholasticism. He did not have his wives and children.

Understanding that the works do not bring results, in 1244 theodore organized the escape of Thomas first in Naples, then in Rome, where the philosopher met with the Johann von Wildeshausen, General Master of the Order, and entered the ranks of the monastic organization.

Johann von Wildeshausen

In 1245, the young man entered the University of Paris, His mentor was the theologian Albert Great. Due to loading and humility, too strict even for the monk, fellow students teased by the foma Aquinas Sicilian bull. In response to ridicule Albert, the Great said a prophetic quote:

"You call him a silent bull, but his ideas will once begged so loudly that the world is stunned."

Following the teacher, 3 years later, Thomas went to Cologne, where she clarified the laws of the Old Testament. In 1252 he returned to Paris to get a Master's degree of theology. For merits before the teachings after 4 years, the philosopher was proposed to become the regent of the University of Paris, in the 1268th Thomas again took this position.

Thomas Aquinas left the imprint in the history of the Roman Catholic Church: In 1261, Pope Urban IV instructed the philosopher to compose hymns for the new holiday of the body and the blood of Christ. "Pange Lingua", "Tantum Ergo" and "Panis Angelicus" are performed today.

Thomas Akvinsky hears the voice of Jesus Christ

In 1265, the church again turned to Thomas for help: the next Roman dad, Clement IV offered Italian to the Bogoslov.

In 1272, leaving the post of regent of the University of Paris, Thomas Akvinsky moved to Naples, where he preached for the people. And a year later, the thinker overtakes God's enlightenment. The legend says that after the morning Mass in the Dominican Monastery of Naples, in the chapel of St. Nicholas, Thomas heard the voice of Christ:

"You described me well, Thomas. What a reward do you want for your work? "

Thomas replied:

"Nothing but you, Lord."

Another enlightenment took place in December 1273, when during the sermon the foma Aquinsky struck a long ecstasy. He refused to continue its largest work, later called the "amount of theology". After rest in the thinker, it was awakened to write thirst, but it was not possible to complete the treatise.

Pope Gregory X announced the convening of the Second Lyon Cathedral, the main goal of which was the reconciliation of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The meeting was invited by the foma Aquinas. On the way, riding on the donkey on the Roman Appia Road, the man hit his head about the branch of the fallen tree and seriously ill.

Tomb of the Thoma Aquinsky

The philosopher was taken to Montekassino for treatment. Restoring health, Thomas started on the road, but again Zalenogo. He was sheltered in the Abbey of Fossanov. Monks caught him for several days. Thomas Akvinsky died on March 7, 1274 at the table - he commented on the song Solomon Song.

After 50 years, July 18, 1323, Pope John XXII proclaimed the foma Aquinas of the Saints, and on March 7, he died in the Roman festive calendar in the afternoon of St. Thomas Aquinsky. After 1969, the date shifted on January 28. The remains of the philosopher have repeatedly transferred: in January 1369 - to the church of the Jacobin monastery in Toulouse, from 1789 to 1974, they were kept in the Basilica of Saint Saturnina Toulouse, then returned to the Church of the Jacobin Monastery, where they still remain.

Philosophy and ideas

Thomas Aquinas never believed himself to philosophers, considering their pagans that "deny the truth and wisdom of Christian revelation." He also believed that philosophy serves theology, because God's revelation is more important reason. Despite non-useful expressions, Thomas read Aristotle, which was reflected in its scholastic theories.

Theologian Thomas Akvinsky

Taking as the basis of the 4th stage of the knowledge of the truth of Aristotle - experience, art, knowledge and wisdom, Thomas Aquinas identified his own. He wrote that wisdom is knowledge of God, that is, above all the steps. The thinker went further and allocated 3 types of wisdom: grace, theological (wisdom of faith) and metaphysical (wisdom of mind).

Like Aristotle, Thomas Aquini considered the soul with an independent substance, which exists respectively with the desires of human, is a reflection of good and evil deeds. Soul man is given to connect with the Lord after death.

Thomas Akvinsky at the Department

Therefore, the thinker says, a reasonable citizen seeks to live righteously to connect with the creator on the other side of the world. In this Thomas, he repeats the ideas of the progenitor of the ideas of the Christian philosophy of Avrellium Augustine, or Augustine of blissful.

A person will know the world by reason, intelligence and mind. Due to the first, judgments and conclusions are formulated, the second helps to analyze external images of phenomena, and the third represents a combination of human spiritual components. In general, knowledge is that, according to the Thomas of Aquinas, separates the individual from animals, plants, divine creatures.

Thomas Akvinsky

For the knowledge of the Divine beginning, there are also 3 tools - mind, revelation and intuition. Thus, Thomas Aquinas was one of the first theologians recognizing the possibility of comprehending the highest enlightenment by a rational way. Moreover: in the largest work "the amount of theology", the thinker led 5 evidence of the existence of God.

  • First move. The movement of all dynamic items in the world has ever been provoked by the movement of other items, and those third items. However, God became the root cause of movement.
  • Second - generating force. The proof is similar to the previous one and implies that the root cause of everything ever made into the world is God.
  • The third is a need. Each thing implies potential and real use, but all things cannot be in potency. A factor is needed to promote the translation of things from potential to the actual state in which the thing is necessary. This factor is God.
  • The fourth is the degree of being. People compare items and phenomena with perfect something. This is perfect and there is God.
  • Fifth - target reason. The activities of living beings should be appropriate, which means that a factor is needed, asking a goal for everything that is in the world. And this factor is God.

In addition to religion, Thomas Akvinsky reasoned about the state. The optimal form of the political device, the philosopher considered the monarchy. The king is an analogue of God on Earth, which is obliged to take into account the interests and needs of all layers of society, without giving preference to individual caustes. At the same time, the will of the Sovereign is obliged to obey the clergy, that is, the glory of God.

Statue of Foma Aquinsky

Thomas first spent the line between the essence and existence. Subsequently, this separation formed the basis of Catholicism. The essence of Thomas Aquinsky called the "pure idea", that is, the essence of the phenomenon or things, the totality of characteristics. The fact of finding things or phenomena in the world has proof of its existence. To ensure that one thing exists, God's approval is necessary.

On the ideas of the thinker and his religious treatise, the "amount of theology" was constructed a teaching, which was called Tomis, or Fomism. It says not so much about the dogmas of faith, how much about the ways of accepting faith through reason. However, the highest assessment of the phoma of the Foma Aquinsky is the adoption of it as the official ideology of Catholicism.


Let the thoughts concluded in the books, will be your fixed capital, and the thoughts that you have the most, the percentages for him. A special person needs friends, and not in order to benefit from them, for he himself succeeds, and not for in order to admire them, for he owns perfect delightes of virtuous life, but actually in order to create good deeds for friends. The runers need wise men much more than the wisers in the rulers. I often repent of what I said, but rarely regretted about what was silent.


  • 1245-1246 - "Conference on some famous artists"
  • 1255 - "On the principles of nature"
  • 1256-1259 - "Controversial questions about truth"
  • 1259-1268 - "Controversial questions about the strength of God"
  • 1261-1263 - "The amount against the pagans" ("The Amount of Philosophy")
  • 1265-1274 - "Theology amount"
  • 1267 - "Controversial questions about the soul"

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