Nikolai Bukharin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Cause Of Death



The biography of the Soviet party leader Nikolai Bukharin is unique and largely tragic. He was not a "ordinary" Bolshevik, did not pass a civil war, but at the same time he managed to become one of the most prominent revolutionaries. Bukharin owned several languages ​​and possessed encyclopedic knowledge, was an experienced journalist and a master of conviction, but the eloquence did not help him convince his colleagues in his innocence.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin was born in Zamoskvorechye, at Big Ordinke, September 27 (October 9) of 1888. His parents worked as primary school teachers at school. In 1893, the family moved to Chisinau, where Father Ivan Gavrilovich received the position of the applied inspector, but after 4 years he returned back to the capital.

Nikolai Bukharin in youth

Little Kohl studied brilliantly and gymnasium graduated with a gold medal. After school, he became a student of the Law Faculty of Moscow University. By that time, Bukharin was already actively interested in politics and even managed to join the Bolsheviks Party, so the study had to be combined with work in the trade unions. When he organized a youth conference in the capital, anticipating the Komsomol movement, he was 19 years old.

Career and party activity

The first arrest happened already in 1909. This case and 2 subsequently serious for Bukharin did not turn around, but the patience of the authorities was exhausted, so in 1911 he was sent from Moscow to the Arkhangelsk province. A few months later, with the help of friends, he fled from the place of reference abroad - first in Hannover, and then to Austria-Hungary. It was there that he met Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

Nikolai Bukharin

Nikolai Ivanovich continued in emigration and continued self-education and carefully studied the works of the Svopirists and the classics of Marxism. When the First World War began, the authorities of Austria-Hungary hurried to get rid of the potential spy and sent Bukharin to Switzerland. After that, the politician changed several more European cities, but did not fit in any of them, so I went to the United States.

In October 1916, in New York, Bukharin brought acquaintance with Lvom Trotsky. Together they worked on editing the magazine "New World". The first major work of Nikolai Ivanovich - "world economy and imperialism" - was written in 1915. Lenin carefully read it and as a whole appreciated positively, but then they dismissed the author of the self-determination of nationalities.

Politician Nikolai Bukharin

When the February Revolution occurred in Russia, Bukharin wanted to return to his homeland immediately, but he was on the capital only in May - he was arrested first in Japan, through the territory of which he returned, and then in Vladivostok for agitation among the sailors and soldiers.

In 1917, he became a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, took the radical left position and began to conduct active propaganda activities. From abroad Nikolai Ivanovich returned, having excellent journalistic training, therefore became the founder and editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper, and later - the publication "Communist".

Nikolay Bukharin at a meeting with workers

This time was fruitful for creative work. Bukharin quickly became one of the main theorists of the communism of the time: in his "Program of Communists (Bolsheviks"), the "ABC of Communism" and "Communist Economy" justified the need for labor service, the transformation processes in the national economy were analyzed, ways to solve the problems of society from the positions of Marxism .

Lenin respectfully treated the theoretical research of the colleague, but the position of Bukharin on some issues was alarming. He reproached him in excessive scholasticity and enthusiasm by foreign vocabulary, and the Abstracts bred in the books considered "not quite Marxist".

In 1919, Bukharin suffered from the terrorist attack organized by anarchists - the criminals threw a bomb to the party in Leontyevsky lane. The injuries were serious, but he was able to recover and resume work.

In 1923, Nikolai Ivanovich supported Lenin in the fight against the opposition of Trotsky. The death of the leader in January 1924 became the most severe spiritual impact - he considered him his closest friend, and Lenin himself in recent years and called him at all. In his "testament", Vladimir Ilyich noted that Bukharin is the most valuable person, by law, which is the title of a pet favorite.

Nikolay Bukharin at a meeting with the drummers of the Frunze factory

Care of influential associate freed out for him a place in the leadership of the party - in the same year Nikolai Ivanovich became a member of the Politburo. During this period, his friendly relations with Stalin were strengthened, but in 1928 they had dealt on collectivization. Bukharin tried to convince colleagues not to push out "Kulakov" physically, but gradually equalize in rights with the rest of the village.

Joseph Vissarionovich spoke sharply against, and a year later, the group of Bukharin defeated at the next Plenum, and he himself was deprived of all posts. After a week, the resignation of the politician agreed to publicly recognize "mistakes", therefore was again allowed to leadership, but this time in the scientific and technical sector.

Nikolai Bukharin

In 1932, Bukharin was headed by the drug addict of the gravity industry of the USSR. In parallel, he was engaged in publishing and initiated the creation of a "big Soviet encyclopedia". Despite the loud statements, the politician did not leave hope for democratization, since Stalin's tight dictatorship was not approved. Nikolai Ivanovich hotly welcomed the creation of the USSR Constitution, not knowing that many of its provisions will remain only recorded on paper.

Repression and conclusion

In 1936, one-party comrades first put forward a prosecution in an attempt to create a "right block" along with Rykov and Tomsk. At that time, the investigation was discontinued by unnamed reasons, but in just a year, Bukharin again suspected in the conspiratorial plans. The politician insisted on his innocence, wrote protesting letters and even declared a hunger strike, but it did not help - he was arrested on February 27, 1937.

Joseph Stalin, Alexey Rykov, Grigory Zinoviev, Nikolai Bukharin

In the inner prison on Lubyanka Nikolai Ivanovich worked on the books "Philosophical Arabesques", the Roman "times" and a collection of poems. He partly recognized the guilt without creating in any particular episode, and in the last word again tried to declare his innocence.

Personal life

The personal life of the party leader was turbulent. All who tied fate with him, wait for misfortunes and death. Nikolai Bukharin was married three times, the first spouse of Nadezhda Lukina had also had a cousin. They got married in 1911 and lived together for more than 10 years. They did not have common children - the woman suffered from the disease of the spine and could not move without a special corset.

Nikolai Bukharin and Nadezhda Lukina

Even after the divorce, she kept friendly relations with Bukharin: when in 1938 it was arrested, she recently denied any guilt and did not believe in the unkind intentions of the former husband. The painful interrogations lasted 2 years, after which Lukin was shot.

The second wife of Gurwich's Esphyra became the second wife. Their joint life lasted 8 years, she gave him the daughter of Svetlana. During the first Moscow process, the family immediately renounced Bukharin, but this was not saved - both their mother, and the daughter fell into the camps and left them only after Stalin's death.

Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina

The third marriage, which turned out to be the shortest, Bukharin concluded in 1934. His chosen was Anna Larina, the daughter of a colleague in a party, who after executing the husband went to the link. They born the son of Yuri, he grew up, almost nothing know about parents. Later was adopted and received the name of the receptional mother - Gusman. Grandson Bukharin, Nikolay Larin, became a football coach and headed a children's sports school in Moscow.

Along with the Lunacharsky and Lenin, Bukharin was considered one of the most intelligent representatives of the party. He fluently owned 3 languages, heard an excellent speaker and was famous for the ability to quickly find a common language with any person.

In addition, Nikolai Ivanovich was an excellent cartoonist, I willingly drew the cartoons on party comrades and even published work on the Pravda pages. It belongs to the only portraits of Stalin, written from nature, and not with the photo.

He supported many writers - Maxim Gorky, Boris Pasternak, Mandelstam's Osipa. With Sergey Yesenin, Bukharina had complex relationships - at one time he considered it "harmful" author who chant the vices, but after the suicide of the poet, he softened public statements about him.


On March 13, 1938, the former party functionar was sentenced to death. The convict in the letters the leader begged to bring him a bowl of Morphy, "to fall asleep and not wake up," but in a mild death it was denied him. The policy was taken to the village of the village of Communard and shot, the body burned near this place.

Portrait of Nicholas Bukharina

An interesting fact - the death of the colleagues was predicted by Nikolay Ivanovich in his youth. The German clairvoyant in 1918 informed him that he would be executed in his own native country, and he, who dreams of transforming Russia and gain the fame of the revolutionary, was very surprised and annoyed heard.

The policy is devoted to the policy of several films - the documentary paintings "Nikolai Bukharin - the hostage of the system" and "more than love" (devoted to his relationship with Anna Larina), as well as the artistic tape "The enemy of the People Bukharin", where Alexander Romantov played the main role.


  • 1914 - "Political Economy Earlings. Theory of Values ​​and Profit Austrian School "
  • 1923 - "World economy and imperialism"
  • 1918 - "Program of Communists (Bolsheviks)"
  • 1919 - "Class struggle and revolution"
  • 1919 - "ABC of Communism: a popular explanation of the program of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)"
  • 1920 - "Transition Economy"
  • 1923 - "Capitalism crisis and communist movement"
  • 1924 - "Theory of Historical Materials"
  • 1928 - "Economist Notes"
  • 1932 - "Goethe and his historical meaning"
  • 1932 - "Darwinism and Marxism"
  • 2008 - "Prisoner Lubyanka. Prison manuscript Nikolai Bukharina "

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