Eric Schmidt - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Peter Dinklaja 2021



Eric Schmidt, the wife of Peter Dinklajja, the performer of the role of Tirion Lanner from the cult series "Game of Thrones", no less talented than her spouse. She is a theater director and costume, a set of many awards in the field of art. Simultaneously with a saturated career, a woman has time to raise two children and support a family hearth.

Childhood and youth

Eric Schmidt is known in many ways thanks to marriage with Peter Dinkladij, so there are many white spots in her biography - starting from the place of birth and ending with life now. It is known that a woman was born on June 8, 1975 in the United States of America, has North American roots.

Eric Schmidt in youth

Tracting to the scene, theater, acting career in the girl woke up in his youth. While studying at Vassar College in Pokapesi, New York, Erica played in the Laughing Stock comedy group. More inexperienced actors composed scenes about teachers and classmates, and then performed at student parties.


After graduating from college in 1997, Schmidt got a job by the costume designer in Juladsk school - one of the largest American higher educational institutions in the field of art and music. In subsequent years, Erica moved from the theater to the theater, moved through the career staircase, until in 2001 he was not awarded the Princess Grace award in the "best theater director" nomination.

Director Eric Schmidt

In 2002, the woman was on the other side of the chamber, playing an episodic role in the Miles from Nowhere drama. Successful success Eric Schmidt achieved as director. The plays "Debbie conquers Dallas", "As you like it" in the Comedy of William Shakespeare, "People will hear" came to theatrical layouts thanks to the fine alone and the creative approach of the American. She also work on the successful extra-use production "Spanish girl."

In 2009, the play "Violation of humor" brought a woman a Lucille Lortel award for creating an outstanding monospect. The scenario wrote Lorenzo Pizoni, friend Erika from college. They started the theatrical ascent together.

Eric Schmidt

In an interview with the magazine "This Stage Magazine", a woman told how one day she, unemployed, suggested their friends-actors, including Pizoni, collect their own troupe and put a performance. "Humor violation" was born in heavy creative flour - and now a successful play, which is shown in Los Angeles.

Thanks to the master approach, Eric Schmidt, the "month in the village" of the Great Russian writer Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was shone to classic works at the New York sites in 2015. The main roles were performed by the husband of director Peter Dinklidge, Elizabeth Franz and Anthony Edwards. Once the magazine "The Guardian" Dinklage spoke about the love of the wife to the theater:

"Unlike many people in our profession, where the film is the ultimate goal, the theater for her is sacred. Her passion inspires her real artist. Compared to her, I am a television actor who pays bills. "

Personal life

Marriage with Peter Dinkladij, the star of the series "The game of Thrones" is one of the main reasons why the views of the world show business turned to Eric Schmidt. With the future spouse, American met in the 1990s. Erica complained about the failures in his personal life to his friend Jonatan Mark, and the fact, wanting to help, brightened the notebook. The choice fell on Peter. For a long time, two were friends, and in the early 2000s they realized that there was love between them.

Eric Schmidt and Peter Dinklage

In November 2004, the couple announced the engagement, April 15, 2005, a wedding of Erika Schmidt and Peter Dinklaja took place. The ceremony was modest, only relatives and family friends were present on it. Immediately after marriage and short, the feast of lovers disappeared from the attention of the paparazzi and journalists in Las Vegas Casino.

The obvious difference in growth does not prevent spouses to live a happy full-fledged life: Peter, suffering from ahondroplasia, the growth of only 135 cm, while his spouse Erica 168 cm at a weight of 59 cm. On pictures from various filmmakers it is clear that Schmidt is in the literal sense to bow knees to kiss the spouse.

Eric Schmidt and Peter Dinklage with Son

In 2011, replenishment happened in a creative family - a daughter was born, and in 2017 another child appeared per light. Schmidt and Dinklage are stored in the strictest secrecy of a personal life, so information about children is the name of the first child, as well as the floor and the second name - remains a mystery. In the press, the firstborn is called Zelig (Zelig), however, in an interview with "The Guardian" in 2015, the star "Games of Thrones" denied the correctness of these data.

Despite the closeness of personal information, the happy family is calmly walking through the streets of New Finnce, New York, where he moved in 2012. The photo has not yet hit the second child Erica and Peter. Since Schmidt has no pages on social networks (neither in "Instagram", nor in Twitter), get fresh pictures only from the media.

Eric Schmidt now

The play "These beautiful boys", written and related to Eric Schmidt, had to go to theatrical frames in February and March 2017, however, because of the pregnancy and hassle associated with the birth of the second child, the premiere had to postpone the premiere for 2018.

Eric Schmidt in 2018

The action of the play is unfolded in South Carolina in the 1980s. In the center of the narration - two teenagers who absorb the first sexual experience. Boys are deeply immersed in hobbies and fears before maturity.

The recent birth was probably put an imprint on the life of Erika Schmidt: she brings up two children and supports her husband, and there is no time for creativity. Therefore, an accurate date of the release of "these beautiful boys" on extra-competitive sites is not yet known.

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