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Character History

The familiar phraseological "between Scylla and Charibda", meaning the foundation between the two problems or the choice between two equivalent hazards, came from ancient Greece. As is the basis of other ancient expressions, the mythological plot lies in its attack. The memory of the legend is stored in the eyelids through the use of capacious and descriptive speech turnover.

History of creation

Phraseologism came to our speech thanks to ancient Greek mythology. Szillla and Haribda are two monsters, on the legend located in the Messinsky Strait and embossed territories between Sicily and Appennamines. According to legend, the victims of the mounds became sailors and travelers who tried to lay their way along a dangerous route between the two rocks. The monsters with huge teeth tried to devour the unreasonable guests. Seasal, donating from one threat, inexorably approached the other.


The goal of myths is to remain mysterious legends. In fact, monsters did not exist. Their names were called two rocks on both sides of the Messinsky Bay, who personified terrifying monsters. The passage of this area was dangerous: ships were stuck on reefs and sharp stones, they often circled terrible waterways, of which few people managed to get out alive.

The names of the rocks served as nicknames for fictional mandes, and phraseology, which became a winged expression, retains relevance to this day. The expression is interpreted as a threat arising from several sides and threatening terrible consequences.

In mythology

Szill and Charibda

The mythology of ancient Greece is a colorful and figurative phenomenon in culture that has become the basis for art, traditions and folklore. Natural phenomena bind to residents of these lands with magical and mysterious creatures with supernatural abilities. Modern researchers find justification and translate the importance of certain characters of the myths, and readers remains surprising fantasy and the figurative thinking of people who inhabited the Apnepsinsky Peninsula.

The ancient Greeks believed that the height of the charibda is huge. In comparison with the scilla, which has three pastes, twelve legs and six heads, it seemed less frightening, but no less strong. Haribda personified a water goddess, which blocking the path of navigaters and travelers in the marine puchin.

Haribda - Art.

Haribda is a unique being, which is no analogues in the legends of other peoples. It is a concentration of the sea anger, expressed in deadly waterways, feed on the waves and the fact that they bring.

Funnels, who delayed all the living, sincecore was afraid of merchants, travelers and researchers of new lands. In myths describing the monster, it is said about terrible hunger, which it is experiencing on an ongoing basis. To quench the need, the monster three times a day swallows sea water and exhibits it three times. But since the water returns back, it cannot be considered food. It is permissible that the process of breathing Haribda is so arranged.

Teeth Charibda

The legend mentions the teeth located in a huge throat of messengers. So could describe sharp stones in the strait. Myths do not disappoint a clear appearance of the monster, and the impression of the digestive system of the charibda is difficult. Perhaps the whole is one solid mouth, in which there is no language.

According to the ideas of Ellinov, the Messinsky Strait was guarded by two monsters - Szillo and Charibda, the distance between which was measured by the flight of the boom. Foolish sailors became a victim of Charibda, those who considered themselves smarter, fell into the mouth of Scylla. The wise men managed these territory by side, looking for the area.

In the myths about Odyssee, it is described about how the valiant hero visited the cracking of the Haribdy's teeth during the shipwreck. For several days, the traveler lasted on the fragments of the ship, which were repelled and again attracted the waves of the bay. Haribdy's sip brought Odyssey to her grazing, where the man grabbed the plants. They helped him survive. Together with the reverse stream of water, Odyssey was floating, endured by a tide, and remained alive.


Haribd tried to kill a man or simply performed the usual algorithm - unknown. But, choosing from two monsters, Odyssey decided to avoid a meeting with bloodthirsty Szlila and preferred to undergo a test by Charibda.

Haribda as an embodiment of natural strength has not experienced emotions and feelings against their victims. It is unlikely that the monster has placed intelligence and analytical abilities, so the worship of him and the sacrifice did not bring results. The monster functioned as a huge absorption mechanism.


Myths do not tell about the death of Haribda, it means that the monster could choose a different place to continue their usual activity. The ancient Greeks reflected: Whether Haribd changed the place of living or hid in the marine underfloor, whether her gods moved to another terrain or she moved somewhere alone. Late legends are not pleased with detailed information about the monster. And the water of the Messinsky Strait today is famous for calm.

Ancient legends sending to early times, says: Haribda was not always a monster. Adorable Naiana, daughter of Gay and Poseidon, she had to take the appearance of monsters creating deadly waterways. A devotee tried to help Poseidon in the fight against Zeus. It organized her rings, the winding settlements, forests and fields. This girl caused Zeus's wrath, because Poseidon's ownership increased. By the will of Uncle Haribda turned into a monster located in a narrow water exchange.

Hariza Haribda

The name of the mythical creation is captured by biologists. Charibda called one of the varieties of jellyfish.


The heroine of the ancient Greek myths is mentioned in kinocartes dedicated to Hellen or describing the content of legends. The mention of it was in the mini-serial director Andrei Konchalovsky "Odyssey" of 1997.

Haribda - History of Foods, Legends and Myths, Szillla, Image 1311_8

In 2012, the short film "Point of Haribdy" John M. Brodhada came to the large screens. In it, it was not about the famous mound, but about a dangerous duct.

Caution Haribda as a mythological creature was given in the film "Persix Jackson: Sea Monster" 2013.

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