William Maisi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



William Macy - American actor, producer and screenwriter. The Russian viewer is the most famous on the films of Fargo and the "night in the style of the Bugs", as well as through the series "Shamelessnniki" and "ambulance".

William Hall Macy was born on March 13, 1950 in Miami in the pilot family, a veteran of World War II. Father of the future actor, William Hall Macy-Sr., in the 1940s for military merit got the "cross of flight merit" and "air medal". Mother Lois his first husband lost in war - he died in 1943.

As a child, William did not even think about the acting profession, although I tried myself on the stage: in the school formation of "Camelot", the young man performed the role of Mordered, the extramarital son of King Arthur.

William Mysi in youth

In 1968, he graduated from Allegine's senior school and entered the Betani College in West Virginia, where he studied in veterinary medicine. However, a student from Maisi, according to his own words, turned out to be mediocre. Therefore, soon the future actor replaced the place of study at the college Goddard, where his mentor became the playwright and film stapler David Mamemet.

In the 1970s, William mainly worked in the Chicago theater under the leadership of mate, and in 1985 he moved to California, where, together with David, the "Atlantic Theater Company" troupe began.


Maisi made his debut in the television screen in 1978, starring in 3 episodes of the historical series "Earth of Awakening". After 2 years, the novice actor appeared in the episode of the romantic drama "somewhere in time." After that, William was repeatedly starred in secondary roles, while David Metmet called him to fulfill the main role in the film "Department for the Investigation of Killings". The film was awarded positive feedback from critics and still retains high marks on the IMDB website.

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The next breakthrough in the acting biography of Macy became shooting at the cashier's "Ambulance". The actor got the role of David Morgenstern, head of the admission department and the head of the main actors. William left the series after the 2nd season, but in 1997 he returned to the "ambulance" as a guest actor and for this appearance was nominated for the award of the film actor guild.

In 1994, Maisi reappeared in the tape of mimete, "oleanna", where he fulfilled the main role - played Professor College, who entered into relations with his student. A real pearl in the filmography of William was to work in Fargo, the Saughn Sucking Movie.

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The actor fell in love with the script, barely read it, and literally begged the directors to take him to the role of Jerry Landagard. The picture caused genuine delight of critics and earned many nominations and awards in the field of cinema. Mysy himself was nominated for Oscar as the best actor of the second plan.

In 1997, William received an offer to play in the Drama "Nights in the style of Buoga", telling about such a dubious form of art as pornography. The agent was trying to dissuade mei from filming, but did not succeed. As a result, the actor appeared on the screen as a modest and sad little Bill, whose wife, porn actress, regularly changes her husband and outside the set, which ultimately leads to the tragedy.

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A year later, Maisi played one of the main roles, starring in the painting "Pleasantville" - a dramatic comedy with a light shade of fantasy about the black and white utopian world, to return the colors of which only real feelings carrying with them not only good, but also of destruction.

In 2002, William acted as a screenwriter and the executor of the leading role in the Drama "Door door", talking about the difficult life of a person suffering from children's cerebral paralysis. For this picture, Mysi received Emmy and the Actors Guild Prize for 2003, and was also nominated for the Golden Globe. Thanks to this film, the artist became the Ambassador of the United Cerebral Palsy - a charitable non-profit organization that supports people with disabilities and their families.

Another successful drama of 2003 for the actor was the film "Brake", where he played a complete loser, whose lives change together with a feeling of feeling towards a woman. Maisi himself admitted that he loves to play such characters and is not completely shy to look funny on the screen. However, success accompanied not to all the films in which William participated. In 2009, the artist fulfilled the main role in the film "Theft in the Museum", which, despite the stellar composition, did not appear on the movie screen, coming immediately to DVD.

In 2011, Maisi triumphantly returned to television, having received the role of Frank Gallahher, an alcoholic, a drug addict and a father of a disadvantaged family in the TV series "Shamelessnniki." Thanks to this project, William in 2015 and 2018 received a premium of the guild of film actors, and was also repeatedly nominated at Emmy and Golden Globe.

William Macy and Selena Gomez

Employment in the series did not prevent the actor to work in other projects. In 2012, he appeared in the independent film "Surrogat", noted by repeated nominations and prizes, and in 2014 he made a director and screenwriter "Unmanaged". The film in which the popular singer Selena Gomez starred in one of the roles, got mixed filing films, but Anton Yelchina, who played the main character, brought the Cycago Film Festival's prize.

In 2015, William starred in another successful film - the Drama "Room", based on Joseph Fritzl, the Austrian criminal, who had held his own daughter's own daughter in healing and sexually violent.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actor knows little. His first wife was the producer of Charles Misi, but the marriage ended with divorce. On September 6, 1997, William was combined with a marriage with actress Feliciti Huffman, with which before it met for 15 years. Two children were born in a couple: Sofia Grace and Georgia Grace.

William Macy and his wife Feliciti Haffman

In his youth, while studying in college, William has repeatedly experimented with LSD, for which he even earned a nickname to an acid head from fellow students. Today's passions of the actor are more legitimate - he likes the game in the Hawaiian guitar and artistic processing of a tree, and after filming in the film "Real boars" William seriously interested in a motorcycle ride.

The celebrity has its own account in "Instagram", but new photos in it rarely appear - fans are much easier to find footage with William on the pages of tabloid.

William Misi now

Now the main work of William - shooting in "shamelessness", which occupy a lot of time.

William Misi in 2018

Sometimes the actor, however, can afford work on other ribbons: For example, in 2018, the painting "Bloody Father" was reached on the screens, a typical criminal fighter about the salvation of a young girl.


  • 1978 - "The Awakening Land"
  • 1980 - "Somewhere in time"
  • 1991 - "Department for the Investigation of Killings"
  • 1992 - "Heart of Justice"
  • 1993 - "Law of Los Angeles"
  • 1994 - "Ambulance"
  • 1996 - Fargo
  • 1998 - "Civil Suit"
  • 2002 - "Door door"
  • 2004 - "Spartan"
  • 2005 - "smoke here"
  • 2006 - "Nightmares and Fantastic Visions: According to Stephen King Studies"
  • 2009 - "Theft in the Museum"
  • 2011 - "Shamelessness"
  • 2015 - "Walter"
  • 2018 - "Bloody Father"

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