Schill - biography, name, image and character


Character History

Character of Greek mythology, sea monster. A couple with a monster Haribda was painted with sailors who were forced to swim between them. The interpretation of the monstrous Szill is famous, given an ancient Greek poet Homer in Odyssey. However, there are other options for interpreting this image. Various sources give a schill with different pedigree.

History of origin


Most often the character is called the daughter of the sea chtonic deity, the god wonders and the turbulent sea Forky and hecates, the chtonic goddess of the lunar light and witchcraft. There are options according to which Szillla is a daughter of God Triton, the Bulletin of the Depths, and the witch of Lamia. It is possible that she is a batch of two other monstrous creatures - half-semi-mounted semi-mongrels and a giant Typhon, which personifies the fiery forces of the Earth. Happiness to be the parents of Szillla was also attributed to the Supreme God of the Seas Poseidon and the goddess of the land of Goe.

Some authors describe Scylla as a beautiful girl. The Marine God, the commander-in-law sought the love of Szill, while the magician of Kirk was tested to him. Having filled to Scylla, the wizard poisoned the water in the place where the girl was accustomed to swim. Because of the magic chirks of the Heroine, which fused into the water, after another bathing turned into a fierce beast. Before, beautiful, the body of Szillo became ugly and covered with dog heads.


There is a version according to which Scylla fired to the God of Poseidon Goddess Aphrodite, but the rest of the legends converge.

There are rationalist interpretations. According to one, Odyssey in a dangerous strait was not saved from monsters, but from people's pursuers. Scylla here turned into a TriRren's high-speed ship. Another author depicts Scylla as a beautiful heter, who lived on the island. In the heter, the halves and other raids were spinning, which entertained the hostess. All this company lasted and ruined past floating alien. That is, figuratively expressing, "eating" those.

Szill and Charibda

The expression "between Scylla and Charibda" means that still existing in the literary language means a person who has fallen into a situation where the troubles from all sides are threatened. When getting rid of one problem, a person inevitably faces another.

Scylla in mythology

Szillus looks like a huge monster with six heads on snake necks and with a serpentine or fish tail. According to another version, the upper part of the szillo body looks like a female, and the bottom - doggy, and together with the monster there are six dogs, whom Szillus gave birth.

In the Homer's poem "Odyssey", Szillle is depicted in a pair with Charibda - a sea monster, which is either a monster, whether a huge dangerous whirlpool. Haribda three times a day eagerly absorbs and erupts sea water, throwing back what he saw into himself.


Thanks to this feature of death, Haribda was able to avoid Odyssey, who ran into this whirlpool twice. For the second time - when the Will of the Affected Zeus of the storm destroyed the Odyssev ship, and the corpses of the team ran through the maritime expanses. Odyssey, who managed to clutch to the mast and therefore did not die, the wind took to Haribda.

The whirlpool turned under the rock, and the branches of the fig tree went down to the water. Odyssey managed to grasp them when the wreckage of the ship began to tighten into the whirlpool, and saved so for a long time until Haribda moved into the stage of the "eruption" and did not spill the fragments back. Then the king of Itaks let go to the fig tree, fell on the wreck of the ship and got out of the waterproof on it.


Szillla lives in a sea strait on a rock, and Haribda dwells at the distance of the arrows from her, under another rock. People passing this strait on ships are in a huge danger between two bloodthirsty monsters. So, Szillhlah devoured part of the Odyssey team, when the king of Itaks tried to return home from under Troy.

Odyssey's ship was a close strait when the king saw that on the one hand, they threaten Haribd's whirlpool, which greedily absorbs sea water, and on the other - a multi-headed scill. Odyssey reasoned that if he was closer to Haribda, the ship would drag into the whirlpool and the entire crew would die. If we get around the whirlpool and go closer to Szill, then only part of the team will die. The ship went past Szillla, the monster jespel and devoured the satellites of Odyssey, and the rest along with the ship was safely passed by a terrible strait.

Schill and Sodyssey

Ancient authors tried to bind the habitat of these two mythological monsters to real geographical locations. Thus, it was believed that Szill and Haribd live in the messinsky strait between Sicily Island and Kalabria. The habitat of Haribda considered the Sicilian part of the strait, the monstrous whirlpool "lived" there under Pelor's cape. Szillo "settled" on the opposite to thesis, which was called - ScyLlaeum Promontorium, "Cape Szill".

Of course, the real Mescinsky Strait was not so dangerous place in populated by fantastic monsters who would threaten the ships in the strait. This discrepancy influenced the interpretation of szillia and charibda images. The first began to consider the accumulation of pointed rocks, and the second - ordinary whirlpool.


Homer has a haval of Szillus as follows: An ominous rock, drowning in the eternal dusk and tightened with dark clouds, which is a pointed peak goes into the sky. It is impossible to climb there, because the rock is unusually smooth and cool. In the rock there is a cave located at such a height that arrows do not reach it. The terrible scill dwells in this cave and from there the surroundings of the monstrous lame and screech. The name of the Szillus translated from Greek means "barking".

Szillos Homer's herself looks like a saponal monster about twelve paws and six heads on long flexible necks. Schill's paws were in front and moved, and three rows of sharp teeth sparkled in each mouth. Eliminating prey, Scylla proved the head and chest from the cave and the neighborhood.

Szillla - Art.

In anticipation of delicious navigators, the monster was fered with long paws along the closest surfaces and won the marine animals - seals and dolphins, who devoured. The ration of the Szill was diversified by the vehicles passing by, where the monster could flicken with expansion pastes or six sailors at the same time.

Scylla is described by other ancient Greek and ancient Roman authors. Vergilia reports that the scull was somewhat, and those along with other monsters inhabited the surroundings of Tartara - the deepest abyss, which is under the kingdom of Aida.


Scylla and Haribda are mentioned in the myths about Argonauts and EXER. Jason and Argonauts were safely passed by Charibda, and the sea nymph Fetida helped them. And the hero of the Trojan war, Eneta, who had to go through a narrow strait between Szillo and Charibda, as all the right heroes, preferred to go around, and did not come to a dangerous place at all.


The Szillo monster can be seen in the two-sector adaptation of the Homerovsky epic "Odyssey" directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. The film was released in 1997 and received the AMMI premium for the best director and special effects, so that on a multi-headed Szill and tolement Charibda there should be a look.

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