Chris Jenner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Cardashian Family" 2021



Her image and name are known to everyone who is interested in the world star chronicle. The head of the Kardashian family, a successful businesswoman, a secular lioness, a television and one of the first newsmakers of the Tablooid Press Chris Jenner, of course, considers the birth of six children who are more famous today than she. Kim, Courtney, Chloe, Kayli, Kendall and Rob - for the life of each of them there are millions of fans worldwide. And the primary merit of this is Chris.

Childhood and youth

Kristen Mary Houghton (name, this celebrity at birth) was born on November 5, 1955 in San Diego, California. Mother Mary Joe Campbell - Housewife, Father Robert Houghton - Aviation equipment engineer.

Chris Jenner

Shortly after the birth of Chris, the second daughter appeared at the pair - Karen. When Kristen turned 7 years old, the parents divorced. Mother sold a family house in San Diego and moved to Clermont. Here the girl went to primary school. But in a year seriously fell ill: a malignant tumor was discovered on the leg. Fortunately, on time, the operation and therapy was helped to completely cure the child.

A few years later, Mary again marries the businessman Harry Shannon. A man transported them to the city of Oksnard, but an unexpected happened here: his business partner escaped, grabcing the total money. And the family had to go back to San Diego, where Mary had at least some connections.

Chris Jenner in youth

In 1973, Chris graduated from school and entered the college. Studying in the institution did not attract a girl. Already then she wanted not to learn, but become a caring wife and mother. Kristen was still in his youth, which possesses a bright attractive appearance (the result of the mixing of Scottish, Dutch, German and Irish blood), and believed that the main thing in life was a good marriage. Soon she began to implement their matrimonial plans.

Personal life

After graduating from college, a slim attractive girl (height 168 cm) was easily found a stewardess in one of the local airlines. Here on one of the flights she met a pretty brunette. Ethnic Armenian by nationality, Robert was an American already in the third generation, 10 years old led a successful law practice, receiving a doctoral degree in jurisprudence.

Chris Jenner and Robert Kardashian

Chris and Robert began to meet, got married on July 8, 1978 and settled in a luxurious house in Beverly Hills. The first chair of the couple became Courtney Kardashian, born on April 18, 1979. Then Kim (October 21, 1980) and Chloe (June 27, 1984) appeared. And, finally, on March 17, 1987, the long-awaited son and the heir of the Kardashian family was born - Robert Jr..

Chris Jenner and her children

The husband and wife lived in marriage for 12 years, divorced in 1991. Robert became the initiator of the break, who found his wife in the arms of the young lover Toda Waterman. Spouses were divorced for a long time: they could not share the property and decide on the sum that a woman who was accustomed to a luxurious life demanded that the content of himself and children. However, after the divorce, Chris and Robert came up and remained good friends until his death in 2003 from the esophageal cancer.

Chris Jenner and Bruce Jenner

Chris did not tolerate defeats in his personal life, so almost immediately after the divorce immediately married the athletics, Bruce Jenner Olympic champion, with whom flirting still at the time of marriage. Each spouse has already been for four children (Bruce before this marriage was married twice), two more daughters - Kendall became their joint children (November 3, 1995) and Kylie (August 10, 1997).

Chris Jenner and Keitlin Jenner

Coming out for Bruce, an enterprising Chris also also became his manager. She represented the interests of her husband in managing a family business and promoted his new car driver's career. Spouses lived together for almost 23 years. In June 2013, it became known that Bruce and Chris were driving, and in December 2014 divorced.

The reasons soon became obvious: in 2015, Bruce suffered an operation to change the floor by taking the new name - Keitlin Jenner.

Chris Jenner and Corey Gamble

Since 2014, the TV star met with Corey Gamble - an employee of a musical media company. Beloved Chris under for 26 years.

In early 2018, the network has information about the separation of Chris and the Gamble. As a reason, the sources were noted "Chris's desire to focus on family business."

Career and television

In 2007, Producer Ryan Sikrest proposed Chris and her family to become the heroes of the reality show of the same name. He made a bid to fame, the names of Chris and her glamorous daughters were constantly mentioned in secular speakers and reports.

Businesswoman Chris Jenner

The calculation was true. The show "Family of Kardashian" was very successful. The members of the clan lived an ordinary life - rejoiced, grieved, suffered, worried, quarreled. And after all this was observed millions of American spectators. It is necessary to talk to what height of popularity ascended the participants of the show.

Soon, each of Kardashianov began to incarnate its own telenotes. The series "Courtney and Chloe in Miami", "Courtney and Kim in New York", etc. appeared. Chloe Kardashian and her husband, Lamb Basketball player Odom (at that time), became the heroes of the series "Chloe and Lamar". Chris's son, Rob, with a failed bride, Black Tea spoke to the stars of realistic show "Rob and Chinas". Kylie and Kendall Jenner, who became models, also organized their TV shows.

In 2013, Chris debuted in his own daily talk show. However, the program could not attract a sufficient amount of the audience and was closed. In 2011, the woman wrote a book-autobiography "Kris Jenner ... and All Things Kardashian", in 2014 released a cookbook called "in the kitchen with Chris."

The last name Kardashian became the brand, for the management of which energetic Chris took. It is the producer of projects of its biological children. The family franchise includes enterprises for the production of clothing, cosmetics, flavors, etc.

Chris Jenner in a swimsuit

Being at the head of this empire, Chris, of course, does not forget that she should look great. A woman does not hide love for plastic and sports. Therefore, on her shape in a swimsuit is nice to see. Older Kardashian carries the same haircut as in his youth, and does not change its elegant style. She loves to be photographed and almost daily pleasing fans with pictures in "Instagram".

Chris Jenner now

Now Chris leads a rich life of a successful businesswoman: it works a lot, but it does not miss a single secular party. Removed in films and TV shows, playing mostly self.

Chris Jenner in 2018

Chris lives in a luxurious house near the second daughter. Mother, by rumors, loves Kim Kardashian a little more than other star children.

In 2019, the business woman put himself a goal - to increase the declining ratings of the Kardashian family.

Projects and filmography

  • 2007-2019 - "Cardashian Family"
  • 2012 - "Project Minddy"
  • 2009 - "Courtney and Chloe in Miami"
  • 2011 - "Courtney and Kim in New York"
  • 2014 - "Courtney and Chloe in Hampton"
  • 2018 - "Generation of Well-Being"

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