Sweezich - Biography of the pagan deity, description, meaning


Character History

In the time of ancient Russia, people believed that any phenomenon of nature occurs in the whims of higher beings. A bright refining fire has not exceeded. People treated flames like a living being. Rusichi assigned a name with fire, and also invented him a specific description, character traits and a circle of responsibilities. Welded, in turn, gave humanity heat and hope for a bright future.

History of origin

The mysterious pagan deity causes many questions from researchers. Most of the shortcomings and delusions arose due to the name of the man. Welders are often confused with the weld - the Supreme God of Ancient Russia.


Welders are endowed with several landed properties. The man became the personification of fire and the embodiment of his father on earth. Because of such a close connection of two deities, it is impossible to find out the origins of the coal of the Washer.

It is known that God of Fire enjoyed special respect from representatives of the Baltic and Eastern Slavs. Flame patron idol was installed in the city of Radogoste (in another source - Ridigost). The sanctuary was distinguished by the huge size and wealth of jewelry. People came to the temple to ask God to cure patients, protect themselves in war or suggest a way out of a difficult situation:

"The main of them is called the Washer, all pagans respect and honor it more than others."

With the arrival of Christianity, the worship of fire was gone into the background, but did not disappear completely. For several centuries, we brought a sentence for several centuries, and the fire endowed mystical properties. However, some rites are in demand to this day. True, the main meaning of magical actions was lost and gave way to the habit transmitted from parents to children.

Myths and legends

The great god Svarog was famous among the relatives of kindness and mercy. With the onset of the first colds, the Kuznets god noticed how many people on Earth frowned. Squeezing over your own children, the weld threw down the zipper, which fell into a branched oak. People who saw the flame for the first time immediately realized the value of the Divine Gift.

Each person took a branch, which was attributed to his own home. Having lowered the fire in the semblance of the hearth, the Slavs gathered around an unknown phenomenon. So in the houses in Russia settled the Welmer Son, the god of fire.


However, there is a legend that the ancestor of the Divine, who personifies the fire, was not God the Blacksmith, but his son. Dazhbog, who every day performed a walk on a sunny chariot, clenched over the suffering people and presented to humanity as a spark.

Whoever sent the flame to earth, he presented Humanity hope. Since then, the fire has become a sacred phenomenon. Ancient believed that the heat from the fire is endowed with healing properties, so a sick person had near the hearth.

After the magical flame appears, the life of Slavs became easier. Warred in the middle of winter, residents of the villages have learned to use fire for fishery, not forgetting to express the descending deity.

Ancient Slavs dance around fire

Calm life has changed with the arrival of spring. Flood fell on Earth. For 6 days of the incessant rain, the whole fire that warmed and defended the houses of Slavs, the wonder. Panic embraced people. Only an old man appointed by the Slavs for the role of the main priest of Welzhal remain calm.

An elderly man told that the rain is a test that the welcome was located on people. But good welded will not throw its own wards. The old man said that in a dream, an attractive blonde young man came to him. The young man was driving on a red horse, and in his hand he kept a spear. The hero told the old man how to return the fire to the life of Slavs. To do this, residents of Russia need a wooden peg to lose dry grass and bark.

Pier in Rus

After the exhausting friction in the hands of the priest, the fire was laid again. Since then, Rusichi have not swore with a wonderful flame. People built new sanctuations, glorifying the welded, and began to worship the young man with a great zeal, re-giving joy and warmly.

Soon, the welded had their own names. On this day, the residents of Russia were trapped by Ovin (the room in which the grain was kept) and made a sacrifice - threw fresh oats into the fire. After it is proposed to God, Rusichi arranged a generous feast, glorifying his own Savior and the patron.

Interesting Facts

  • The exact value of the name of God is unknown, but the overall root with the word "Svarog" began to assume that the welded was translated as "the youngest sky" or "slightly burning." The reason for such statements is the suffix "ICH", meaning the Slavs of the Slavs. The theory is equally popular that the Magaze is only the patronymic of God, pointing to the relationship with the Kuznets God.
  • The strongest talisman in Slavic mythology is considered by Svozhich-Radiat. A double amulet helps to accumulate inner strength and hear the advice of ancestors.
  • The wanchagechair is recommended to wear people suffering from low self-esteem and hosting trouble to heart.

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