Yanka Kupala - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



Yanka Kupala is the National Poet of Belarus, whose poem "Boy and pilot" inspired Yuri Gagarin on the conquest of cosmos. He, as many authors of Soviet times, suffered injury from the authority, more than once turned out to be on the threshold of death. The sustainable death of the Kupala is still a reason to investigate historians and literary criticism.

Childhood and youth

Yanka Kupala (real name - Ivan Dominicovic Lutsevich) was born on July 7, 1882 in the Belarusian village of Khpanka in the family of Dominica Onufrievich and Benigne, Ivanovna (in Majorch). Parents, followers of the Roman Catholic Church, called the Son in honor of the Christian prophet John the Baptist.

Portrait of Yankee Kupala

The first mention of Lutschi dates back to the XVII century: then the grandfather of the poet leased from the richest Lithuanian kind of Radzivilov Earth. It was necessary to pay for her Dominic on Onufrievich, who, although belonged to a privileged class, was in fact an ordinary peasant. He gave big money for the opportunity to lead the economy.

Ivan helped his father in labor, but the management of the economy did not prevent the future poet in 1898 to graduate from the Belarusian People's School.

Yanka Kupala in youth

Dominic and Benioga brought up 8 children: Ivan's brothers - Anton and Casimir, five sisters - Sabina, Gelen, Maria, Lokadia, the name of the latter is not disclosed in open sources. In early 1902, the family remained without a breadwinner, and six months later, all sisters Ivan and brother got sick. Casemere, Sabina and Gelena died.

The role of the main man in the family allowed Lucevich to avoid the army. In the appeal documents for 1903 there is an Ivan card, according to which he had to serve in the 2nd camp of the Borisovsky County of the Gaina-Sloboda parish. He was destined to get into the army only in 1916, to a road construction squad.

Yanka Kupala in youth

The poet's biography can not be called simple. Even in his youth, Ivan had to be responsible for the whole family. He worked on a distinguished plant, cleaned the streets, distributed leaflets - he was taken for any work for the sisters for sisters and mom.

In 1904, the grand-nephew of Ivan Vasily (Yanka) Angochinsky convinced Benigna that her son deserves to live her life. The man promised to take care of the Lutsevian family. He kept the word - married Mary, sister Ivan, and became a full owner of the house. Ivan moved to Minsk, where his literary career was bloomed in full color.

Books and publicistics

Ivan began his work in Polish - the first lines appeared in the magazine "Grain" in 1903 under the pseudonym K ,. On July 15, 1904, the debut poem was published in the Belarusian language "My share", and with the publication in the North-West Edge newspaper, the works of the "man" (1905) began to climb the poet to glory.

Poet Yank Kupala

At the same time, the first legal newspapers in the Belarusian language are founded in Vilnius - "Our Share" and "Our Niva". In the second edition in 1907, the poem "Kospla" was published, which marked the yield of Ivan, known as Yanka Kupala, to the national seal.

The pseudonym Yanka Kupala is formed from the Belarusian version of the name Ivan and the name of the holiday. According to the signs, if the flower of fern, the man who found him finds him finds the spiritual and material wealth on the night to Ivan Kupala. Lutsevic wanted to become for readers with this happy flower.

In 1908, the poems of the young Belarusian writer were merged into the Debut Collection of "Dudochka". The publication brought the first problems with the authorities: Petersburg Committee on Press Affairs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the book of anti-state, confiscated circulation, and the author was arrested. Soon the poet was free and immediately left the editorial office of the newspaper "Our Niva", so as not to determine the honor of the leadership.

Petersburg presented with Belarusian useful dating with poets Yakub Kolas and Valery Bryusov. Bryusov is the first poet who translated the poems of the jokes into Russian. In 1910, Yanka published the second collection of poems "Husar", and then closely engaged in writing plays. Kupala stood at the origins of the creation of the Belarusian theater. The poem "Eternal Song" and the drama "Sleep in Kurgan", written in the same year, still enter the "Golden Fund" of the dramatic art of Belarus.

Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas

A real pearl is considered to be a comedy "Pavlinka" (1912) about the girl who chooses the groom contrary to the prohibitions of parents. The main role was performed by the first muse Yankee Peacock Madylka. In 1913, the poet wrote an autobiographical drama "Raisted nest" about the family, which loses property - house and land. Yanka Kupala said:

"I invested the best in this play, which was in my poetry and prose."

In the same year the third collection of poems of "dear life" came out. The lack of a negative reaction to creativity allowed Yanke to return to work in our Niva, in April 1914 he took the post of chief editor.

Monument to Yanke Kupava in Minsk

The establishment of the Soviet Union changed the vector of poetry knaps. A bright example was the tragicomedy "local" (1922). She tells about a man who tries with all their mights to adapt to rapidly changing living conditions, but it turns out to be broken. According to the authorities, the work had a negative shade, and in 1927, the play was banned.

The theme of adaptation was present in all poetic compilations of the author, up to the Great Patriotic War. Because of this, the relationship between the Yankee, the authorities and the press aggravated. In 1930, conflict reached apogee. The man was accused of nationalism, attributed to the alliance with the Organization of the National Liberation of Belarus. Regular injury and interrogations pushed the poet to suicide.

In a suicide note, addressed to the head of the Government of the BSSR, Alexander Cyaakov, Yanka Kupala wrote:

"Once again, before death, I declare that I was not going to be in any counterrevolutionary organization and is not going to be. It can be seen, such a share of poets. Hang Yesenin hanged himself, Mayakovsky shot himself, well, and I have a way there for them. "

The attempt of suicide, undertaken on November 22, 1930, was not crowned with success. Belorus was forced to publish an open letter in which he confessed to the sins attached to him and promised not to repeat ideological mistakes.

After the official apologies, the authorities finally left the Yanke of the town at rest. Moreover, in 1939, the poet was awarded the Order of Lenin, and in 1941, the State Prize of the USSR I degree in the field of literature, the so-called Stalinist premium was presented. The collection "from the heart" (1940) was the reason for the award.

Portrait of Yankee Kupala

In the war years, the poet became famous for the poem "Belarusian partisans". The work laid on the music became the anthem of the undergrounders, and the first lines - "partisans, partisans, Belarusian sons!" - served as a call engine "Soviet Belarus".

In addition to writing, Yanka Kupala engaged in translations. Thanks to him, 92 products of 36 authors sounded in the Belarusian language, including the word about the regiment of Igor, "the copper rider" Alexander Pushkin.

Personal life

A significant contribution to the personal life and creativity of Yankee Kupala introduced his first muse - the Belarusian actress Pavlin Vikentievna Madylka. Thanks to her, the poems "Bondarovna" and "She and I", the poem "Alesya", "He and she" appeared, "I will have a love to be crowned with love ..." And others.

Peacock Madylka

Young people met in 1909. The talent of Peacock fascinated the poet, so he insisted that the main role in the play "Pavlinka" was given to her. And the actress liked the Yankees Pijon style: on a few photos and portraits of the poet it can be seen that he was dressed with the needle, twisted the mustache and used a cane.

There was no novel between two creative people, they were inspired by each other. Nevertheless, the engagement of the joons with Vladislav Frantznaya Stankevich in January 1916 became an unpleasant surprise for Peacock. Marriage was brought in Moscow in the Sea Peter and Paul.

Yanka Kupala and his wife Vladislav Stankevich

Yanka and Vladislav lived together for 26 years, they did not have children, although they wanted to adopt the girl.

18 years after the death of her husband, a woman lived with eternal memory of her beloved. On May 25, 1944, Stankevich opened the State Literary Museum Yankee Kupala, which functions now.


The sudden death of the National Poet of Belarus is rich in interesting facts, ranging from the circumstances of what happened and ending with the cause of death. On June 18, 1942, Yanke Kupala called to Moscow. In the journey, he met with friends, called for the 60th birthday, treated the cakes.

On June 28, according to the witnesses of contemporaries, the poet had abruptly left the creative meeting, which was held at the Moscow Hotel, with the words: "I'm for a minute." After some time, there was noise in Tambour, and the guests came out of the room. They found that Yanka Kupala fell into a staircase span from 10 floors and crashed to death. On the clock was 22:33.

There are 3 versions of the death of the poet: chance, suicide and murder. Many historians hold the latter. On the eve of the tragedy, the poet was in a good mood, his collection of poems "Belarusian partisans" (1942) was successful. In addition, the man's shoe remained on the staircase, which he could lose in the fight. Seen witnesses of the death of the poet and a runaway woman.

Yanka Puppy Kremated, the remains burned on the Vagankovsky cemetery. Since 1962, his grave has been in Minsk at a military cemetery.

In honor of the national poet, universities, streets, squares, metro stations and libraries are named. In 1945, he was posthumously awarded the medal "For the defense of Moscow".


Collections of poems:

  • 1908 - "Dudochka" ("Prayer")
  • 1910 - "Husar"
  • 1913 - "Dear Life"
  • 1922 - "Heritage"
  • 1925 - "Unnamed"
  • 1930 - "Flowering"
  • 1936 - "Construction Song"
  • 1937 - "Belarusian Belarus"
  • 1940 - "From the Heart"
  • 1942 - "Belarusian partisans"

Poems and plays:

  • 1908 - "For what?"
  • 1910 - "Sleep in Kurgan"
  • 1912 - "Pavlinka"
  • 1913 - "Rasky Nest"
  • 1913 - "She and I"
  • 1922 - "Local"

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