Mira Torvino - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Being born in the family of actors, the world did not plan to associate her life with a movie: her dream was history and political science, which she seriously studied at Harvard. But fate had other plans: a dizzying career in Hollywood, dozens of main roles, the Oscar Award for the role in the film of the religious director, bright, but a speed-free novel with Quentin Tarantino, happy and large motherhood.

Childhood and youth

The world of Catherine Sorbino was born on September 27, 1967 in New York in the acting family of Paul Sorvino and Lorrain Davis. The father of the girl came from Sicily, came to conquer America in the post-war years, but succeeded only in the 90s, after Martina Scorsese in the "glorious guys". But Lorrain did not have time to glorify, the woman sacrificed the career after marriage, when one of the three small Torvino - Peace, Amanda and Michael appeared.

Childhood children passed in a family house in Tenaflae, New Jersey. The world was a father's favorite. He often took her on the shooting, knowing that the girl would never give him his wife for a couple missed with colleagues whiskey cups. One day, a pretty girl was noticed, and the world played one tiny episode. It was in 1982.

The future actress visited the prestigious school of "Englwood", where he also took part in school productions. And yet with a close friend Hope Davis, also subsequently became the actress, they themselves put the plays.

Mira Sorvino in youth

Father took care that the daughter gets the best education. And the world, which is already in his youth, more than a pretty girl, he fond of politics, went to Harvard to study the synology and stild Chinese. She was 20, when, after arriving at the vacation in Tenaflai, the parents sorrified the news about the divorce.

For the girl it was a blow: to get along with the idea that the family, who was her pride and support, was no longer unbearable. From heavy thoughts saved the change in the situation: in the middle of 1988, the world, as one of the talented female students, was sent to internship to the Middle Kingdom. She collected material for the dissertation, taught English to Chinese students and was happy in his own way.

Peace Sorvino

Sorvino was so imbued with a new life, which decided to move to Beijing and become a teacher, but unrest in China 1989 (events on June 4) forced her to change plans. After graduating Harvard, the world was taken for any job - she worked as a waitress, starred in advertising - she was important not to take money from his father. One day, fate brought it to the acting courses, after which she already knew what would devote the coming decades.


After listening to an angry Tirade from the Father, who did not want an acting career for her daughter, the world went to storming castings. The first experience of acting was the role in the series "Swans Crossing" in 1992, and next year the director Rob Weiss offered her a major role in the film "Among friends." The energetic world acted as an assistant to producer.

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Charismatic Torvino, which filled the entire frame with his charm, attracted the attention of many directories. In 1994, she played a translator from Spanish in the Comedy "Barcelona". In the same year, Robert Redford invites you to a young actress in his film "CHAIRTORINE". The film was successful and was nominated for Oscar.

The world triumph is small, but the first victory. In her acting biography includes bright, win-win tapes: "Sweet Nothing", "With the despondency in the face" and "Great Aphrodite". All these paintings came out in 1995, and for the last film in this list, shot by the cult director Woody Allen, the world's prestigious film charts - Oscar and Golden Globe.

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The girl played a prostitute Linda Ash - a boy's biological mother named Max, who adopted the main character of the film Lenny (played Allen himself). Linda and Lenny come closer, but a man remains faithful, Linda gives birth to a child from him, not to mention him. The witty and life-affirming comedy caused a flurry of positive reviews, became the "nail" of festival shows, and until 1997, its premiere shows took place in all major cities in the world.

Next Film Shot - movie with Sororino - Comedy "Romi and Michel at a meeting of graduates" (1997). The world in a pair with actress Liza Kudroo appeared in the image of glamorous blondes, going towards the adventure. The film turned out to be quite successful and collected $ 30 million at all.

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In 1998, the world was finally useful, the knowledge of the Chinese language, which she was perfectly mastered in early youth. In the militant "Murderer for the replacement" of the world starred with Chinese actor Chow Yunfat. This role was a debut in Hollywood for him, he did not understand English and terribly shy. The world has become salvation for him, and for the director. The couple played a criminal tandem (he - Killer, she is a fraudulent), hiding from Mafia mercenaries.

After 2 years, the actress appeared in the form of windy Daisi Buchanan in the television film "Great Gatsby". From now on, it is actively removed on television. In 2005, the world played in the mini-series "Living Goods" about victims of human trafficking. For the role of Russian girl Kati Morozova, Golden Globe received "Golden Globe". In 2008, the actress appeared in the episode of the TV series "Dr. House".

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As a public activist, the world pays great attention to social issues in films. So, in 2012, she again refers to the topic of trafficking. In the Drama "Innunny Trade", she with actor Dummot Malluni plays a married couple, whose child is kidnapped.

A bright example of the fresh work of the artist is the drama "Chloe and Theo", which narrates about the threat of an ecological catastrophe, as well as the Thriller "Daughter of God" about the fate of the girl, who became a victim of violence as a child. Both paintings were removed in 2015.

Personal life

Personal life of the artist, which up to 37 years remained unmarried, was vividly interested in all her fans. The girl has always had a lot of workers, but the most bright and loud, definitely, have become a relationship with Quentin Tarantino. They met in the 1996th. Both young, successful and beautiful. Everyone experienced the period of glory after receiving Oscar.

Mira Sorbino and Quentin Tarantino

Quentin immediately offered the world to spend the world in Paris, and these were unforgettable days, despite the fact that Paparazzi walked behind them on the heels. The world really fell in love. The director and actress met for 3 years, and it seems everything smoothly went to the marriage, but the closer tarantino refused, saying that he was already "married" at his work.

Mira Torpino and her husband Chris Baccan

Mira did not put up and left. Then they followed the novels with the actors of Olivier Martinez and Willem Defo. The celebrity has almost desperately meet a truly close person to her when her future husband appeared on the horizon. Full Chris Bakuk turned out to be the younger world for 14 years, but it did not embarrass a couple, in 2004 they got married.

Mira Torpino in a swimsuit

Four children were born in this happy marriage: Mattea Angel (2004), Johnny Christopher King (2006), Holden Pol Terry (2009) and Lucia (2012). Fans point out that, even despite numerous childbirth, the figure of the actresses perfectly preserved, just look at her photo in a swimsuit laid out in "Instagram".

Mira Sorbino now

In 2018, the world began to be filmed in the spy television series "Condor".

Mira Sorbino in 2018

The actress plays a high-ranking official of the CIA of Marty Frost. Kinoproject extended to the 2nd season in 2019.


  • 1993 - "Among friends"
  • 1994 - "CHAIRINING"
  • 1995 - "Great Amanda"
  • 1997 - "Romi and Michel in a meeting of graduates"
  • 1998 - "Replacement Killers"
  • 2000 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 2003 - "Gods and generals"
  • 2005 - "Living Goods"
  • 2007 - "Leningrad"
  • 2012 - "Innocent trade"
  • 2015 - "Chloe and Theo"
  • 2018 - "Condor"

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