Alisher Navoi - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



Alisher Navoi is the great Turkic poet, a thinker, public and statesman of the XVI century. He left in history as an outstanding writer, who wrote on Persian (Farsi) and Turkic languages. Thanks to Turkic-speaking creativity, Navoi consider the attitude of the literature of many Central Asian peoples. For example, in Uzbekistan Navoi is the founder of the national literary language.

Childhood and youth

Lyomiddin Mir Alisher was born on February 9, 1441 in Gerat. In those days, Herat was the capital of Horasan (now the territory of modern Uzbekistan and Iran) - the provinces as part of Maverannahra, the state created by Amir Timur.

Portrait of Alisher Navoi

Scientists discussions are still underway on the origin of Alisher Navoi. Considers are considered 2 versions: according to the first, he is the descendant of Uygur Bakhshi (Sauzhalters), according to the second, his belonging goes back to the Mongolian tribe of Barlasov, whose led was Timur himself.

Hence the privileged position of his father - Hyyasiddin Kichkin, who served as an official at the courtyard of Timurides, was a man of enlightened, from the educated dynasty. One uncle Alisher was a poet, the second - a musician and calligrapher.

Alisher Navoi.

Being the son of the court, the boy grew in the Palace of the ruler of Hourasan, where he became friends with Tsarevich Hussein Baikara - the grandson of Omar Sheikh, the second son of Timur. Later, friends studied together in Gerat's Madrasa, where both have shown love for humanitarian sciences, in particular to poetry and literature.

Sources write that already at 15 years old Alisher wrote magnificent poems. One of Navoi teachers became the famous Persian poet-mystic, Sufi Jami. In 1466-1469, the talented young man studied in Meshad's Madrasa and Samarkand - the capital of the Timurid state, learning philosophy, logic, mathematics and other sciences. Then returned to his native herata to call a friend of Childhood Hussein Baikary, who by that time the Horace Throne took.

State activities

Sultan Hussein closer to his beloved friend, appointing him a Vizier and giving the title of Emir in 1472. Baikara appreciated the talent and abilities of Navoi, who now wanted to put in service. Alisher supported the ruler in many reforms, but his most bright support was manifested in the flourishing of the cultural life of Herat. In this Baikara was agreed with Navoi, he himself wrote poems under the pseudonym of the Husaine and encouraged the activities of scientists and creative people.

Sultan Hussein Baikara

It was in the era of Navoi in Herata a community of poets (Navoi, Jami), historians (Mirchund, Hondamir), musicians, calligraphers, artists (Camaliddin Behzod) and others were organized.

With Navoi in Horasan, over 20 mosques, 10 Khanakov (abode for Sufis), 20 ponds, 16 bridges, dams, mausoleums were built. There are many restorations of vintage buildings. So, among the merit of Navoi - the restoration of the Cathedral Mosque of Herat XIII century. Intensive construction entails the flourishing architecture, the buildings decorate the best calligraphes of that time.

Alisher Navoi.

Vizier develops crafts: weaving, rope, pottery and jewelry art. Herat turned into a prosperous cultural and craft center of the East. A number of objects, according to historians, Vizier built on his own funds and made many charitable acts for the poor: distributed clothes, arranged lunches for those in need.

In the biography of Navoi a lot of contradictions. So, for example, one or other events in his life are interpreted differently. So, there is information that, without preparing the cargo of the state of state, the official will resign and devotes exclusively creativity. Other sources say that, having resigned, Navoi still remains faithful of the Sultan under the court and continues to help him in managing the country.

Monument to Alisher Navoi

Also known is known for the appointment of Alisher Navoi by the governor of the Astrabad region of Horasan in 1487. However, a number of experts treat this reference to the deaf province on the soil of cooling between the ruler and its faithful vision. Others, on the contrary, represent this solution in the light of the special confidence of Sultan to a friend of childhood.

Anyway, in 1488, the poet is finally removed from public affairs and settles in herata to prevent literary talent.


It is known the creativity of the poet in two languages ​​- the Turkic under the pseudonym Navoi (which means "melodic", from the word Navo - "Music") and Persian under the name of Fani (which means "brag"). For his life, Navoi wrote over 3,000 gazelles (lyrical poems), which were then combined into special collections - sofas.

Poet Alisher Navoi

The most famous work of Navoi is "Hamsa", or "Piziaitsa" - a meeting of 5 poems written by the author as a tribute to the creativity of the classics of Persian poetry by Nizami Ganjevi, which created his "Pattitsa" in the XII century.

In Hamsu, Navoi includes the poems "confusion of righteous", "Leyly and Medezhnun", "Farhad and Shirin", "Seven Planets", "Wall of Iskander", written at different times. The first work of the cycle poet wrote in 1483, it can be called socio-philosophical. Navoi describes events taking place in the state: arbitrariness of nobility, feudal wars, oppression of the poor, and also gives this moral assessment.

In 1484 the author writes the romantic poems "Leyly and Medezhnun" and "Farhad and Shirin", using the motives of popular legends. In these works, the poet commens not only the feelings of lovers, but also the problems of religion, social inequality, poor. Also during this period, the poem "Seven Planets" was written, in which, in an allegorical form, the author criticizes individual representatives of the ruling clan of the Timurides.

And finally, the fifth poem became the "Wall of Iskander" about the life of the famous commander and the conqueror of Central Asia Alexander Macedonsky, famous in the East as Iskander Zulkarnine. The end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90s is marked with work on historical works. Navoi writes the "story of Ajama rulers", "the history of the Iranian kings" and "the history of the prophets and wise men" about the famous figures of the East. Also, the poet creates the biography of his teacher by Jami - "P Plystritsa of the tormented" (1492).

Alisher Navoi writes poems

As the result of his life-in-law Navoi is a sofa "Treasury of thought", in which four cycles are collected: "Miracles of childhood", "the rarity of youth", "Dicks of the Middle Ages" and "Edge of Older". This work that assembled over 2,600 gazelles is considered a bright sample of lyrics of Navoi, which spawned a plurality of winged expressions, quotes and aphorisms. Navoi's statements are striking by beauty, poetry and imagery.

"Heaven embraced fire, that torch is not a Zarnitsa,

And the flame of the clear eye is yours - with him the sun does not compare.

And how burns without a trace of lightning straw,

I love my love, my soul smokes. "

No less Creativity of Navoi on Farsi. Known 3 collection of poems in Persian: "Six nobles", "Four Seasons of the Year" and "Sofa Fani". The latest works of Navoi became the poems "Birds" (1499), a philosophical and allegorical work, and the treatise "Beloved Hearts" (1500), chanting the ideal, from the point of view of the poet, ruler.

Personal life

Alisher Navoi belonged to the Sufi Order of Nobcband, was a pious man and voluntarily accepted Ascessa - he was not married, he did not know the joy of the birth of children. As the Timurid poet and the ruler Zahiridin Babur said about him in the epic poem "Babnam":

"Without a son, without a daughter, he walked his way in the world, lonely and lonely."

There are, however, one legend about the Poet's personal life, which states that in his youth, Alisher Navoi and Hussein Baikara fell in love with the same girl - Guli. Noble Navoi could not do to a friend and persuaded the beauty of Hussein's wife. It is believed that the love of Guli Poet carried through the whole life.

Portrait of Alisher Navoi

In his own poems, the poet condemns loneliness and even wrote wonderful lines:

"Whoever chose his own fate -

Not a man: he robbed his fate.

He and with people - one, all the days of his bitter:

Whether who heard the cotton's sole hand. "

Alisher Navoi Contemporaries called a man of difficult character, hot-tempered and even arrogant.

"He was a man in a high degree of delicate mind and wonderful upbringing," characterizes Alisher Babur, "and demanded that all people behave the same way, and therefore it was difficult for him to get along with them."

Portraits of the poet, according to historians, transmit the essence of the nature of the writer.


Alisher Navoi died on January 3, 1501 in Herat, weakening from a long disease. Before his death, he moved away from the worldly bustle and lived herger in the cell at the mausoleum of his Sufi teacher.

Monument to Alisher Navoi

The man was gone, leaving behind the rich literary heritage: about 30 works - poems, poems, treatises. Its works are translated into dozens of world languages, and books and manuscripts are stored in the largest libraries in the world.

Monuments poet established in Tashkent, Moscow, Baku, Shanghai, Washington and other cities in the world. In 1991, a ruble coin depicted by Alisher Navoi was released to the 550th anniversary of the poet.


Hand, coal layers are crash, becomes black,The soul, with the people of evil friend, becomes a dangle. All give, depriving yourself, - this is a generosity over measures,

To do the same, only silently, - these are the courage example. By the world to reconcile in yourself, o'clock, we are not given:

Two boats grab overboard - they will pick up anyway. Shell, who was looking for eternity among the worries of worldly,

A fool who looked at the sought among human hearts.


  • 1483 - "Farhad and Shirin"
  • 1483 - "Leila and Medezhnun"
  • 1483 - "Seven Planets"
  • 1485 - "Wall of Iskander"
  • 1488 - "History of Ajama rulers"
  • 1498 - "Treasury of Thoughts"
  • 1499 - "Birds Language"
  • 1500 - "Beloved Hearts"

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