Bakhrom Nazarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Songs, News 2021



Singer Bakhrz Nazarov is one of the favorite artists in Uzbekistan, whose concerts collect thousands of fans of different ages. It is known not only as a song performer, but also as the author of wonderful compositions for the stars of Uzbek pop. Its creative biography begins with childhood in an intelligent family. Glory came to the performer closer to 30 years, after a 100 percent hit "Ayrildim".

Childhood and youth

Bakhrom Nazarov was born on June 4, 1984 in the Andijan Region, Uzbekistan. Father is a cultural worker, mother - librarian. She comes from Kazakhstan. Arriving to Uzbekistan to learn, met the future husband. It is known that the fringe has brothers and sisters. Parents since childhood passed the Son to music and reading. Mom brought rare books from work, which the boy was read.

Bakhrov Nazarov in 2018

Already in adolescence, young books mastered many works of Uzbek classics. His work was especially impressed by his work Zahiriddin Muhammad Baburo - "Baburnam". Under the impression of a poem reading poems and music. His first listeners were close relatives and friends.

In the gymnasium, the boy was among the gifted disciples, succeeded in all subjects, especially liked the study of foreign languages. However, despite his love for the humanitarian sciences, the Bakhrom chose a prestigious technical university - entered the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.


The happy case was given to the music of the gifted young man: another 18-year-old student he met his idol and a countryman - People's Artist of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov, who opened a lot of talents on the Uzbek scene. The fringe showed the artist the author's compositions, and the one impressed by the guy's talent took him into the disciples.

Singer Bakhrz Nazarov

According to the beginning of the tradition of Nazarbekov, disciples for the scene during multi-day solo concerts. Thus, young people undergo a kind of battle baptism, and the elimination (mentor) wants to say that singers are ready to go into independent solo swimming.

So it was with Nazarov. For the first time on a large scene, the fringe performed at the concert of the mentor with the song "Ismin Nim Andzhonlik Kiz". However, it works as a composer for a long time. Posted for Okhodbek Nazarbekov a lot of successful songs that became the leaders of pop charts: "Reichon Senga Uylanaman", "Lyle Sendan Hafa Ana" and others. And over time, began to write for pop stars of the first magnitude.

Once at one of the concerts, he performed the song "Ayrildim". The song had such a success that Nazarov did not expect himself. At the annual Creative Jury Ceremony with a unanimous decision recognized her "Song of the Year - 2014".

"Of course, I did not think that I was so lucky, but this case was once again proved: sincere love and loyalty caused good luck," the singer admitted.

After that, the inspired musician begins cooperation with the production center "Mo'jiza Media" and writes Hit for a hit. In rotation, the dance composition "Pari-bet" appears, which was shot by a funny clip: Two jigita from a medieval fairy tale teleported to modern Tashkent and fall in love with modern beauty.

Another incendiary composition "Lola-Lola" a few weeks kept on the first lines of the charts. There is in the repertoire of singer and lyrical, minor compositions: "Hijron", "Kishkish", "ETIMLAR", etc.

In 2015, the first solo concert of Bakhrome Nazarov called "Shukron" in the prestigious concert hall of the capital - the Palace "Ostiklol".

Especially fruitful became for the artist 2017. At the beginning of the year, the album of the singer "Bakht Accident" was released. And on November 14, his next solo concert took place. The program of the evening Nazarov called "an inturn" in honor of his new record, which also came out at the end of the year. The concert also sounded popular Tajik and Turkish songs. The fringe sang the composition dedicated to his late mom, who did not survive before that success.

Now the fringe of Nazarov has a lot and often drives towers along the regions of Uzbekistan and in foreign countries. Full concert halls of fans prove love and recognition of the public. The artist reveals to personal reputation and sings only in a living performance.

Personal life

Bahr Nazarov, like many Uzbek singers, does not advertise a personal life. It is known that the performer is married and loves his family very much. The couple raises two children: the eldest son of Ozodbeck, named after the teacher, and the younger daughter Zehin.

Bakhrom Nazarov and Son
"Unfortunately, the work takes a lot of time, especially endless tour, so the upbringing of children and care about them lie on the shoulders of his wife. I completely trust her and always thank this work, "the singer told in an interview.

He has accounts in social networks, but Nazarov appears infrequently, laying out photos from concerts or shooting clips. Rarely you can see family photos of the stars.

Bakhrom Nazarov Now

In 2018, the "Yuraksiz" song appeared in the repertoire of Nazarov, which numerous fans fell in love with.

In the same year, the artist stated that he wanted to receive a second creative education, and also said - 2019 plans to spend very fruitful.


  • "Yuraksiz"
  • "Hijron"
  • "Kiscick"
  • "Paris Paris"
  • "Lola Lola"
  • "Gulsar"
  • "Helim"

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