Galina Loginova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Galina Loginova is one of those who think: "lucky!". She lives into two countries: America and Russia. There, behind the ocean, her daughter Mill Yovovich's daughter and favorite granddaughters, in Russia there were past - colleagues, beloved work in the cinema, memory of childhood and parents. Disappointment and resentment is not about her. The fate has developed as it should, and in his biography, she would not like to change something.

Childhood and youth

Galina was born in the family of an officer of the Soviet army. Military upbringing did not impose an imprint on the girl, but the will of the case of the Login family was in Dnepropetrovsk. Here they were detained for many years. The girl successfully finished school, becoming actress was not going. In fate intervened bad weather.

Galina Loginova

One day, hitting the rain, Galya in search of a dry place hid under a cinema shed. She became curious why so many young people crowd here. It turned out, a set of students in VGIK. She felt excitement and decided to try.

The admission committee made a choice in her favor, recognizing her acting talent. So Galina Loginova among the 12 students from Ukraine was in Moscow. It was interesting to learn. The girl was comprehended by an acting profession in the workshop of Vladimir Belokurov. There was a star of the course, she got the main roles in student productions.

Galina Loginova in youth

There was a case when her with a friend was almost expelled from Vgika. The teachers did not like how the student casually prepared a ball number. The girls took into account the mistake, and they managed to correct the unpleasant situation.

Galina never listened to someone else's opinion. She intuitively knew how to do it, stood out with his unresoluteness. The bright appearance of a young actress strengthened the impression. She was noticed, and already during Loginov receives the first kinoroli.


The debut became a small role in the television multi-sized film "The shadows disappear at noon." Galina played 25-year-old Olga Voronov, the daughter of the main characters of Anisima and Marya. Later in one of the interviews, Galina Aleksandrovna shared his impressions of the first role.

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She, 18-year-old girl, was difficult to imagine what emotions can experience a young woman with a child in her arms when the war goes and she needs to go to the front, leave their relatives and loved ones. Helped experienced colleagues, they prompted the young actress what to do. The debut was a success, and Galina noticed directors.

After 2 years, Student Vgika was invited to the major role of Beatrice in the comedy "a lot of noise from nothing." Konstantin Rikin became her partner. The film gave a start to several young actors. Daughter Galina Aleksandrovna, Mill, often puts a cassette for Mom with this picture. Looking now at yourself in youth, she admits - does not believe that it happened to her.

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Before departure from the Soviet Union, Galina managed to be held back in several cinema. One of them is the "Blue Patrol" of the Kiev film studio named after Dovzhenko, in which she also played a major role. Another picture, the detective "millions of Ferfax," was forbidden to show. In the broad masses, the film was in post-mining years.

During this period, cardinal changes occurred in the personal and creative life of the logic.

Personal life

At one of the student parties, she met Yugoslav Bogdan Yovovich, who passed the practice in the USSR as a doctor. It was love at first sight. The passion for the young actress turned against her. In Soviet times, friendship and marriages with foreigners, even from the countries of the socialist camp, were on the verge of taboo. In any case, the Committee of State Security immediately took over the observation and processing of "nonconscious comrades."

Galina Loginova and Bogdan Yovovich

Galina aroused several times on a conversation in the KGB. Amoral behavior of Loginovoy disassembled at congregations of the film studio. Some time actress was not shot in the cinema. But still, despite the pressure, young people decided to legalize their relationship.

Pregnancy for Galina has become the long-awaited. The girl was called Militia in honor of the Yugoslav Prelbabushka. Bogdan left the USSR - the passport period ended. He opened a medical center in London, Galina came to him several times, and one of the arrings decided that she would stay with his spouse.

Galina Loginova with family

In 1981, Galina, Mill and Bogdan moved to the United States. This period for the family is one of the most difficult. Without knowledge of the language, login was difficult to find work actress, I had to take for any. She was a nanny, and a driver in a taxi, a domestic servant from director Brian de Palm.

With her husband, Bogdan Galina diverged after his exit from prison. He received a deadline for majynation with documents. Loginova completely gave itself to upbringing and promoting her daughter. The first professional photos of Milla appeared in the press when she was 11 years old. The girl was noticed, she signed favorable contracts. Mila Mila Yovovich became her official manager.

Galina Loginova and Milla Yovovich

Galina Alexandrovna said that her daughter had a difficult character, especially during the period of her teenage formation. Loginova found a language with her, convincing it to learn and work.

Mill is still a demanded actress. In 2018, the premiere of the film "The World of the Future" took place. 2019 will not be an exception in the level of creative activity. It leads an "instagram", in which millions of subscribers, where openly divides the life of the star family.

Galina Loginova now

Galina Aleksandrovna moved away from the Affairs of the Star Daughter, remaining for Milla Loving Mom and the Grandma of her two children. She is developing his business. She is again invited to role in Russian films. Now in her filmography there are dozens of film.

Galina Loginova now

In one interview, she said that he did not regret anything. The only thing that I would like to change in fate - to give birth to two more children.


  • 1971 - "The shadows disappear at noon"
  • 1973 - "Many noise from nothing"
  • 1974 - "Blue Patrol"
  • 1974 - "Summer in Zhuravlin"
  • 1978 - "Fairy Tale as a Fairy Tale"
  • 1979 - "Kiev meetings"
  • 1979 - "Publishing Man"
  • 1980 - "Millions of Ferfax"
  • 1987 - "Scarecrow and Mrs. King"
  • 1991 - "Super Malchik"
  • 1993 - "Prisoner of Time"
  • 2002 - "Hynotizer"
  • 2006 - "Man is irretrievable"
  • 2010 - "Freaks"
  • 2015 - "Mounted Life"

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