Fedor Plevako - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, lawyer



The name of the lawyer has become a numerous far beyond the limits of the Russian Empire. Fyodor Plevako became famous not only by professionalism and deep knowledge of laws, but also the virtuoso possession of the word, oratory talent. The people came to court sessions with his participation as a spectacular event, fascinating and excited emotions.

Lawyer Fedor Plevako

"Metropolitan of advocacy", "Pushkin in jurisprudence", "genius of the word" - as soon as Purevako colleagues and common people, which Fyodor Nikolaevich often defended for free. The formation and wealth of speech, the skillful construction of proposals, the composition of the text and the emotional color-given to him admired another genius of the word - Anton Chekhov.

"Dickey climbs into the most soul, the fire looks out of the eye ... how many Pewso speak, it is always possible to listen without boredom ...", "said the writer.

Childhood and youth

A talented lawyer was born in the spring of 1842 in the Southern Urals, in Troitsk, who at that time belonged to the Orenburg province.

About the family and parents of the famous lawyer biographers continue to argue. If in relation to the father came to a common denominator, calling him a reforming Polish nobleman in the rank of the surviving advisor, then the nationality of the mother and today is not known today. Some sources call it Kalmachka, others - Kyrgyz, the Third - the Fortist Casual, who happened, however, from a rich and noble kind.

Mom Fedor Plemako and he himself

Father of the future shining Russian advocacy was called Vasily Plevak (later a lawyer added to Proving in the end of the letter "O", making emphasis on it).

Parents lived in a civil marriage, not consecrated by the church and official seals. Four sirs appeared in the family, survived from which two sons - Fyodor and Dormidont. Children were illegitimate, which later affected biographies. Patronymic they received from the godfather.

Big Afanasyevsky Alley in Moscow, where Perevako lived

In the early 1850s, the family moved to Moscow. The boys gave to a prestigious School on Ostozhenka, who was preparing students for students in commercial and technical universities of Russia. At the very first year of study, the names of the Pleumak brothers decorated the board of honor, but after half a year, Fedor and Dormidont, having learned about their "illegitimate" status, were expelled.

The chapter of the family had a lot to bother to arrange children in the 1st metropolitan gymnasium, which was located on the Prechistenka. Boys at the end of the exams were immediately determined in the 3rd grade.

After graduating from the gymnasium, Fyodor Plevak became a Moscow University student by choosing jurisprudence. The graduate's diploma has already stood a new name for which the lawyer is known and today.


After graduating from the university, Professional career Pleumako developed rapidly. In 1964, a young lawyer with a diploma candidate is the right to half a year in the metropolitan circumferential court, waiting for a suitable vacancy.

This turned up in the spring of 1866. At this time, the jury attorneys appeared in Russia, and Fyodor Plevako became one of the first in the capital who took the assistant to the attorney jury. In this rank, he quickly became famous, speaking on criminal processes.

Fedor Plemako in court

It is noteworthy that the first thing is the future "Metropolitan of Advocacy" lost, and his prostum was referred to Siberia. But the speaker's speech was the strongest impression on judges. Fyodor Perevako demonstrated a virtuoso ability to work with witness testimony.

In the fall of the 1870s, Purevako was already an attorney for the jury of the Judicial Chamber of the Moscow District Court. From that moment on, the Golden Pages began to appear in the biography of the lawyer. Judicial speeches "Genius of the Word" disassembled on quotes. But after 2 years, the brilliant career of Purevako almost interrupted: the human rights activist fell under the suspicion of the chief of the provincial gendarmerie as an active member of the secret law society. He was imposed in guilt to promote revolutionary ideas among students.

Book Fedor Plevako

Korifea of ​​the Russian advocacy managed to leave the winner: the case was closed for the lack of evidence. But Fedor Plevako has not risen since then and moved "political" processes. Only after 1905, the human rights activist began to take things with political coloring.

A successful lawyer improved the financial situation and bought a house in the Big Afanasyevsky lane. His glory thundered in Moscow and across the country, and among the fans of the talent of the lawyer there were all the estates of citizens: Perevako with equal zeal defended both rich customers and poor. With the last money did not take and even paid court costs.

Plevako House in Big Afanasyevsky Lane, demolished in 1993

On the oratorical art of the law of law, legends went, and interesting facts of biography and the most entertaining places of court speeches were transferred from mouth to mouth. Later Fyodor Plevako published a book in which he published his most high-profile performances on the processes.

Eyewitnesses described the names of the lawyer as inspired and not devoid of improvisation. He often referred to the Bible, brought examples from the Roman law, which he knew thoroughly and wrote scientific work on him.

Once, Fedor Plevako had to oppose Breastham, which was accused of tagging and stealing money. The lawyer was not afraid of the wrath of the clergymen and accused the servant of the temple, pointing out the hypocrisy and bribery hidden under the rocky nuns.

At the end of 1874, a loud lawsuit took place in the circumferential court of the capital, on which Fyodor Nikiforovich defended the girl who arrived in Moscow and settled in the hotel. At night, the crowd of men who drank the unfortunate broke into the unfortunate, fleeing from which she jumped out of the window of the Third floor. Fortunately, the client Purevako was only broken by hand, falling into a snowdrift.

The defenders of the criminal company insisted on the innocence of the wards, arguing that men were not harmful to the girl, and from the window she jumped himself.

Fedor Plevako with colleagues

Then Fedor Perevako resorted to an instructive analogy, tolding the burning behavior, saving from the chase. If a dirty puddle happened on the way to salvation, the animal preferred to die, but not stain a snow-white fur.

"And I understand why the victim jumped out into the window," Pewshenko summed up.

The judges punished men, making them an accusatory verdict.

On the account of Fedor Plevako over two hundred won processes, among which the case of Industrialist Savva Mamontov, which heard in the summer of 1900. He was detained for the irregular debt banks, whose he took money to build a railway branch. The road was supposed to connect Vologda and Arkhangelsk, and in a row to construction came from the government of Russia.

Fedor Plevako and Savva Mamontov

Mammoths spent all his savings, but they were not enough. The calculation for the help of the government and the "financial" minister, Witte was not justified.

The lawyer managed to prove that the industrialist did not assign a penny of money and did not pursue mercenary purposes. Perevako's speech at court, as expected, became an example of oratory skills. Savva Mamontov was freed from custody directly in the courtroom.

Personal life

Even in the personal life of the lawyer there was a judicial limit in length in 20 years.

After termination of the failed first marriage with the teacher of Catherine Filippova, who gave him the Son of Sergey, Fyodor Plevako fell in love with the client Maria Demidov, which initiated a divorce with a millionaire. The Linen King of Demidov did not want to let go of his wife and destroy the family in which 5 siblings were brought up.

Maria Demidova and Fedor Plemako

The broken romance made Fedor and Maria do not care on the conventions and settle under one roof. Soon the pair was born daughter of Varvara. A boy appeared behind her - Son Sergey. By law, Purevako's children were considered Demidov's children.

The process of termination of marriage lasted for 20 years and ended with the death of a dubbed merchant. Fyodor Purevako had to arrange children as tidy, and then adopt them.

Fedor Plemako with family

Both Sergey became lawyers, like the Father, but he did not manage to repeat His fame.


The man died, having lived 66 years old, in December 1908. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Fedor Nikiforovich conducted a huge procession in which people of different classes and prosperity mixed up.

Funeral Fedor Plevako

Buried the famous lawyer in the cemetery, adjacent to the former feminine monastery that was called the name of Sorrowishchensky.

In the late 1920s, the cemetery was destroyed by equipping a playground for children on the site of the burial. Perevako's remains moved to Vagankovskoye, watering on the grave of the lawyer a wooden cross. Only in 2003, the Russian lawyards collected money on the tombstone and bas-relief with the appearance of Fyodor Plevako.

Monument Fyodor Purevako in Troitsk and his grave in Moscow

For 2019, the release of the detective historical series "Winners" was announced, in which the role of "Pushkin in jurisprudence" went to Nikita Panfilov.

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