Veniamin Golubitsky - Biography, Business, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Veniamin Maxovich Golubitsky is a vivid example of the approval of the "talented person - talented in everything." In his biography, state, public and political activities, a large business and a creative path, were awkling. And in each Ipostasi Veniamin Golubitsky manifests itself brightly and with complete self-dedication.

Childhood and youth

Veniamin Golubitsky was born on April 28, 1957 in Perm. From childhood, the boy began to demonstrate creativity - to compose poems. In the year of the first flight of a person in space, a small Veniamin wrote a poem, which dedicated Yuri Gagarin. He was then 4 years old.

Veniamin Golubitsky

Parents with enthusiasm accepted the gifting of the son and tried to support his creative undertakings. However, Veniamin grew a versatile child. He studied well at school, read a lot, began to collect his own collection of books.

Another passion, in addition to poetry, became for the young Veniamine - football. The boy dreamed of becoming a professional, but once the injury got a cross on an athlete's career.

Veniamin Golubitsky

Golubitsky graduated from school in Perm with an excellent certificate and left to study in the capital, entered the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Moscow State University. In 1979, he continued his education in graduate school and three years later, brilliantly defended his thesis, becoming a candidate of law.


The scientific work of the graduate student was devoted to organizational and legal aspects in the miniva system, so a young specialist and sent to work in this sphere. In 1983, Veniamin Golubitsky became the senior teacher of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute. It worked here for five years, who are remembered by the first experience in pedagogy, and communicating with students, and scientific work.

Veniamin Golubitsky

In 1988, Golubitsky rises to the next step of the career ladder. His new service station is the Institute of Philosophy and the Rights of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where it works directly at a legal specialty - Hears the Law Department, is a senior researcher.

The 90s brought change in all spheres of state institutions. Especially injured science. To elementary to survive Golubitsky, like other employees of the Research Institute, is looking for alternative ways to earn, organizes small business. Then in the career of Golubitsky, there is a steep vioration - familiarity with politics. Here, more than ever needed people educated, legally competent and burning desire to introduce the foundations of a new country, in return to the collapsed old one.

Deputy Veniamin Golubitsky

In 1996, Veniamin Maxovich was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. This capacity was headed by the Committee on Economic Policy, Budget, Finance and Taxes. For three years in this post, they led to a new career stage: in 1999, politician was among the first people of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, first the Deputy Chairman, and then the first deputy chairman.

The last two years in politics - from 2003 to 2005 - Veniamin Maksovich held the head of the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Eduard Rossel. It was after this position that he puts the point on a political career and heads the Developing Company Renova, today known as Cortros GK.


As Veniamin Maxovich admits in an interview, he wrote poems all his life, from the very old age in which he remembers herself.

Books of Veniamine Golubitsky
"Poems I consider my main life. And everything else is the concomitant circumstances that do not contradict the basic case, "he does a rather rare statement for a successful businessman and politics.

During his studies in Moscow State University attended the Literary Studio "Light" Igor Volgin, from which many famous poets came out. An example and godfather in poetry became for the Golubitsky famous Russian poet Alexander Kushner. Its warm and mental review for the first collection of poems of Golubitsky "Minovation", published in 1999, still inspires the Ural poet.

Veniamin Golubitsky signs books for guests to presentations in Moscow

In the same year, the same name of the Veniamine Golubitsky's photo exhibition was also held, which became the result of his passionate hobby in this type of art. This is how he himself describes this impulse:

"So it happened. Photo is akin to verbal creativity. Grab from the everyday life of her fragment and understand its symbolism and significance - this teaches this photo. "

Golubitsky was also not yet 40, when a friend-artist led him to this hobby, advising buying a professional chamber instead of a soap. Well, the rest was the case of technology, desire and living creative imagination of the author.

Photographer Veniamin Golubitsky

In 2003, two personal photo exhibitions of Golubitsky in Yekaterinburg were organized at once. For them, the release of the second collection of poems called "Saturday's Lights" was followed. Two years later, Golubitsky reiterates two creative events - a photo exhibition and a collection of poems under one name "out of sharpness".

With moving to Moscow, Veniamin Maxovich does not forget about the native Ural city and now pleases with his work as Muscovites and Yekaterinburg. So, in 2016, the exposition under the name "just forever" passed in both cities.

Veniamin Golubitsky and his photos

And in 2017 in Moscow, the exhibition of the Master of the photo "Street" and the exit of a fresh collector "Search for a recipient", over which the poet worked over 8 years. According to the results of 2017, Veniamin Golubitsky received the first creative award - the premium "Poet of the Year".

Dozens of songs, performed by famous musicians, as Vladimir Presnyakov, Nikolay Soskov, Sergey Mazayev, Alexander Buynov, Evgeny Mazayev, Alexander Galanin, Alexander Ivanov, Maxim Pokrovsky and others, were written on the poems of Golubitsky.

Personal life

In the personal and family life of Veniamin Golubitsky for many years. With the wife of the Marina Businessman studied in the same school, the couple sat at one desk. After school, Golubitsky entered the humanitarian university, and Marina, loved by mathematics, on Mehmat MSU.

Veniamin Golubitsky

At the same time, the woman is also fond of creativity, engaged in writing activities and, according to the spouse, is his best criticism.

At Golubitsky, three daughters: the eldest went in the footsteps of the Father, became a lawyer, the average - he graduated from Vgik, and the younger - chose journalism.

Veniamin Golubitsky now

Today, the construction holding of Veniamine Golubitsky is implementing major projects in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Perm.

Veniamin Golubitsky

In Yekaterinburg, a project of a comprehensive development of the territories - the "Academic" district is now being built. In Perm - LCD Gulliver. In St. Petersburg in December 2018, the Royal Park complex has already received permission to enter. In Moscow, a company under the leadership of Veniamin Maxovich 5 sites - HEADLINER LCD, LCD "Silver Bor" LCD, Lublin LCD, LCD Ilove and Apartment complex "House No. 128".

Creativity Veniamin also does not leave. Work continues on a new collection of poems, which will see light in the near future.

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