Kathleen Turnner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Kathleen Turner - American Actress Theater and Cinema, famous for the roles in the adventure films "Roman with Stone" and "Pearl Nile", as well as in the musical drama "Peggy Sue married". The two-time owner of the Golden Globe and the Oscar nominee became one of the most sought-after Hollywood beauties in the late 1980s - early 1990s.

Childhood and youth

Kathleen Törsner was born in the American city of Springfield, Missouri, June 19, 1954. Father Allen Richard Turner was an officer of a diplomatic service who often worked and lived abroad with his wife Patsy and four children.

Actress Kathleen Turner

Kathleen grew up in England, where he graduated from school in 1972. The girl was brought up in conservative traditions of strict Christian morality, so her interest in the theater and participation in student productions Parents perceived as something obscene.

After the death of Patsy's father, Patsy moved to the United States. 19-year-old Kathlein entered the Springfield University, combining schools with volunteer work at the family planning center.

Kathleen Turner in youth

Office career did not attract a girl, and in 1975 she left for Baltimore, where he continued to education in Maryland College with a specialty "Theater". After 2 years, Kathleen received a bachelor's degree in elegant arts and made his debut in several producer of the director of Steve Jagier.

In 1977, Turner moved to New York and began a career of theatrical actress. At first she played in the "Repeater Theater Soho", and then got a job on Broadway.


In 1981, Kathleen received a role in the erotic thriller "Heavy Body". The image of a sexy beauty Matty Walker brought actress world famous. Critics celebrated the talent of the debutant and predicted to her a big future in Hollywood.

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The lack of work was not, the director saw Turner in the image of the fatal seductors and offered to it the corresponding scenarios. However, the actress shied away from such roles to prevent typisation, and from the mass of possible films chose Karl Rainer's comedy "Brains Wheel".

To the image of the romantic beauty Kathleen returned to the adventure film "Roman with a stone", published on the screens in 1984. The film became a global hit, was nominated for Oscar and received 2 Golden Globe Prizes, one of which was award for the "best female role."

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In 1985, the acting "Roman with Stone" was united for filming the continuation of bestseller. Kathleen rejected the initial "pearl of the Nile" scenario, and to keep the executor of the leading role, Michael Douglas, acting as a producer, agreed to remake the plot. The film went to the screens, but did not repeat the deafening success of the 1st part of adventure history.

The popularity of the actress has repeatedly increased after receiving the 2nd Golden Globe Prize for the Kinolent "Honor of the Prichi family", where she was lucky to work with the unsurpassed Jack Nicholson. And the top of the career Turner became the music film Francis Ford Coppola "Peggy Sue married", for which she won the prize for the "best female role" from the National Council of the US film critics and was nominated for Oscar.

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In the late 1980s, the actress became a voice of Jessica Rubbit in the full-length cartoon "Who subordered Rabbit Roger", after that she distributed hundreds of autographs in the photo, where an animated character was depicted.

In 1989, Kathleen again united with Michael Douglas and Danny de Vito in a black comedy "War Rose". Creating the role of former gymnasts Barbara Rose, Turner had to fit into a sports swimsuit and train a lot. As a result, all the acrobatic tricks actress performed independently, without the help of a dubler.

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In the early 1990s, rheumatoid arthritis seriously limited Kathleen's activities. She was forced to abandon several main roles and over time, at all ceased to appear on the shooting sites. The disease and abuse of alcohol affected the appearance of the actress.

In 2002, Kathleen's dependence was so serious that she had to undergo a course of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation in the hospital of Waverley in Pennsylvania. In an interview with journalists, Turner said that she was no longer the one in his youth, and in all the problems accused age.

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During this period, the actress voiced cartoon characters and starred in the episodes of low-budget films. One of the few noticeable work of this time was the role of Father Chandler Bing in the television series "Friends".

In 2006, thanks to new methods of treatment, the disease that mutilated Kathleen for 8 years retreated. The creative biography of the actress resumed after she starred in the films "House-Monster" and "Parts of the Body", as well as in the episode of the criminal project "Law and Order". After some time, the Kathleen filmography was replenished with the pictures of the "ideal family" and "stupid and even dumber - 2".

One of the latest work actresses on television became a role in the island series "Path", the final season of which was released on the screens in 2018. The lack of major roles forced the Turner to resume theatrical career. For scenic images performed by actress on Broadway, it was twice awarded the Tony Prize for the best female role.

Personal life.

In 1984, Kathleen Turner became the wife of a millionaire Jay Wece, the son of the famous brand of Donna Karan. 3 years after the wedding, a pair had a daughter Rachel Ann, which, at the insistence of her husband, attracted an actress in Jewish traditions.

Kathleen Turnner and Jay Wece

A happy personal life collapsed when Kathleen ran into arthritis. In 2006, the spouses announced a break in relationships, and in a year the official divorce followed.

Kathleen Turner now

Currently, Kathleen lives in New York and engaged in teaching. Speeches on the theatrical stage of the actress combines with work on the series about the life of Country singers Dolly Parton "Dolly Parton's HeartStrings", the premiere of which is scheduled for 2019.

Kathleen Turnner in 2018

About what is happening in the personal life of Turner, nothing is known. The actress does not lead blogs and has no accounts on social networks.


  • 1981 - "Heavy Body"
  • 1983 - "Brains of Wheel"
  • 1984 - "Roman with stone"
  • 1985 - "Honor of Family Proffi"
  • 1985 - "Pearl Nile"
  • 1989 - "War Rose"
  • 1993 - "From the life of the secret agents"
  • 1997 - "Real Blonde"
  • 2000 - "Zholeshka"
  • 2006 - "Parts of the Body"
  • 2014 - "stupid and still dumber 2"

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