Maherchel Ali - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



American actor Mahershal Ali began to film in the early 2000s, but fame came to him after more than 10 years with a role in the TV series "Card House". And soon he was already standing on the scene of the Dolby theater and uttered a touching speech under the photospass, squeezing the cherished statuette "Oscar" in his hands, was presented for the "best male role of the second plan" in the drama "Moonlight". Ali became the first Muslim, who received the acting Oscar.

Childhood and youth

Mahershalalhashbaz (the full name of the actor) Gilmore was born on February 16, 1974 in Auckland, California. His mother was a Baptist priest, she inherited this mission from his mother. Father - actor, after the divorce he worked in New York.

The boy grew up with her mother in the California town of Heivard and brought up in a strict religious family. He was even called in honor of one of the sons of the Prophet Isaiah. When the son turned 9 or 10 years old, Mom Ali married again, but even with a salary stepfather and part-time Woman, a hairdresser family survived with all his might. And when they fired a stepfather, then household lived in extreme need for several years. About my childhood, the actor remembers so:

"Mom and stepfather were strict. I could not meet with friends, go out. But I was a child who did not know how to take a categorical "no!". I needed to understand - why. Parents did not bother them. "

Then Mahershal found salvation in sports, began to engage in basketball and achieved great success, both due to its growth - 187 cm and due to abilities. Ali won a basketball scholarship in St. Mary's College in 1992, but during the training was disappointed in sports, began to write poems, engage in creativity, and once the father's acting genes still took over. At the request of the teacher, the young man paid a role in the SPUNK spent on the play by George Wolf.

Machershal Ali as a child

Having received a degree in Massmenia, Ali spent the summer of 1996 as an intern at the California Shakespeare Festival. Then began to work in the "The Gavin Report", a magazine about back-drawing, but decided to develop as an actor. In 1997, he had successfully listened to participation in the acting program of the New York University.

Here he met his future wife, in part than which survived the spiritual transformation and changed the religion, becoming an adherent of Islam. The guy replaced the name Gilmor on Muslim - Ali and began the new chapter of his biography.


Ali graduated from the University in 2000, and already in September 2001 he plays the role of Dr. Trei Sanders in the first season of the Prime-Times series "Jordan Investigation". However, the initial success turned out to be changed. Mahercherhal was further interrupted by small roles in the projects "C.S.I.: Place of Crime," Police of New York ", etc.

Full Mahershal Ali.

In 2003, the film "Revolutionary" - Debut Ali in full meter, and also in the lead role. He began shooting in this picture, still studying at the recent courses of the university.

In the same year, the actor began to be filmed in the series "Matrix: Threat", and after the end of the season goes into the popular project "4400". This is a science fiction drama on investigation over the secret group consisting of 4,400 people abducted by aliens. Ali played one of the participants of the experiments, the former pilot of Richard Taylor, and lasted in the project for 3 seasons, until 2007.

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About the dramatic talent of the actor spoke after the premiere of the Oscar-free film "The Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (2008), in which Maherchell played Tizzi Wezer - the mentor of the main hero of Benjamin (Brad Pitt), his first teacher and friend. The film won 10 nominations for Oscar, as well as the BAFTA Award, Golden Globe, Saturn, etc. From now on, Ali passes to the category of cultivated Hollywood actors.

In 2010, the artist is filmed in the scientific fiction militant "Predators", playing Mombasa - a suicide soldier in a merciless war of earthlings with aliens. A new major film process in the filmography of the actor appears in 2012. This is a criminal drama "place under the pines", in which the actor plays the beloved of the main heroine Ramina (Eva Mendez). The picture gathered a brilliant cast: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Dane Dekhan.

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From 2013 to 2016, Ali is busy in the TV series "Cardhouse", lifted in the genre of political thriller. Maherchell received the role of Remy Dantona - advisor to the presidential apparatus. The series, in which stars like Kevin Spacy and Robin Wright played, 6 seasons were played by TV with great success.

The following works were no less loud: both parts of the film "Hungry Games: Soyuch-Peremetrian", in which Ali performed as Colonel Boggs, became the most cash projects 2014-2015.

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2016 - a year of great good luck for the actor. It was marked by the nomination for the AMMI premium for the role in the "card house", as well as the release of the picture "Moonlight", which caused a flurry of positive criticism. For a touching execution of the role of drug dealer Juan, who becomes actually the father for a lonely boy in the Criminal District of Miami, Ali received an Oscar premium for the "best male role of the second plan", entering the story as the first Muslim actor noted by the honorary reward.

In 2018, Mahershal pleases his fans with two bright main roles - in the comedy "Green Book" (Jazz Pianist Don Shirley) and a fantastic militant "Alita: Battle Angel" (vector).

Personal life

Mahershal Ali met his future wife while studying in New York University. Amatus-Karim themselves is also an actress, originally from Chicago. She is Muslim, her father is a minister of the mosque.

Mahershal Ali and his wife Amatus Sami Karim

The actors did not advertise their relationships and personal life, long lived in civil marriage. In 2013, they officially became her husband and wife. On February 22, 2017, Ali became a father - he had a daughter of Bari Nazhma Ali.

Machershal Ali now

Now the actor is preparing for the exit of the 3rd season of the popular criminal series "This Detective". Hero Ali, Detective Wayne Hayce, and his partner Roland West (Stephen Dorff) for many years investigating the mysterious disappearance of children in Ozarka, Missouri.

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In previous seasons, stars as Matthew McConaja and Woody Harrelson played the main roles. The 3rd season starts in 2019.


  • 2001 - "Jordan Investigation"
  • 2002 - "Police of New York"
  • 2003 - "Revolutionary"
  • 2004 - "4400"
  • 2008 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 2009 - "Deception me"
  • 2010 - "Predators"
  • 2012 - "place under the pines"
  • 2013 - "Card House"
  • 2014 - "Hungry Games: Soyku-Peredashnitsa"
  • 2016 - "Moonlight"
  • 2018 - "Green Book"
  • 2019 - "This Detective"

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