Lana Condor - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The cinema knows a lot of stories when the future star of Telekerman at first did not even think about the acting career, since childhood, giving all the strength and thoughts to dance, ballet or gymnastics. And then suddenly, overnight, interests are changed in the root, and now the prepared artist shines before the audience. In Russia, this path was held by Christina Asmus, in the USA - Lana Condor.

Childhood and youth

In the 11th day of May 1997 in the Vietnamese town of Kantho, a girl appeared to the world, which, at birth, trann Dong Lan. After 5 months, her, together with the junior consolidated brother Arthur Robert, adopted the American married couple Mary and Robert Condor and gave her a new name - Lana Teresa. Father was a successful journalist, headed sports Yahoo! And twice almost received one of the most prestigious awards in the field of literature and art.

Actress Lana Condor

The early years of life passed in Chicago, then the family moved to the 40th largest US island, where Lana and got his first dance lesson. Later, the study of this elegant art continued in Seattle. Moving on this did not end: when the daughter turned 11, Condors moved to New York, and in about 5 years in Santa Monica.

"My parents are white. When those surrounding see me at dinner with my father, they probably think that he is my agent. But I never felt inappropriate or excess in our family. I love my family and very grateful to her, because she is the reason why I have it all. If I did not fulfill me, I would most likely worked on the rice field in Vietnam, "the girl shared, telling about the family biography.
Lana Condor

Studying and ballet - that's what I was interested in the girl since childhood. Behind her shoulders - experience in the Los Angeles ballet, speeches at the School of Classical Ballet named after Joffrey, the American Dance Theater Alvina Eili and the Academy named after Gelcy Kirkland. Later, on the recommendation of the Parents of Lana with the same diligence and approval began to draw acting skills.

According to celebrities, it was the ballet that helped her make a successful career in the cinema and feel comfortable in front of the camera. The path to cinema was lying through 6 educational institutions, including the Notre Dame Academy Schools, New York Film Academy and many others. Also in the list of credited to Loyola Marymount University, but the visit to the university later postponed.


In 2014, Condor was occupied in the "Hair Lacquer" of the Notre-Dame Academy in the role of Ember Pon Tasl, which makes up the competition to the main heroine - a fat woman that dreams of winning a dance show.

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After 2 years, the actress passed the casting in the superhero "X-people: Apocalypse", where it was waiting for a virtuoso reincarnation in a mutant in the yellow cloak. Before proceeding with work, the girl reread a lot of comics that managed to get, and revised all the cartoons of X-Men on Netflix, so as not to disappoint Marvel fans.

In the same year, a drama was released on large screens with the participation of Lana on the investigation of the causes of the terrorist attack committed by the brothers Tsarnaev.

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Further, the filmography was replenished with a romantic television series "Mistress from the Elder School" telling about 17-year-old "Lolita", enthusiastic man, and the film "All guys I loved before" in Tandem with Noah Sentineos, who later became a close friend.

By the way, her heroine Lara Jin Covei inspired fans on the costumes on Halloween, which copied her image up to the hair gum. In addition to scenic activities, Lana Teresa is engaged in charity. Together with the Asia Foundation, it provides 4-year-old training girls from the native city of Cantkho, supplying them with books, food, shape and bicycles.

Personal life

The heart of the girl is incomplete - in August 2018, she and her guy Anthony de la Torre (Young Jack Sparrow from Pirates-2017) celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the relationship. After entering the screens, the films about the schoolgirl in love, writing a letter to the object of frost, the actress admitted that this occupation was present in her personal life:"I am a hopeless romantic. I am now writing love letters, like my boyfriend. And he even accompanies their drawings. I would say that he is much romantic than me. We have excellent relationships. I do not know how, but I was lucky. "

On November 25 of the same year, Condor touchingly congratulated the beloved with his birthday in the account in the "Instagram", calling the Golden Boy and "Best Half". Together with the boyfriend, the girl willingly participates in photo shoots, for example, the winter collection of the popular youth brand H & M.

Once in an interview with Lana admitted curious journalists that the morning she starts not with coffee, but with a smoothie, a favorite actress is Emily Blante, but the phrase that most often spoke - "Let you know."

Lana Condor now

In 2019, at least 4 pictures were prepared for the exit, where Lana was involved: a fantastic fighter "Alita: a combat angel" Robert Rodriguez, a romantic "Summer Night", shot in 19 days, a multi-venerable "death class", pictures from the filming of which a girl actively It is divided into social networks, and a triller "WARNING".

Lana Condor in 2018

In the December issue of Euphoria-2018, where the miniature actress (height 160 cm with weight 47 kg) was concerned about the cover, an interview with Lana about the "class" appeared. It became known from it that she studied the eastern martial arts, fighting on swords and took possession of a motorcycle ride.

In addition to the "Instagram", where, along with regular publications, Condor shares with subscribers and photographs from the beach of Malibu in a swimsuit, willingly enjoys both "Twitter", where jokingly stated that most of his life spends, thinking about paste, and Do not forget about Facebook.


  • 2019 - "WARNING"
  • 2019 - "Alita: Battle Angel"
  • 2019 - "Summer Night"
  • 2019 - "Deadly Class"
  • 2018 - "All guys I loved before"
  • 2017 - "Mistress from the senior school"
  • 2016 - "Patriot Day"
  • 2016 - "Xu People: Apocalypse"

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