Per Gunt - biography, appearance and character, quotes, main characters


Character History

Merry young man Per Gunt lives life in its own illusions and dreams. And even difficulties in the life of the Hero have a fabulous shade - after all, before the vital choice of a young man put trolls, witches and mysterious buttercam. The windy rover is important not to get confused in mystical haloe and make the right choice.

History of creation

Writer Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen - The author of the play about the Pere Günta - began work on an ambiguous and full philosophy of the plot in 1867. He received a writer scholarship and moved to Italy to devote himself to work on a new product. Already in October, Ibsen reports that the play is almost completed:

"The poem" Per Gunt "is called - according to the main acting person, which can be read about asbiernsen. For my poem, I found there not very much significant, but that I could have ordered the material. "
Edward Grig

The debut of the literary masterpiece turned out to be ambiguous. Due to the free interpretation of the national folklore, residents of Norway and Denmark perceived the poem negatively. And a year later, at the request of friends, Ibsen created a libretto, which served as the basis for music. In winter, 1874, the writer turned in a letter to the composer Edward Griega:

"The thing is what. I intend to adapt for the scene "Per Gunta", which will soon come out by the third edition. Do you agree to write the necessary music to the play? I will briefly indicate you as I think to adjust the play. "
Henric Books Ibsen

Music has changed the impression of the plot, although the work on the Suit has become for the composer the test. The joint work of Griga and Ibsen continued almost two years, but the result exceeded all expectations. The composition "In the Cave of the Mountain King" deserved special praise, the work on which the creator was tired:

"I literally to listen to this music in the literal sense, it is so penetrated with cow pancakes," supernisselness "and" be ourselves content "! However, I hope that the irony will also be felt through it. "

Migra's expectations were justified - the viewer caught the irony. "Per Gunt" glorified the names of his own creators, becoming a musical product telling about self-determination and personal implementation.


Illustration to the novel

The young man named Per Gunt lives in the Norwegian village along with his mother. Hero's father is a former merchant who has lost his condition and threw his family. A young man is characterized by a rich fantasy and often falls into alterations. Local residents do not like the hero - Per Gunty Lady too like girls and is different.

A misfortune attack makes you head to the wedding of a secured village resident. Drunk alcohol and the desire of adventures beat a young man in the head. Per Gynt persistently achieves the girl named Solweig, and having received a refusal, kidnaps someone else's bride.

A pretty fast young man is aware of the stupidity of the act and lets the evil girl. Singing pursuit, the guy is hidden in a local forest, where wonders begin with the hero. Wandering among the trees, Per Gunt meets woman in a green raincoat. After talking with an attractive stranger closer, the guy learns that in front of him the daughter of the Correction King - the Lord of the Forest.

Heroine Roman Solweig

Like most women who meet Per Gunt, a woman in a green raincoat remains indifferent to the charming young man. Beauty assigns the hero to his father, who offers to marry his daughter. True, on the local laws, the Gunt will not leave the forest and make one eye oblique - only the forest people will accept a stranger.

Freedom-loving Sadrod refuses - the young man does not want to follow the rules of anyone. This attitude hurts the subjects of the Forest King. From the bloody mass of Pen Gunta rescues the ringing of the church bell.

The mother of youth and Solweig find a hero on the edge of the forest. Women brought Peru bad news - he was announced for the trick at the wedding. The only thing that remains a young man is to live in the forest. Well, the young man is taken for the construction of a new house.

Appearance of Pen Gunta

With the arrival of winter, Gunta Feather is finished. Accustomed to loneliness, the balagen peacefully lives every day without hope for a happy reunion with his mother. But the unexpected decision of Solveig brings the feather hope: a girl who is fascinated by the hero leaves the house to settle with the beloved in the forest.

Soon near the new house, on the edge, the lady meets the old familiar. A woman in a green cloak informs the joyful news - her son was born, now the family must reunite. A young man in confusion and does not know how to inform the news of his beloved. The only way out that hero sees is to leave Solveig and escape from the forest.

Before running to another country, Per Gunt visits the mother. Old woman who lived in the last months in poverty, dies. Once a cheerful storyteller and Balagen understands that only he is to blame for the current situation.

Per Gunt and Solweig on the theater scene

After many years later, fate abandoned the hero in Morocco. Over the past time, Per Gunt is a mature, got money and found many friends. In the welcoming house of the rich bachelor's solemn meetings and friendly sites, on which a man without constraint tells how the state earned. Per Gunt traveled a lot, engaged in speculation and selling slaves.

The next business of a provinding hero will be the sale of weapons by rebels from Greece. But the friends of Pier Gunta hijaculate the yacht rich, disembarking a man on an unfamiliar island. True, barely leaving from the shore, the ship explodes, so there are no reasons for disorder.

Frame from cartoon

To get to the residential settlements, Peru has to be prefabricated in a flock of monkeys, overcome the sugar and even drove the cache of local vorauses. As a result, the man turns out to be in the East, where by a misunderstanding the status of the prophet.

The way home runs through Egypt, where Per Gunt meets not only with the pyramids and the Sphinx, but also with the inhabitants of the crazy house, in which the traveler proclaims the emperor. The adventures of the weeding hero continue for many more years. Already an elderly man returns to his homeland - to the village where it was born and grew.

Solding the remaining property, a man meets a button-friendly. The new acquaintance is confident: Per Gunt will die soon, and the hero's soul will overwhelm on the button. A lot of who who who who faced the hero was not worthy of the second chance, because, despite the adventures, the Son of the merchant never gained his own personality. Throughout the life, Per Gunt has simply experienced various roles that did not have any relationship to him.

Illustration for book

After scoring a deferment from a button, Per Günt in a panic is looking for a way out. A man raises old dating, consults with friends and enemies, but does not find decisions. By chance, by the wooden house on the edge of the forest, Per Gunt is aware that the meaning of his life is here, next to Solveig, which came out to meet such a familiar travelers. Well, the button is satisfied. It allows the elderly hero to enjoy happiness and promises to meet the Per Gunta at the next crossroads.


Despite the fact that the poem Ibsen became famous as a musical work, in 1919 the director Viktor Bornovsky took off the film dedicated to the adventures of the Norwegian young man. The role of Feather Gunta played actor Heinz Zalfner.

Frame from the film

In 1934, another German fission film was published. This time the main character was embodied by Hans Albers.

In 1941, the Norwegian folklore tried to the screen, the American director David Bradley tried. Kinokartina does not leave the original, so there are all the actors of the play in the film. The role of the pen performed Charleton Heston.

Charleton Heston as Feather Gunta

In 2006, the premiere of the film "Per Gunt" film was held, where the actor Robert Stadobert was fulfilled the main role. Events are transferred to modern, but surreal reality. Most scenes are removed on an empty coast, where the hero makes reflections on life and their own destination.

Interesting Facts

  • In 2011, the director Mark Zakharov presented his own theatrical interpretation of Pen Günt. Tickets for the premiere were bought in a few hours.
  • Based on the poem of Ibsen, more than 12 films and 2 cartoons were filmed.
  • In Norway in the city of Oslo, there is a sculpture park of Pen Gunta.


"Back, forward - where further is unknown. Outside whether, inside - everywhere closely. "Thoughts are dissolved, and in the heart of sadness. In tears, everything is throat, even though laughing loudly. "" The presence of people is unpleasant to me. From whispering them is just a fever "." I beat if I beat me - all the awards were tears. "

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