Millic Shapiro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Milli Shapiro - theatrical actress, debuting on the big screen in the horror movie "Reincarnation" in June 2018. Before this work, she received Forest Reviews and the Tony Prize for participating in the Broadway Stip "Matilda Warmwood".

Milli Shapiro in childhood

Amelia Lee Shapiro appeared on July 16, 2002 in the city of Tampa State Florida. Parents Michel and Eric Shapiro - owners of their own business.

Inspired by his older sister, Ebigeyl, which is a vocalist and actress of the theater on Broadway, she began to engage in vocals at the age of 3 and acting in 5. As an early education, the girl attended the Montessori school up to 10 years. After that Amelia, together with his family moved to New York to continue the creative path as an actress and singer.

Milli Shapiro in childhood

Since then, she and her sister organized a series of concerts at the 54 Below restaurant in support of traffic against bullying. They became the first imperfect artists who appeared on the stage of this institution. Girls are a duet called "Sisper Shapiro". They composed and released the debut album "Live Out Loud: Live At 54 Below", and then minion "Time Reveals".


Milli's acting biography began in 2013 with participation in Matilda's musical in the Sam S. Schubert Theater, in which she played the main role of Matilda Warmwood, together with such actors, like Unaw Lawrence, Sofia Gennus, Bailey district.

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For the role in the play, young talent was nominated for the Grammy Award and won the Tony Prize for outstanding achievements in the theater. In general, the musical himself was nominated for 12 Tony Awards, winning in the following categories - "Best Actor in the Musical", "Best Design Scene" and "Best Light". In 2016, the girl played in the "You're a good man, Charlie Brown" theater York Heroine Sally Brown.

In 2018, the young actress made his debut on a big screen in the horror movie "Reincarnation". Western film crimits called the picture with the most terrible horror of the XXI century, and the heroine of Milli is one of the most remarkable kino-class children on a par with Samara Morgan from "Call", Rigan McNel from the "Crane Devil" and Damienne from "Omna".

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15-year-old Shapiro played the key role of Charlie Graham, a difficult teenager with strange hobbies. She draws pictures of his recently deceased grandmother, which seems to her the ghost, and cuts off with scissors the head of the dead pigeon to turn it into the toy.

Emotionally removed from his overly caring Mother Annie (which was played by American actress Tony Collett) and Senior Brother Peter (Alex Wolf), she often wanders one: with empty eyes, chewing chocolate and publishing a terrible "click" language. About her heroine, the girl said the following:

"My first impression from Charlie was that she was very wrong with the sweating-mysterious. Despite the sinister quiet character, I really felt the connection with Charlie, I wanted to take care of her. Outside, a girl like a turtle trying to protect yourself. But inside more Reminds the snake - she has a hidden darkness. "

Her approximate capital for participation in the picture was $ 50 thousand.

Personal life

One of the main issues arising from the "reincarnation" - which is not so with the appearance of a small actress and which disease is caused by these changes. The girl suffers from a rare genetic disease called a clergy-cranial dysostation. The same diagnosis of the popular actor from the fantastic series "Very weird business" Gaten Matarazzo.

Employment Millic Shapiro

A person with a similar disease is born with missing or underdeveloped clavicle, which affects the structure of the face, skull and teeth. It also distinguishes its relatively low growth compared to relatives, underdeveloped pelvic bones, high, outstanding forehead. This disease is incurable, therefore, there are faithful with the manifestations of pathology over long years.

There is also a lot of positive facts from the personal life of the actress and singers. The girl loves the horror films, the Universe "Harry Potter" (from four faculties, she prefers Slytherin) and Anime (among them "Dark Butler", "Princess Meduse" and "Tokyo Gul").

Millie Shapiro on a poster background with Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy

In addition, in his free time, Millies visits festivals dedicated to anime culture and are interested in Japanese street fashion Kharazyuk. In its social networks you can see a lot of photos in thematic outfits.

The girl is an avid reader, she likes the books of absolutely different genres. Also in the interests of the actress includes fishing, boxing, swimming and cooking. She loves to hold a weekend with his two dogs.

Milli Shapiro

From Milli food prefers all except hummus. For breakfast likes to brew English tea at once with several bags on a mug for a greater fortress.

Favorite Number of Shapira - Seven.

A million slim figure is an increase of about 147 cm, weight of 40 kg. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. The girl carries 37 sizes shoes.

Milli Shapiro now

After the success of the debut painting, Shapiro managed to be held only in the episodic role of Emma Rebecca in the comedy TV series "divided together".

Now the actress is in finding a perfect project for 2019 and continues to actively walk on listening. According to her, Tim Burton and Tom Felton from Harry Potter heads the list of people with whom she would like to work.

Milli Shapiro in 2018

And although in the filmography of the girl while there are quite little acting work on stage or big screen, it continues to develop their professional skills and is sure that she will always learn. Millie is known for its unique spirit and passionate approach to everything that it performs.

The girl actively leads social networks - "Instagram" and "Twitter", in which the personal photos lay out, communicates with fans and thanks them for invaluable support.


  • 2018 - "Reincarnation"

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