Maria Butin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, "Instagram", News 2021



Entrepreneur Maria Butin managed to try his hand in several business directions. The world fame and mention of the name in the media she received after arrest in Washington, where she was accused of ties with Russian intelligence.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born in the fall of 1988, his childhood spent in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory. The mother's mother had a high position in one enterprise, and his father was engaged in business. In addition to her, parents brought up another daughter.

The financial condition of the family allowed to arrange a daughter to school with an in-depth study of English. During the younger of Butin, Bouda was actively engaged in sports, she was fascinated by shooting from a gun, swimming and volleyball, played chess well.

The girl since childhood liked publicity, so she chooses future professions in the field of political science and pedagogy. University Maria graduated with a red diploma.

At 23, she becomes a graduate school of the same university, in meetings of foreign and Russian political figures participates as a translator.

Career and business

Facts about building a career in Mary's biography are made since 2002. It was then that the girl takes care of the head of the school museum and at the same time he reads the lecture lessons. Later as part of the youth movement "Victory" from the Party "Fair Russia", Maria works with peers.

Some time Bouda has implemented itself in politics. In the regional public chamber, she was an adviser to her member A. Stephurko, and soon herself becomes a member of the Chamber and works there until 2010. In these years, the topics of its journalistic articles becomes legalization of weapons.

Budyt's entrepreneurship took up with the support of his father. In his native land, the girl opened a chain of furniture stores. After the sale of business, Maria went to Moscow, where he organized the work of the advertising agency. In a new place, she started high-ranking familiar, one of which was the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Alexander Troshin.

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For the first time, world famous Mary brought a report in 2012, which published one American magazine. The article told about shooting, arranged by activists of the public organization "Right to weapons".

The girl with his head plunged into social activities and even met with supporters of legalization of arms turnover in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. To explore this issue in 2015, Butin went to the United States, where he also started dating among political beauday. In America, Marina was on a student visa.

At the beginning of 2017, a national prayer breakfast was held in the States, which provided for the presence of Donald Trump, US President. At the same time, at the event there was a delegation from Russia, the composition of which was formed by Troshin, Butin also entered the number of delegates.

After this event in The New York Times, there was information that Maria at least twice participated in an attempt to organize the secret meeting of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

Charges and arrest

Due to critical materials appearing in American media, some US policies insisted in order to investigate in relation to Boutin. She did not hide, but hired a lawyer and in his presence gave testimony to representatives of their parties.

2 months after these events, Maria decided to go home, because he had trouble finding work. She has already collected things, but her return never took place. In April 2018, representatives of the American intelligencer conducted a search in her apartment in Washington, and then detained. On the same day, the world media "blew" the news that the Russian woman was arrested suspected of espionage.

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According to the investigation, Maria fictitiously studied at the American University, because he asked for homework and write courses for her with his man with whom he was in relationships. FBI found letters in personal mail The girl was sent by the Russian spy to people who are considered Russian intelligence in the United States. The lawyer denied all accusations against his client.

Personal life

From the personal life of Russian women know that she had previously been married, there are children, more precisely, one child. The husband of a businesswoman consisted in the National Bolshevik Party (NBP), was also a political activist.

The US Department of Justice, with reference to the available documents, argues that the accused was in relationships with some gender Erickson. According to their information, the Republican's political scientist helped Mary receive America's politicians.

Before Arrest, Marina was an active user of social networks. In "Instagram" she regularly laid out photos from filming various gears. Although she does not induce subscribers with pictures in a swimsuit, a good figure and so clearly visible. Butin spends a lot of time in the gym, loves to read and travel.

Maria Butin now

On December 13, 2018, it became known that Butin agreed to a deal with a consequence. In court, she stated that partially recognizes the charges. From her words, in America, she operated under the leadership of the Russian official, which, according to the US Code, is incriminated as collusion and violation of laws on foreign agents.

In exchange for partial recognition of Boutine's guilt, they shortened the term of serving the sentence. The sentencing was postponed for the spring of 2019. The court sentenced Maria by 18 months in prison followed by deportation.

In May, she was put in Northern Neck prison in the city of Vorsou, Virginia, after which the stage was departed to Tallahassi prison, Florida. Here she got a workplace in the dining room. She could lead a diary, make morning jogging and communicate through video calls with parents.

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Russian activists did not remain aside from such a loud business. Several funds involved in the collection of finances were created for legal assistance to the arrested Russian woman. Anna Chapman, working today TV host, also spoke in defense of the butt.

According to the father of Valery Butin, there was no sufficient amount of vitamins and meat in the daughter's prison diet. During his stay behind bars, the Russian woman lost 20 kg. After release, its weight amounted to 40 kg with an increase of 170 cm.

On October 25, 2019, Maria was released and returned to Moscow every other day. In the capital, the Russian woman met a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and those who were not indifferent to her fate. From the capital Bouda went to the native Barnaul.

Now Maria is going to engage in human rights activities, defend the legitimate interests of prisoners, including foreigners.

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