Agasfer - biography, name, quotes, image and character


Character History

Agasfer, he is eternal liquid. I pushed Jesus, who had a cross when he asked to give him a rest, leaning against the wall of the house. Doomed to eternal human contempt and non-stop walnia in light until the second coming of Christ happens.

History of origin

The Jew-Craftsman wore various names: in England - Cartfilus, in Belgium and France - Isaac Lake Sea, in Italy - Bottadio or Butadeus, which means "hitting God", in Germany - Agasfer. The last name and got the greatest distribution. It itself is due to the name Ahashveros, or Xerx. So called the Persian king.

Wandering Jew

A philosophical meaning is laid in myth about the eternal wanderer. If we focus on the bottom, then it is such - the divine revenge of a person who sinned against God, concluded in the eternal torment. This directly indicates that the plot appeared long before the emergence of Christianity. The habit of revenge on the offenders, people endowed the ancient Greek gods; It is worth remembering the legend about Promethea, doomed to eternal flour.

In addition, the expulsion from the community in the patriarchal-childbirth strictly dominated during the times of Christ was considered a terrible punishment for the guilty. And eternal wanderings are exile.

Cain kills Abel

The possible prototype of Agasfer - Cain, for the fratoebean punished seal of curses on his forehead and eternal wrappings, because God forbade everyone who lives in the world, deprive the killer of life.


The plot of legends about the Agasfer is simple: the artisan (probably a shoemaker), by whose home Christ carried the cross on the way to Calvary, did not allow the Son to relax next to him. Character pushed Christ with the words: "Go, what are you drinking?" He received an answer to this phrase: "I will go, but you will go and wait for me." Since then, the man wanders the world, who has neither home or family. And asks everyone who falls on the way, did not have a man carrying a cross.

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The first written mention of Agaspera is found in the "big chronicle" of Matthew Parisian in the middle of the XIII century. In 1228, Armenian Archbishop told how he met a person named Joseph. He, being 30 years old, saw Christ and drove away from his house. Since then, he does not die, but forever wanders around the world. Having lived to the next 100 years, Joseph is forced to endure the torment, after which it becomes 30 years old.

When a typography appeared, a certificate of eternal Skaltar began to multiply. In the XVI-XVII centuries, Eternal Jam "noted" in Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Brussels, Hamburg. Bishops, burgomyters, papal legats appeared with him.

For two thousand years, the eternal Wanderer met with his destiny and continues to wander through the light, changing the names. Where he is now wandering, no one knows.

Eternal Wanderer Agasfer

Such a terrible immortality looked at the imagination. Shelly, Cipling, Golzouorsi, O'Henry, Shubart, Goette and many other writers wrote about Agasfer.

V.A. Zhukovsky conceived the poem "wandering liquid" in 1841, and began to write only in 1851. Death prevented the poet to complete the last work of his life. In the work of Zhukovsky used the gospel, and the book of Job. Agasfer repeats the speech of the Old Testament Righteous:

"May the day will be damned when they said: a man was born; And the cursed will be the night when my first crypassed: yes the stars will not shine to her, but she will not go to her day, she is the uncomplicated one who born the womb! "
Agasfer - Illustration

In the twentieth century in the novel of the brothers "burdened by evil, or forty years later, Agasfer appeared in an unusual role for himself. Agasfer Lukich, an ancient superhuman creature, helps the same creature called Demiurge, in search of a person with a capital letter. In addition, it is performed by "simple" desires, as follows asking for only a "special intangible substance".

Artists did not pay attention to the sad story. In the picture "Agasfer on the edge of the world", written in 1888 by the Hungarian artist Adolf Hilli Hirschl, near the eternal Jet, the last person, the ghost of death and angel of hope. And in front of him is a naked woman, embodying the deceased mankind. And only the sinister crows are circling over them in the icy desert

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"Noted" the eternal liquid even in the maps - in Tarot's shadows. Arkan "Agasfer" indicates that a person who is guessing, a lot of lying, or forced to undertake.


There are eight films in the history of cinema, the title of which was the winged expression "Eternal Jam".

In 1904, Georges Melites, in 1921, presented to the public, in 1921 - Otto Creisler, in 1933 - George Rowland. Maurice Elvi shot two films - in 1923 and in 1933, Conrad Faidt played the main role in the latter.

Conrad Faidt as Agasfer

In 1940, by order of Goebbels, director Fritz Hipler removed the Nazi film "Eternal Jam", declared as documentary. Talking about the negative influence of Jews on culture, science and art, the film was called upon to cause the anti-Semitic sentiment from the German people.

In 1948, Roffredo Alessandrini was published in 1948, where Vittorio Gassman tried out the main role, and in 1959 - the film Vasilisa Georgiadis.

Vittorio Gassman in the image of Agasfer

Another film was removed by Carl Schulz in 1988 and is called the "seventh sign". Six signs that foreshadow the end of the world have already occurred. The world is waiting for the latter, the seventh, the worst one. This is the future child of a woman named Ebby Quinn. He may not be born, if only someone from the living will not give him his soul, because before the end of the world there is no shower for newborns.


"" The Jews are cursed by God ... "They are even marked by this, which you can not say about other nations."

"Agasfer", Stefan Game

"I feel like she approaches me, endlessly merciful, sister of life, who did not notice me for so long; She strokes my forehead with a cool hand, the only comforter, giving peace. But I caught only your hand caress. Now I know, you will not leave me, you will stay with me, take me to your kingdom, you will lead me to the Holy Earth. "

"Death of Agasfer", Per Lagerquist

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