Lee Harvey Oswald - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, killing John Kennedy



The death of John Kennedy is considered the largest national tragedy of the XX century. On November 22, 1963, driving in an open limousine through the streets of Dallas, Texas, the 35th US President was shot dead. The only official accused, or, according to the Commission, Warren, guilty, is whether Harvey Oswald is an American who Yaros hated his country. The facts of his biography testify that Oswald could be the very killer John Kennedy either by the victim of the conspiracy.

Childhood and youth

Lee Harvey Oswald was born on October 18, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Father Robert Edward Lee Oswald Sr. died from a heart attack 2 months before his appearance. Children - Lee and Senior Brothers Robert Edward Lee and John Edward Peak - remained at the care of Mother Margarita Francis Claver. Provided three sons it turned out hard: 13 months the boys spent in an orphanage.

Lee Harvey Oswald in childhood

In 1944, the Oswald family moved to Dallas, where a year later went to the 1st grade. The teachers characterized the boy as "closed and aggressive." The last feature was most often manifested in school, which had to change 12 institutions. In August 1952, the 12-year-old mother beat his mother and threatened the wife of a consolidated brother with a knife.

In childhood, Oswald was subjected to a psychiatric examination, which revealed a "personality disorder with schizoid features and passive-aggressive trends." In other words, a demonstration of the strength of Lee tried to compensate for his shortcomings: he suffered to dyslexia - he quickly read, but he almost did not know how to write.

Harvey Oswald

In 1954, the family returned to New Orleans. The teenager was not easily graduated from the 8th and 9th grades, and in 10th threw school. He worked as a messenger in the office, courier. In July 1956, Lee took another attempt to graduate from school, but at the age of 17, he quit for the sake of marine infantry.

Military Service and Career

On October 24, 1956, Oswald was enrolled in the US Marine Corps. In the Commission Warren (created to investigate the murder of John Kennedy) Lee Summary Brother John Peak testified that the departure of the army was a reason to get out of the mother's mind.

Lee Harvey Oswald in military service

In the personal card of the ordinary Oswald, it is indicated that it weighed 61 kg with a height of 173 cm, differed mobility and nervousness. He had "permission to process secret materials, including confidential" as an operator of aviation electronics.

Like other infantrymen, whether she passed the shooting exam. The result for December 1956 amounted to 212 points, which is somewhat higher than the requirements for snipers. 3 years later, his indicators worsened - 191 points.

Lee Harvey Oswald distributes leaflets on the streets of New Orleans

The weapon caused Osvald's problems in the army. He first stood in front of the Tribunal, when he fired himself into the elbow of a gun, which was not standing on the fuse. The young man decided that one of the sergeants of his division was guilty of this, and a fight was lost. In the 3rd time, without necessity he fired in the jungle. September 11, 1959 resigned at his own request.

Oswald was interested in communism, life in the USSR and in the army began to learn Russian. In October 1959, the American came to Moscow and submitted to obtaining citizenship. The application was rejected. The cheated news was trying to commit suicide.

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After 10 days spent in Psychoryebnice, Oswald appealed to the US Embassy in Moscow to abandon American citizenship. He told diplomats about the service at the radar station and promised to inform the USSR that not essential information. The offer is not left without attention: whether they were not deported.

A young man sent to Minsk to turn to the turner at the Electronics Plant "Horizon". His salary with prizes and premiums was 700 rubles - 5 times more than any Soviet worker. Oswald singled out a furnished apartment in a prestigious house on the street. Kalinina (now - ul. Communist). Russian language was trained by Stanislav Shushkevich, the future head of the Republic of Belarus.

Harvey Oswald rifle

In June 1962, Lee with his wife Marina Oswald and daughter Jun moved to the United States. Family asslaved near Dallas, in the "Russian Quarter". A close friend of the American was the emigrant George de Morainshild. They discussed communist and revolutionary ideas, hated the country in which they live. The Warren Commission suggested that these conversations were pushed mentally unstable to an attempt to murder a retired Major General Edwin Walker, an anti-communist.

In March 1963, Oswald under the pseudonym A. Hidell bought a rifle and revolver. On April 10, from a distance of 30 m, he fired in the center of Edwin Walker sitting at the table. The bullet broke through the window frame that he saved the serviceman of life. It is assumed that Oswald wanted to frighten the Walker, and not kill, and intentionally allowed mischief.

Edwin Walker, the first victim of Lee Harvey Oswald

In the following months, Osawald led an active policy in support of the Cuban revolution, he was unsuccessful to penetrate the island and ultimately returned to Dallas. He settled to work in the Texas school book, from the window of which was killed by President Kennedy.

Personal life

Both women in the personal life of Lee Harvey Oswald are Russians. From June 1960, he was in relations with a colleague in the "horizon" by Ella Herman. In early 1961, the young man offered her to become his wife, she refused - she did not love whether and was afraid to marry the American. It is believed that Herman's refusal pushed Oswald to immigration.

Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina

In March 1961, Lee became acquainted with Marina Nikolaevna Prusakova - a 19-year-old Pharmacologist student. The lovers got married in April of the same year, and on February 15, 1962 they had a joon daughter.

Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Prussakov leave the USSR

Wararen's familiar on the Commission testified that Oswald had domestic violence in the family. Russian emigrants who lived near Dallas regretted the girl, brought her food and children's toys, but it was only more angry.

On October 20, 1963, Lee and Marina born the second daughter - Audrey.

Murder John Kennedy

The route of the junction of John Kennedy in Dallas was known in advance - the way ran next to the Texan school bookfloor.

Building a bookkeeper in which Harvey Oswald worked

November 21, a day before the murder, Oswald asked Wasley Fraser, a friend, to throw him into the center - he had to carry eternity from the house of Marina to a removable apartment, which was leased not far from work. On the morning of November 22, leaving whether it left a spouse $ 170 and a wedding ring, and with you took a long paper bag, allegedly with cornices. It is assumed that there was a rifle in the package.

Charles Givens, Colleague Oswald, on the Commission Warren told that he saw him on the 6th floor of the book storage near 11:55 on November 22 - 35 minutes before the advent of the city building. A few more employees saw at work until 12:10. Shooting on John Kennedy was conducted at 12:20.

The killer produced 3 shots. The first bullet flew past the presidential limousine, the second landed between Kennedy and John Konnali, the Governor of Texas, the third Kennedy was killed - the shot was pleased with the temple. Later, Howard Brennan, passerby, said that after the first shot saw in the window of the book storage on the 6th floor of a person.

Osawalu required one and a half minutes to cover the rifle in boxes with books and leave the book storage. On the 2nd floor, he ran into a police officer Marrion Baker and his head of ROOM Trulli.

Harvey Oswald

In the report, Baker pointed out that Oswald did not look suspiciously, frightened when the gun was brought. Briefly talks with the police, Lee walked on, and then left the warehouse through the front entrance. About 13:00 A young man took things from a removable apartment and left.

Orientation to Kennedy's killer, compiled by Howard Brennan, helped patrol typitis stop the suspect. When typitis came out of the car, whether the revolver snatched and clicked 4 times on the trigger.

Arrest and investigation

Trying to hide, Oswald, without paying, slipped into the Texas theater. We saw this cleaner from the next store recommended the theater controller to contact the police. The killer wanted to fight off from the arrived outfit, sent a gun on them, but it disarmed.

Police will derive Harvey Oswald from the building of the Texas Theater

Around 14:00 on November 22, Li delivered to the police department of Dallas. By 19:00 he was charged with the death of patrol training, and the next day - as a possible kinner John Kennedy. Journalists Oswald said:

"I didn't shoot anyone. They arrested me because I lived in the Soviet Union. "

At the interrogations, Oswald denied the presence of a rifle. In business, there are photos on which a young man holds a rifle in one hand, found in the book storage room, to another - newspaper. The picture was made by Marina around March 31, 1963. Lee called these photos "duck".

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The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald shot the president alone. The main motive is called "hatred for American society." A 3% of the report consisting of 888 pages has not yet been published, which causes the emergence of alternative points of view. Some experts call the victim of the national conspiracy, others say that the killer was not alone.

According to another version, John Kennedy was shot not Oswald, but his "twin" from the Soviet Union. To test theory, with the consent of the widow in 1981, the body was performed. According to dental pictures and scream left after opening, it was established that Oswald was in the grave.


On November 24, 1963, the policemen led Oswald to the armored car in order to deliver him to prison. Jack Ruby, the owner of the nightclub in Dallas, came out of the crowd, and he fired in Lee from close range. The bullet fell into the stomach.

Jack Ruby kills Harvey Oswald

Oswald in an unconscious state was taken to the parkland memorial hospital - the same where John Kennedy died before two days. Heart stop coming at 13:07.

Jack Ruby called his act attempt to "save the soul Mrs. Kennedy." In March 1964, he was sentenced to death. The decision was challenged. Ruby died of lung cancer in 1967.

Li Harvey Oswald's grave

Oswald's body buried on November 25 at Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Werte. The original tombstone indicating the full name and dates of life and death was stolen. Now there is a granite slab on the grave with the Oswald inscription.


The largest national tragedy of the XX century has become a reason for the release of documentary films and works of art, and whether Harvey Oswald, as the only suspect in the death of John Kennedy, their key character.

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If films about these events dozens, then books are units. Stephen King in the fantastic novel "11/22/63" (2011) tells about the English language teacher Jake Epping, who goes into the past to prevent the murder of John Kennedy. Despite the fact that the book is fiction, the facts about Lee Harvey Oswald are not distorted. The novel is based on the same mini-series Jay Jay Abrams. In the image of the criminal, Daniel Webber spoke.


  • 1964 - "Four November Days"
  • 1983 - "Kennedy"
  • 1991 - "John F. Kennedy: Shots in Dallas"
  • 1995 - "Nixon"
  • 2000 - "First Lady"
  • 2007 - "Ghost Oswald"
  • 2011 - "Clan Kennedy"
  • 2013 - "Parcanend"
  • 2016 - "Jackie"
  • 2016 - "11/22/63"

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