Henry Reznik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Lawyer, News 2021



Henry Reznik is a Russian lawyer who has repeatedly worked on difficult processes, including those associated with political confrontations. Despite the age, Henry Markovich continues to work, write scientific works and meet with journalists, without constraint and openly express his own opinion on various issues.

Childhood and youth

Henry Markovich Reznik was born on May 11, 1938 in Leningrad in the family of the Jewish intelligentsia. The father and mother of the future lawyer were professional musicians and the son referred to the same career - the boy had an ideal ear.

Henry Reznik

The genealogical tree of the lawyer is outstanding: the mother of the roots rise to the chief rabbi of the synagogues in Kremenchug and Menachem Menendel Schneherson, the famous Lubavich Rebbe, whom Hasidi is still considered by Masha, that is, the Messiah. Family during the Great Patriotic War, you can say lucky - they managed to leave the northern capital before the blockade began and leave in Saratov.

Insufficiently enhanced for music, Henry found himself in sports: as a child and in his youth, he took part in sports competitions - he was engaged in height. The young man even managed to become the champion of the RSFSR in the younger age group. Later, the Reznik became interested in basketball and volleyball, became a member of the RSFSR national team, helped create a volleyball team of Tashkent. Henry also won the champion title of Kazakhstan in height jumps.

Henry Reznik in youth

After graduating from school, the young man tried to enter the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, but did not get 1 point. For the suspension, he at the same time came to the Institute of Physical Culture, where he was accepted. There Reznik learned a year. However, Henry did not do the sport profession. He was trying happiness on Tashkent's journalism, but it turned out that it was possible to do there, only being Uzbek.

After that, the young man moved to Kazakhstan and, choosing the work of a lawyer, became a student of the relevant Faculty of Kazakhstan State University. Diploma in the specialty Henry Markovich received in 1962. The thesis "On Legal Presumption" was successful, and thanks to her, Reznik received a recommendation that allowed to enter the graduate school.

Jurisprudence and scientific activities

The first place of work in the law biography of Henry Markovich was the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan. To get into such a serious place to the young professional helped the sport, which the Reznik did not stop. The ministry found a volleyball fan, which made a recent graduate of protection, and thus Henry received the position of the investigator. However, only their own talent and hard work helped him further in his work, thanks to which, after a few years, Reznik became the investigator on particularly important cases.

Lawyer Henry Reznik

In 1966, Henry Markovic got to graduate school and began to study at the All-Union Institute for the study of the causes and development of measures for the prevention of crime of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. Having finished their studies, Reznik defended his candidate and preferred to remain at the institute and to engage in science. By 1982, the work allowed the lawyer to become a head of the laboratory at the Institute engaged in the improvement of people employed in the judicial bodies.

In the period of scientific work, Henry Reznik wrote about 200 works concerning criminal law, criminology and other legal disciplines. Confirmation of the quality of the works of Reznika can be considered articles in the journals "Soviet state and law", written in the late 1980s. They twice received marks as the best articles of the year.

Lawyer Henry Reznik

In 1985, Henry Markovich changed the direction of professional activity and went into the attorney, becoming a member of the Moscow City Council of Lawyers. The reason, according to Reznik, became the "pogrom" of the Board and mass accusations of lawyers in unfair work. Henry Markovich called to help with the protection of the board, as he was a man respected in professional circles and at the same time - third parties.

Success Reznik has achieved in lawyer work. After 5 years, he became a member of the Presidium of Mg, and after 7 he was his chairman. In 1998, Henry Markovich for professionalism awarded the Golden Medal of Plemako. As a lawyer Reznik specializes in criminal law and process, intellectual property and business reputation.

Henry Reznik and Irina Fadeev

Among the clients of Henry Markovich many high persons and famous people: Valery Novodvorskaya, Journalist Andrei Babitsky, Prosecutor Valery Gourzaua and even writer Vladimir Sorokin, who for the controversial Roman "Blue Salo" was accused of spreading pornography. A characteristic example of speech in favor of the prosthetic is the performance of Reznik in the case of Grigory Pasko, accused of 2001 in espionage.

Reznik has repeatedly occupied a leading position in Russian lawyers ratings, including those who specialize in criminal law. Henry Markovich is positioning himself as a person of liberal views and a member of the Fifth Column. He is a member of the oldest human rights organization in Russia - the Moscow Helsinki Group. However, opposition views did not prevent a lawyer shortly before 2019 to become a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

The reason for this may have become the logicality and sequence of the views of the area. It does not allow himself a dubious and non-accurant rhetoric, even with categorically disagreement. A characteristic example can serve as a video recorded on February 24, 2015. There, Henry Markovich answers questions about power and about Vladimir Putin.

Starting with a categorical allegation that one goal is to remain in power, in the future the Reznik voiced the position other than the categorical views of the liberal public. The lawyer expressed an opinion on how and why the current political situation was consumed and why Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin could not become different. In the final, Henry Markovich calmly reported that he did not see the President of Russia "the main villain" of the country.

Henry Reznik in the office

There is a resonator and a number of their own views on current legislation, in particular - by 282 Article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the last time often causes the scandals. In his opinion, expressed in an interview, punishment for public insults of national and religious groups should be removed from the criminal field to administrative. In addition, the lawyer considers it necessary to lower both the upper and the lower bar of the deadlines for criminal offenses of 282 article.

Personal life

About the personal life of the lawyer knows a little. Larisa Julianova Lviv's wife, Colleague Henry Markovich - lawyer and lawyer. Two children were born in marriage. The son of Reznik, Andrei, born in 1967, despite the nationality of the Father - Orthodox Archpriest, the abbot of the church of the St. Seraphim of Sarov in Ivanovo.

Henry Reznik and his wife Larisa Lviv

From the words of Henry Markovich about the Son, it can be assumed that the Reznik himself in religious views adheres to Orthodoxy - 2 temples were built on his funds. What does Lily's daughter do - unknown. In addition to children, Henry Markovich Six grandchildren: 4 girls and 2 boys.

Henry Reznik now

Now Henry Markovich continues to work in a lawyer and is a senior partner in Reznik, Gagarin and Partners Law Office. More about the bureau and directions of his work can be found on the official website. Reznik acts as a lawyer on high-profile and resonant affairs, including those related to politics. Therefore, his photos can be regularly noted in news reports.

Henry Reznik in 2018

In addition to legal work, in the account of Henry Markovich and writer activities. In May 2018, the border publisher released the Book of Reznik in 2 volumes "With Drive in Life". The first volume contains the author's memoirs, the second collected lectures and reports that the lawyer represented on international Likhachev scientific readings. Preface to the book wrote Dmitry Bykov - a popular Russian poet, writer and publicist.


  • 2018 - "With Drive in Life"

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