Mstislav Rostropovich - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, music



Mstislav Rostropovich - Russian conductor and composer, public figure and key figure in the musical art of the twentieth century. Laureate of a variety of premiums, People's Artist of the USSR and the spouse of Galina Vishnevskaya.

Childhood and youth

Mstislav Rostropovich - Native Baku. The musician was born on March 27, 1927. His parents had a relation to art: the father Leopold Rostropovich was a cellist, and the mother Sophia Rostropovich - Pianist. By 4 years, the boy played on the piano, independently writing the melodies and picking up the composition. In 8, he learned to play cello. The first teacher of young dating was the father.

Mstislav Rostropovich as a child with his sister Veronica

In 1932, the family moved from Baku to Moscow. By 7 years, Mstislav became a student of the music school. Gnesins, in which he taught his dad. As a child, the boy followed his father, replacing educational institutions, so in 1937 both musicians moved to the musical school of the Sverdlovsky district. The debut concert took place in the same period. Mstislav performed on stage accompanied by a symphony orchestra, by performing a major batch from the work of Camille Saint-Sansa.

Having received secondary education, Rostropovich entered the School at the conservatory. Tchaikovsky. The dream of a young man was to create music. But the war was the obstacle to the implementation. The family was evacuated to Orenburg, then wearing the name of the Chkalov. At the age of 14, the young man became a student of the railway school and a musical school, where he taught his father. Here Rostropovich developed the first concerts.

Mstislav Rostropovich in youth

Later, a young man settled in the Opera House, where he began to compose compositions for piano and cello with the support and mentoring of Mikhail Stulaki. In 1942, the young musician became a member of the reporting concert, where he was represented as a composer and performer. Speech produced Furore. Dating rated the audience, critics and journalists who marked the feeling of harmony, musical taste and talent of Rostropovich.

In 1943, the musicians' family returned to Moscow, and Mstislav resumed training in the School at the Conservatory. The diligence and efforts noted the teachers who transferred the talented young man from the 2nd course on the 5th.

Mstislav Rostropovich

In 1946, Rostropovich received a diploma with honors in two specialties: composer and cellist. Mstislav enrolled in graduate school, and completing his studies, became a teacher of conservatories in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For 26 years, he conducted pedagogical activities, raising Ivan Monigretti, Natalia Shakhovskaya, Natalia Gutman, David Geringas and other musicians.


The second half of the 1940s was marked for Rostropovich concerts in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow. Victory in international competitions brought success and fame. They were secured by touring tourists in European cities and various countries of the world. International recognition to the young musician came quickly.

Mstislav Rostropovich plays cello

Rostropovich constantly sought to self-improvement. In an interview, the musician often characterized this period in a career time when "passionately wanted to play well." As a composer and artist, Mstislav Leopoldovich studied the scores, interpretations of cellular batches by composers and their performance by musicians.

The festival "Prague Spring" 1955 brought Rostropovich to acquaintance with the opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya. The couple often performed together: Galina sang under the accompaniment of Mstislav. The musician also performed in the chamber ensemble with David Justocha and Svyatoslav Richter. In 1957, Rostropovich debuted as a conductor, holding the premiere of "Eugene Onegin" in the Bolshoi Theater. The performance was held with the marriage and brought a deafening success.

Mstislav Rostropovich, Dmitry Shostakovich and Svyatoslav Richter

Mstislav Leopoldovich was extremely in demand. Excess energy and desire to implement everything conceived forced to combine pedagogical activities with touring, concerts and writing new compositions. The maestro had his point of view on everything that happened in the musical sphere, and had his own opinion regarding the socio-political situation in the country. He did not leave the opportunity to speak out regarding the moments that worried him.

In 1989, Mstislav Leopoldovich spoke with the Suit Baha, fulfilling it on his own instrument from the Berlin Wall. The composer struggled against the persecution of Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Last he even provided shelter on his dacha. Rostropovich's actions caused discontent and pressure from the government.

Mstislav Rostropovich and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The signing of the appeal to the Supreme Council of the USSR regarding the amnesty of prisoners and the abolition of the death penalty in 1972 deprived the musician of the work in the Bolshoi Theater. He was banned by foreign trips. Rostropovich and Vishnevskaya no longer invited the metropolitan orchestras to performances.

Mstislav Leopoldovich achieved a receipt of a visa and with his family left the USSR, having left in the United States. After 4 years, his and the spouse deprived the USSR citizenship for antipatriotism. This period was complex for the composer. There was no performances at first. Gradually, he began to give concerts and received the position of artistic director in the Washington Symphony Orchestra.

Conductor Mstislav Rostropovich

After 16 years of life abroad, Rostropovich was a composer, conductor and a cellist, recognized worldwide. The Government of the USSR was late offered to him and the Vishnevian return of citizenship, but the artists by the time were "citizens of the world", and this sign was symbolic for them.

For Rostropovich and Vishnevskaya, doors were opened in any countries. They performed in Moscow on a par with other cities. Putch 1991 forced a man to participate in the destiny of the country. He strongly supported the proposed changes. In 1993, the musician with his family moved to St. Petersburg.

Naina Yeltsin, Mstislav Rostropovich, Boris Yeltsin

The repertoire of Mstislav Rostropovich was huge. He performed sololy and in the ensemble, he worked with a symphony orchestra and was an opera conductor. It was focused on the whole musical world. More than 60 composers wrote works for him, hoping that the maestro would fulfill their composition. Rostropovich was the first one who performed more than 100 cello works and held 70 premieres with the orchestra. The instrument of the musician sounded on the best world scenes.

Rostropovich was performed as the "Peak Lady" produced in the United States, the "tsarist bride" in Monaco, "Lady Macbeth" in Germany, Hovanshchina in Moscow. The artist also recorded concerts for radio. For the merit of Maestro, the Stalinist and Lenin Awards were presented. In 1966, Rostropovich became the People's Artist of the USSR. Mstislav Leopoldovich - owner of 5 Awards "Grammy". In 2003, the Prize was awarded "for the extraordinary career."

Personal life

The fateful acquaintance with Galina Vishnevskaya changed the life of Mstislav Rostropovich. They met at one of the techniques where the artist, as usual, was bored in a circle of guests and smashed ladies. Seeing Galina, Mstislav did not move away from her all evening, causing. Then he was accompanied on tour in Prague, trying hard to conquer the beauty of the sleeve. The man was 28 years old, but the incompleteness of the shape, large glasses and appearing in the youth of Lysin forced to complex.

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya

Vishnevskaya at that time shone everywhere and was at the peak of glory. Rostropovich conquered her heart with aristocratic behavior, attention and intelligence. The composer asked the artist to become his wife 4 days after dating. Vishnevskaya broke up with his wife Mark Ruby to be with him.

Married, a couple lived a couple for some time with the Mstislava family, but soon acquired his own apartment. The personal life of Rostropovich did it happy: in 1956, the spouse gave birth to Olga daughter. The musician was ready to put the entire world to the legs of Galina, giving furs, spirits and other surprises.

Mstislav Leopoldovich and Galina Pavlovna with daughters Elena and Olga

Gifts The composer brought with a tour in England, where he saved money to please his beloved, because part of the fees had to be given to the Soviet embassy. The soul of the composer opposed the laws that the government cleaned. Once upon a time he bought an antique Chinese vase and broke her at the embassy, ​​offering to share fragments to "mine" and "yours."

In 1958, the second daughter Elena appeared per light. The father is guarding his women. He was engaged in children with music and spent all his free time to lovedits. Family Idyll violated migration in the United States. The family faced the lack of finance, creative and political opal.

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya

However, the new life quickly made spouses rich and free. Rostropovich became the knight of the Order of the British Empire, received the Order of the Honorary Legion from France and the officer's cross for merits from Germany. The Japanese Association of Arts presented a conductor to the Imperial Prize, USA - Presidential Medal, and Sweden - the Order of the Polar Star.

Returning to Russia, Rostropovich, already the patron, a human rights activist and a public figure, did not demonstrate a sphere and snobs. Patus receptions preferred to listen to children in ordinary schools, always agreed on the photo with fans, did not refuse any requests. For a musician, there was no difference in nationalities that defiating the facts of biography - he treated everything with understanding and respect.


In 2007, the health of the maestro deteriorated. He was hospitalized several times. Doctors discovered a malignant tumor in the liver. An operation was carried out, which promised improvements, but the composer's weakened organism was in no hurry to recover.

Mstislav Rostropovich's grave

On April 27, 2007, the ingenious musician did not. The cause of death was the suffering disease and consequences of rehabilitation. Until the last minute, relatives and close people were located with him.


The death of Mstislav Rostropovich did not stop the development of the projects that he conceived. High-ranking friends and acquaintances support the cases started by him during life. So, the school in 2004 in Valencia works and now. In memory of the composer, the annual festival of young testers is held, named in his honor.

Monument to Mstislav Rostropovich

The conductor founded a fund that supports gifted students with grants and scholarships. Today, his leader is Olga's daughter. "Vishnevskaya Rostropovich Charitable Foundation is the contribution of musicians to the development of domestic medicine, which supports Elena's daughter.

In Moscow, in Bryusov Lane, a monument to the composer is established. In honor of the famous musician several educational institutions of Russia are named.

Awards and titles

  • 1951 - Stalinsky Degree II Prize
  • 1955 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  • 1964 - Lenin Prize
  • 1964 - People's Artist of the RSFSR
  • 1966 - People's Artist of the USSR
  • 1991 - State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. I. Glinka
  • 1995 - State Prize of the Russian Federation

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