David land - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Creative world paradoxal. What was just worth the "Validol" ceremony of awarding the prestigious film in 2014, when the whole world in a single impulse, as a mantra, repeated the phrase: "Oscar" for Leo ", but the reward then did not get the actor. It will confirm the above and the fact that the role of Erkulya Poiro, adored by millions, David Sushe has not yet been marked by a single prize.

Childhood and youth

On May 2, 1946 in London, in the family of the Acoucher-Gynecologist, Jack land, who conducted research in collaboration with Sir Alexander Fleming, and his spouses, actress Joan Patricia, was born the second son, who was told David.

David land in childhood

Family biography is saturated: the grandfather of Isidor's father's line was Litvaka, later, having moved to Africa, replaced the surname Sushdovich in now the famous land. From the mother of the ancestors were from the Russian Empire: the great-grandfather is one of the first press photographers (in his piggy bank there are pictures of Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein) - from the current Latvia, great-grandmother from Grodno. In Britain, they moved from Paris.

While as a child, David Fanatel from the "Doctor Who" and dreamed of playing in the screening of this work, so impressive young reader that he was hiding from distant for the sofa. And the desired exercised in 2017: the celebrity shone as a guest star.

David land in youth (right)

At an early age, the boy adored with friends to reincarnate in Indians and Cowboys, consistently speaking for the latter. Once in an interview, the actor admitted that in his childhood he was completely alien to ambitions: the boarding school Grenham House, which he visited, together with the elder brother John and the younger Peter, seemed to him the boring place on Earth. And the only thing that interested him in here is a field for rugby, tennis and handball.

Suchet often independently studied what the soul required. For example, at the age of 14 it seemed to him that there was not enough music in life, and therefore soon tried to master the clarinet.

David Souche

Soon the educational institution had to change to Wellington School, where, thanks to the teacher of English, a teenager had an interest in reading, especially the play on roles. And, despite the fact that at first he tried to go in the footsacks of his father and enter the medical college at the surgeon (but poured exams in physics and chemistry), at 18 years old, the young man, completely distilled dramatic art, got into the National Youth Theater. And then Lamda was submitted to him.

"I have always been low and Conguest. Therefore, when I entered the theater after graduation, I found that I perform the role of age characters: because of my deep voice, physique and growth, I performed the role of 40-year and 50-year-olds at the age of 23, "recalling himself in youth, the artist shared.


After the Academy, David became an actor Watermill Theater, who even called perfect, and then got into the "Royal Shakespeare Company" troupe, which serves now. The debut formation was the sad "Romeo and Juliet": here Sude was trying on the image of Mercutio.

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In the future, His Salieri from the Broadway play was honored with the nomination for the Lawrence Olivier Award (along with George from "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe?"), And the performer for merit in dramatic art itself received the title of officer and Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

On television, first turned out to be in the TV series The Mating Machine, the first noticeable role - in the "Tale of two cities". In the same year, Oppenheimer repeatedly starred about Physico-theorist Edward Teller, which created a hydrogen bomb. 25 films remained to Star Character Agata.

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Once during the dinner, the producer "Poirot Agatha Christi" approached the land, which was based on the "death on Nile" novels, "evil under the sun", "murder in" Eastern Express ", and declared him that he would like to It was he who played a detective. David froze with a spoon in his hands: Serious Shakespeare Artist, playing a balding creepy detective?

But, after reading the scenario sent, fascinated by the character, endowed with the qualities, before which it was impossible to resist. Commed by his brother, the man agreed to shoot, deciding to embody Erkulyu as he created his author.

David land in the role of Erkulya Poirot
"People often ask me if I tried to make Poirot popular. I did not try. Everything I did is started to read the novels of Agatha Christie to play such a detective to which she could be proud of. So there were funny sketches of costumes and small mustache. It was exactly how she wrote, "the actor spoke about his brilliant work.

After the completion of the television series in 2013, David commented on farewell to his favorite hero, and his screen death perceived as a dear friend's departure and a wonderful man.

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In the filmography of Britan, there are also many really existed historical personalities: Sigmund Freud, Lavrenty Beria, Gustav Klimt, Edmund Langley, Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Walse, as well as biblical characters - Aaron (Senior Brother Moses), Joaav (Tsar David).

Suchet is a rather original approach to creativity: he divides the sheet of paper into two parts and writes in one - similarity with the hero, in the other - the differences. For example, it looks like Poirot - in pedanotism and religiosity, as well as in the growth and color of the eyes.

Personal life

Under to become a great detective, David managed to find a worthy companion of life for himself - a colleague on the shop Sheil Ferris, with which they got married on June 31, 1976, after 4 years of dating. For a man, it was love at first sight, and, as he argued later, I had to make a lot of effort to invite your favorite girl on a date.

David Suche and Sheila Ferris
"I lost my head at that very moment, as I saw Sheil. She claims that it was mutually, but we both fought with this feeling as abnormal. Love at first sight is serious? We could not accept such a tribality! ", Laughs land.

The fivefold nominee BAFTA award is two children. In 1981, the son of Robert appeared per light - the Captain of the Royal Marine Corps retired, in 1983 - the daughter of Catherine, who became a physiotherapist.

David land with wife and children

As for the hobby, David is interested in music (Favorite composers - Teleman, Mozart, Vivaldi), studies the art of photographing and loves water trips on beloved England.

In general, he considers himself lucky, "he was" indecent lucky "not only in his personal life, but in general. If such an opportunity had introduced itself, he would have invited Jesus Christ, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler for dinner.

The actor is also known for its charitable activities.

David land now

In 2018, land was busy in the TV series, talking about the collision of journalists with the solution of ethical issues where he became a mediabaron.

On November 14 of the same year in his personal account in the Twitter social network, there was a post that the comedy drama "Dali and Cooper" is preparing to ether in the USA, telling about the crazy day when two geniuses met to create the first hologram.

Vanessa White grimits David Suche in 2018

By the way, Maunda Waensa White for helping the actor in visual reincarnation in the Great Madness Awarded The RTS Craft & Design Awards.

From February 5 to April 27, 2019 participates in the formulation of Arthur Miller "Price" in the Windham Theater.

Also in Twitter "Poiro №1" introduces subscribers with photos from family travel and workers everyday life.


  • 2018 - "Dali and Cooper"
  • 2018 - "Press"
  • 2017 - "Mercenary"
  • 2017 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2014 - Effey
  • 2012 - Richard II
  • 2010 - "Naughty"
  • 2007 - "Maxwell"
  • 2002 - "Live Ether from Baghdad"
  • 2001 - "Roads that we choose"
  • 1998 - "Perfect Murder"
  • 1996 - "Prophet Moses: Liberator Leader"
  • 1989-2013 - "Poiro Agatha Christie"
  • 1985 - "Gulag"
  • 1980 - "Tale of two cities"

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