Jack Ripper - Character Biography, Image and Character, Real Name


Character History

The creators of the Universe "Marvel" are not always used in their narratives of authentic heroes. Often actors are borrowed from third-party legends. So happened to the Jack-Ripper. The legendary maniac killer gained alter-ego in comics.

History of creation

The name of Jack-Ripper called the London serial killer. He was known for numerous attempts to the life of girls of easy behavior, which produced in the British capital. According to rumors, a man lived in South Africa at the end of the 19th century. Some believe that the maniac was executed in Poland for espionage, others support rumors that his death is a mystery covered with darkness.

Artist Stan Lie

In the Universe "Marvel" the real name of Jack-Ripper is Edward Heid. Lovers of literature This character is more famous as a fictional personality of Dr. Henry Jackiel from the novel "The strange story of Dr. Jackail and Mr. Heyda." He was written by Lewis Stevenson and published in 1886. According to the writer, the hero, taking the substance developed by him, turned into a bloodthirsty heyde from Jackail.

The creators of the comic see prospects in promoting this hero and brought it on the page of the printed publication. According to the legend "Marvel", the hero called Dr. Calvin for. Character, inspired by Stevenson's story, created a chemical capable of increasing his strength and ability. As a result, he turned into Mr. Heyda and accepted the role of the criminal.

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Stan Lee enriched the hero's biography of interesting facts. Calvin died born in New Jersey and was a brilliant experimenter. The idea he was cherished was the impact of hormones on the human body. Considering the book about Dr. Jackail and Mr. Heide, the character tried to implement the experiments described in it. Finance for testing appeared due to employers' robbery. Experience, whose participant became Calvin, turned him into a mutant with Support. The giant could twist cars without much effort.

The first collision of Mr. Heyd with the enemy was a meeting with the torus. Robing the bank, he attracted the attention of God. People confused him with a universal favorite and decided that the torus steals a bank safe. The situation was dangerous for close torus, so God had to let go of the criminal without causing him harm. Subsequently, Heid united with Cobra against the general enemy - the son of Odin. They failed to resist the ruler of Asgard. Later Hyde in a duet with Cobra was hired Loki. Thor again defeated the attackers and put them in prison.

Jack Exterior of Jack Ripper in Comics

Running from captivity, Hyde was short for freedom. Sorvigolov recovered justice, giving the villain for the grille. Looking on the path of opposition to superheroes, Heid fought with Salol and Captain America, a purple man and Sorvigolova. Cobra, who betrayed Heyda, soon changed in a batch-jumper. The desire of revenge, driving a furious Heyde, has encountered him with a spider man and a black cat.

The hormonal impact of accepted by scientists has triggered the appearance of superconductors. The enemies and the allies, who refused to him, could not let Heyut, since his strength was too great. Maintaining such a state requires constant serum consumption. Modification in the monster slows down injuries and physical damage. To control the condition, the scientist invented a special watch, with the help of which the substance enters the blood to prevent mutation into humans.

Jack Ripper (Mr. Heid)

The constant consumption of the substance affects the appearance of Heyda. Its skin is modified and over time is covered by incomprehensible traces. They resemble bruises or swelling.

Comics "Marvel"

For the first time, a negative character appeared in Marvel comics in 1963 in the enemy of the Torah. Although the scientist thought about abandoning the career of Superzlodeya, and periodically experienced an intraity conflict, he managed to make many enemies. Several comic series are written about their confrontation. During the Civil War, Heid began to study the features of the abilities of a man-spider.

Jack Ripper in comics

The hero was listed by the participant of the "thumbs up". This is the company Zlodeev hired by the government to confront other criminals. Once with this company in the process of temporary teleportation in 1940, Heid participated in the battles with the Nazis.

The creators of the comics made it possible to Calvina to show themselves in the romantic line of action. His beloved, prostitute Kim Johnson, gave birth to Daisy's daughter. The girl was a mutant and created vibration waves. Due to the fact that the family was not interested in it, Daisie spent all his childhood in the shelter. Having matured, she became an agent "Sch.I.T.". Heid tried to use her, the tricks of his serum, but the daughter killed his father. The villain was risen, but was caught by representatives of the organization "Sh.I.T.".


According to the comic books, "Marvel" filmed TV series "Marvel Super Heroes". Jack-Ripper (he is Mr. Heid) became the acting person of the project. It was the first animation film "Marvel". The tape was very different from what we used to see on the screens. Spectators showed pictures with sound accompaniment.

Mr. Heid.

Then the character appeared in the series "Agents" Sch.I.T.. " The director added a lot of details that were not in comics. The hero performed in the image of a romantic hero who survived the personal tragedy. Contrary to the ideas of the creators, in the Hyde's multi-sieu film, appeared by a caring father and a brilliant scientist capable of self-sacrifice.

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