Muhammad Yusuf - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



In Bashkortostan - Mustay Karim, in Dagestan - Rasul Gamzatov, in Uzbekistan - Muhammad Yusuf. Each of these outstanding modern poets has owned some kind of magical influence on readers and was especially loved in his homeland. Perhaps the reason lies in simple - in proximity to the people and the scale of dating.

Childhood and youth

The future outstanding artist of the art of the Republic of Uzbekistan was born at the end of the second spring month, on April 26, 1954, in the village of Kovunchi (at the Uzbek manner - in the village). Real name and surname - Muhammadjon Yusupov. He was a peasant his father, worked in agriculture, was engaged in breeding cattle and cultivation of cultures.

Since childhood, the boy absorbed the beauty of the surrounding world and love and respect for his native land, which was reflected in further works. For example, in poems preserved memories of the courtyard and the street, where he lived with his parents, about the bright moments of the early years, when he ran under the shower, washed away with dew, caught butterflies.

Poet Muhammad Yusuf

After graduating from the secondary educational institution, Yusupov became a student of the current Uzbek State University of Languages. After a university, Muhammäjon worked for 2 years in the society of the country's booklers.

From the 1980s, he was listed by a journalist in the "Evening Tashkent", almost after 5 years returned to editorial activities in the publishing house of literature and art named after Gafur Gulyam. Also in the professional biography of Yusupov was both the "Voice of Uzbekistan", and the Nazinformgenity, and the Tafakkur magazine.


Although the first essay was published in the "Literature and Art of Uzbekistan" back in 1976, the debut collection of works of "Familiar Poplas" was released only after 9 years. The book earned a high assessment of both critics and readers, and the author of a serious and talented poet.

Muhammad Yusuf

After 2 years, "Listen, Nightingale" appeared. In the poems, Yusuf affects different directions of life, singing the fatherland and people, nature and love. The predominance of national flavor and the original original style instantly brought popularity.

At the beginning of the creative way, it was lucky to get acquainted with Abdullah Aripov and Erkin Vakhidov, who helped the novice artist to fully reveal his skills. Also, in the course of life, he was friends with the singers Mukhriddin Holikov and Okhunejon Madaliyev, they were even called three brothers, which the world was left in a tragic coincidence of circumstances.

Book of poems Muhammad Yusuf

A peculiar business card of Yusuf was "Tubette". Here he argued why the "native session" became less "carriage" in humans. And I found the answer to the final - "Ile Tyubuek no now decent, or there are no decent tubets."

"In my opinion, poetic creativity is not a profession and not craft. The poets, not knowing, become pets of God. Sometimes, reading your poems, I want to cry. At such moments I think that poets themselves do not write. Someone helps them. His angels help them, "he admitted once in an interview.
Poet Muhammad Yusuf

The theme of nature and patriotism especially loudly sounds in the writings of Muhammad, for which the poet was honored with a flattering comparison with the Russian "last poet village" Sergey Yesenin.

For his short life, Yusuf presented the readers more than 10 collections - "convincing request", "Calm Mother Khalima", "Love Ship" and many others. In 2001, the light also saw a "written", and in 2013 due to the diligence of the relatives - "love of the poet." Also, the legacy is also converting work.

Personal life

Scrolls of strong romantic feelings and family values ​​knew not at all - in his personal life he was absolutely happy man. In 1983, a man took the daughter of the famous Uzbek scientist Gaybullah As-Saloma and part-time colleague on the shop - Beauty-poetess Nazir.

Muhammad Yusuf and his wife Nazi

According to his own recognition of a woman, a simple happiness was nearby, to understand each other and create. The main secret of coexistence with a creative personality is to create suitable conditions for work and become a faithful assistant and a comrade. For example, to ensure that the intimate of the birth of poems did not interfere with children. Or to be at the right time, keeping the written decision to break from the hasty decision. In turn, the spouse also supported his beloved, advised to write a lot and read the resulting out loud.

In a creative and loving family, three daughters, Masuda, Nazyama and Madina, and the only son of Sherzod were born. Girls went at the footsteps of their parents: the eldest is now working on television, the average with his mother works in its own Golden Feather newspaper, the youngest - in the bank, but also creates poems. Her first book Soghish Tips was published to the 63th anniversary of the Father.

Muhammad Yusuf with family

Yusupov tried to raise children in relative freedom. Therefore, everything that the soul was lying, they, looking at their parents, learn themselves, for example, to drive a car and play sports.

After the death of her husband, the widow organized the same name of the literary and public fund to keep the memory of it for subsequent generations. In April 2014, she was attended as the main invited guest at the opening of a memorial plan, and in December 2017 - bust, alleys and boarding schools, named after Muhammad Yusuf.

"In most families, girls closer to mothers. We, on the contrary: Father performed the role and head of the family, and a friend. We, in turn, did not hide anything and always listened to the Soviets, "shared with Madina correspondents.


On July 29, 2001, it became black in the history of Uzbekistan - unexpectedly died the youngest people's poet of the country, the deputy chairman of the Writers' Union and the Muhammadahon Parliament deputy, more famous for Muhammad Yusuf.

Muhammad Yusuf

The cause of death is a heart attack that overtakes a man during a creative meeting with devotees of fans. The grave is located in the native village of the prominentist of literature.

The name of the poet in Uzbekistan also worn two streets, an art school and children's library. In 2019, he would have been 65 years old.


  • 2013 - "Poet's Love"
  • 2001 - "Writing"
  • 1998 - "I will pick up on my sky"
  • 1992 - "Affectionate Gazelle"
  • 1991 - "Ovo dreamed"
  • 1990 - "Love Ship"
  • 1989 - "Califle Mother Khalim"
  • 1989 - "Sleeping Girl"
  • 1988 - "Rissuly request"
  • 1987 - "Listen, Nightingale"
  • 1985 - "Familiar Poplar"

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