Vsevolod Meyerhold - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Theater



One of the first theatrical directorists-avant-gardeists of the Soviet Union, which risked using the Grotesque method in the scenic art and created the innovative acting system, called "Biomechanics". Vsevolod Meyerhold and today remains an example for the film and theatrical elite, who does not want to know their creativity in the usual framework.

Vsevolod Meyerhold

According to Evgenia Vakhtangov, Meyerhold "gave roots the theater of the future." In his life, he was called the master and the wizard of the theater. But justice for nothing should be forgotten that Matra has enough critics. Dear in the theater world Nemirovich-Danchenko looked at the experiments and creative swelling of a young colleague with skepticism.

Childhood and youth

Karl Casimir Theodore Myergold was born - this director sounds like a birthplace, in a large family of winemaker Emilia Myiergold. The plant brought the family of ethnic Germans-Lutheran wealth, but not happiness. Alvina Danilovna, Maeerhold Mom, giving birth to the eighth and last child - Charles's son, suffered from a despotic her husband and his betrayal, whom he did not hide.

Second men's gymnasium in Penza, where Meyerhold studied

Childhood and young Meyerhold passed in Penza. Here and today the building of the 2nd gymnasium has been preserved, where he received knowledge director. He studied Karl badly, he was leaving three times for the second year. Instead of 8 years old, the son of the wine-breeder gnawed granite science 11. The only invenue for the young man was called the evenings who satisfied the mother for the creative elite of the city. The first theatrical settings of Karl saw on the home stage.

Further biography of Charles Pepling interesting facts. He put the first amateur play at 18. The day of the premiere was and joyful, and mournful: on February 14, 1892, a creative biography of Meyerhold was launched, but the same day was the last in the life of the head of the family. Cancel the premiere because of the son's son and did not think.

Vsevolod Meyerhold in youth

At 21, the young man finally broke up with the past, accepted by Orthodoxy and changed the name on which millions know him today. In Vsevolod, he became, giving tribute to the admiration of his beloved garbage.

In 1895, Vsevolod Meyerhold went to Moscow and entered the university by choosing jurisprudence. After a year, he understood that the intricant laws were tired of him, and threw the university.

Vsevolod Meyerhold on stage

Exams in a music-dramatic school, open at the metropolitan philharmonic, Vsevolod ended up with glitter: examiners affected by the talent and temperament of the Penza nugget, enrolled it on the 2nd course.


Vsevolod Meyerhold "fell ill" the theater not only thanks to the mother - a great impression on the young man made a play "Othello", delivered by Konstantin Stanislavsky. The director became the idol of Vsevolod for life.

In student years, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko influenced Talented Penzenza, who marked the temperamental student. The teacher shared with the disciple plans about creating a new theater in the capital, on the stage of which was going to withdraw his wards.

Vsevolod Meyerhold as Pierre

After graduating from the school, Vsevolod Meyerhold was joined in the Taroupe of MHT. The director entrusted him the role of Hamlet, Vasily Shuisky, Tsar John. The workshops were put on the works of Shakespeare and Chekhov. Yesterday, the student initially played enthusiastically, brilliantly gorgeous in the images of diverse heroes, but it was enough only for 4 seasons.

Care from MHT Actor explained to the breathtaking inspiration, but biographers call another reason: Nemirovich-Danchenko did not introduce Meyerhold in the circle of shareholders of the new theater. And to the very artist, I cooled, seeing in his manner of the game Supbar and Besyatitsa.

Portrait of Vsevolod Meyerhold (Artist Alexander Golovin)

Offended Vsevolod left MHT with a colleague Alexander Kosheverov. The actors went to the outback - Kherson, where they organized their theater.

In the province, the jobs of Meyerhold were cooled, but fans were also found. The theater season started in September 1902.

Vsevolod Meyerhold - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Theater 12996_7

At first, the performances seemed to be "written off" from the statements of the MHT, but soon the attentive viewers noted the "handwriting" of the director. Vsevolod Meyerhold, unlike his idol Stanislavsky, has emphasized not on psychologist and internal fullness of the game, but on plastic, entertainment.

Stanislavsky, who heard about the success of Meyerhold in Kherson, offered a young colleague to return to the capital and join the troupe formed on the basis of the MHT theater, headed by him and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Vsevolod immediately agreed and rushed to Moscow.

Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko

However, at the metropolitan stage, Vsevolod Meyerhold put only 3 performances. And if Stanislavsky accepted the innovation of colleagues thoughtfully, Nemirovich-Danchenko did not regret sarcasm. In 1905, the director had to return to Kherson.

Good luck smiled again Meyerhold: a year later he worked in St. Petersburg, where I called Prima Vera Commissioner. According to the famous actress, the director headed the theater on the officer and for the season presented the audience 13 performances. Here, avant-garde accepted enthusiasm.

Father of the New Theater Vsevolod Meyerhold

In the 1908th performances of the outrageous Vsevolod Meyerhold, even at the stage of the theater, until recently considered the most conservative - Alexandrinsky.

The premiere of the last pre-revolutionary performance Meyerhold was held in February of the turning point of 1917. Mother put Lermontovsky Masquerade.

Vsevolod Meyerhold, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Nikolay Erdman

The revolution 43-year-old Vsevolod Meyerhold accepted enthusiasm. "The father of the new theater", as he was called, willingly collaborated with the new government and without delay became a member of the WFB.

On the stage was Mystery-Buff, Vladimir Mayakovsky, the scenery of which drew Kazimir Malevich. Together with Mayakovsky, Alexander Block, Nathan Altman and other representatives of the cultural elite, Meyerhold discovered the sympathies of revolutionary ideas and new leaders.

Meyerhold Theater Building, now the hall them. Tchaikovsky

In 1920, the state theater opened the door in the capital, who received the name of the director. Abbreviated it was called guests. On his stage, there were performances on the works of those who took a new order of authors - Yuri Oleshi, Ilya Ehrenburg, Nikolai Erdman and, of course, Mayakovsky.

Visit the theater became Zinaida Reich, who faded the star Maria Babanov. Due to acute conflicts with the favorite of the director Babanova, and together with her a third of the troupes left the theater. The case was not only in paradise - the steep and despotic temper was different and Meyerhold himself, who stopped on stage any freedom and not tolerance of someone else's opinion.

Vsevolod Meyerhold enthusiastically accepted the revolution

There are assumptions that Alexei Tolstoy, creating his famous fabulous story about Pinocchio, saw the prototype of Karabas-Barabas precisely Meyerhold, for which artists were puppets. The type of good Pope Carlo is considered to be Stanislavsky.

Vsevolod Emilevich tried strength and cinema. On his account 3 of the film, in which he showed himself as director and actor. In the ribbon "Portrait of Dorian Gray" he played Lord Henry.

Vsevolod Meyerhold - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Theater 12996_13

Loyalty to power did not become a "protective diploma" for the Matra - in the mid-1930s over his head thickened clouds. He guessed his fate, but did not use the opportunity to emigrate, refusing to stay in Paris during the trip.

In the winter of 1936, the newspaper "True" published an article called "Supbur instead of music." The Opera "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" was criticized, supplied by Dmitry Shostakovich, and with her aesthetics and "Levatsky art", allegedly denied simplicity and realism. And all this author called "Meyerholdeschina".

Portrait of Vsevolod Meyerhold Brushes Peter Konchalovsky, 1938

In the summer of the same year, the title of folk artists of the USSR was awarded Stanislavsky, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Kachalov, Moskvin. In the list of awarded Meyerhold did not turn out. The director rushed to prove that he was "his", which was still loyal to power. On the stage, there were performances about the collective farm village, new heroes chased.

However, the miracle did not happen: in January 1938, the guests were closed. From the opaired and unemployed director, all who had previously praised him and were proud of a personal acquaintance. Relations with Boris Pasternak, several artists and writers remained the same.

Boris Pasternak and Vsevolod Meyerhold

In May, Stanislavsky stretched out the hand of the help of Vsevolod Meyerhold, appointing the director headed by the Opera House.

The death of the teacher and the idol in early August Meyerhold perceived as a personal drama and a badge of trouble. In June 1939 he was arrested.

Personal life

Olga Mint's first spouse is the school love of Vsevolod Emilevich, on which he married in spite of the will of the mother in the 1st year of the university - presented her husband to three daughters. Spouses lived in the capital, in the house on Novinsky Boulevard.

Vsevolod Meyerhold with Olga Mint and Zinaida Reich

With the former wife Sergei Yesenina Zinaida Reich Matt met in the Narkompros, where she worked as a secretary. He invited the beauty to become a student theatrical workshop, which was led.

Olga Mount reacted to a young woman who had two tiny children of Yesenin in his hands, with sympathy, warmly accepted in their home. In the summer of 1922, Milts with children went south. When returned from the rest, I saw that Reich settled in the house. Olga had to look for a new dwelling.

Zinaida Reich and Vsevolod Meyerhold

Later, the daughter of Zinaida Reich - Tatiana Yesenin - in his memoirs frankly wrote that the mother did not feel the love for stepmother. They rummed that the Union with the theater Madrah, who led his own theater, opened the door to the world of Bohemia.

5-6 years later, Reich became a recent of the theater. But the life of the spouses is difficult to call a prosperous: they played the perfect pair in people, but Shakespeare's passions were raised behind closed doors.


Zinaida Reich was brutally killed 25 days after the arrest of Meyerhold. The criminals penetrated through the window and caused a woman of 17 knife wounds.

Zinaida Reich and Vsevolod Meyerhold Shortly to Death

According to one assumptions, robbers were taken to the house, which seeing whose woman began to cry out. In others, the murder disguised as a robbery. Allegedly, the NKVD avenged the paradise for the fact that during the arrest of the spouse she accused the authorities in the murder of Yesenin.

Vsevolod Meyerhold survived his wife: after cruel torture, he was accused of work on Japanese prison. In February 1940 he was shot in one of the basements of Lubyanka. The dust burned in the general grave at the Don Monastery.

Vsevolod Meyerhold after arrest

According to other information, the cause of the director's death was drowning in a barrel with uncleanness. Before this Meyerhold, who abandoned the naval on his colleagues, broke their fingers on their hands. In the preserved prison photo, it can be seen how the Vsevolod Emilevich has come and was pulled out in prison ducts.

Tomb Zinaida Reich and her son, in which there is no dust Meyerhold

The granddaughter of Meyerhold, Maria Valentine, in the mid-1950s installed on the grave of Zinaida Reich on the Vagankovsky cemetery, the general monument on which the name of the grandfather was knocked down. In the same 1956 she achieved the rehabilitation of the director. About the place of his burial, Valentine learned only in 1987.

In the mid-1980s, the Mother's Mother's homeland discovered the center of theatrical art called "Meyerhold House".

Theater works

  • 1906 - "Balant"
  • 1917 - "Masquerade"
  • 1918 - "Mystery-Buff"
  • 1921 - "Union of Youth"
  • 1922 - "Gnaming Cardridge"
  • 1922 - "Death of Tarelkin"
  • 1924 - "Teacher Babi"
  • 1926 - "Roe, China"
  • 1929 - "Klop"
  • 1930 - "Banya"
  • 1931 - "Last Detective"
  • 1933 - "Introduction"
  • 1934 "Lady with Camellias"
  • 1935 - "33 fainting"
  • 1935 - "Stone Guest"

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