Mary Shelly - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



The English writer Mary Shelly became famous as the creator of the novel "Frankenstein, or modern Prometheus." Its biography is comparable to Monster Dr. Viktor Frankenstein: collected from happy moments, sad troubles and tragic events. This is a woman who buried her husband (Poet Persi Beach Shelly), father and mother, four children and two sisters, but until the very end of creativity and talent.

Childhood and youth

The nee Mary Walstonkraft Godwin was born on August 30, 1797 in London in the Union of Political Philosopher William Godwin and the famous feminists of the XVIII century Mary Walstonkraft. The family was also brought up by the daughter of Mary from the first marriage with the commercial speculator Gilbert Wece - Fanni Ele (1794).

Portrait of Mary Shelly

A month after the emergence of Mary, the mother died from intrauterine infection, and the children remained on the care of Godwin. He was in debt. Feeling unable to independently contain two daughters, William rushed to look for the second spouse.

In December 1801, Godvin married Mary Jane Clarmont, a well-educated woman with two children - Charles and Claire. Most friends of William did not like the new spouse, she was considered quick-tempered and irritable. Relations with a stepmother and Mary were not developed: Claermont brought up only his native children, not paying attention to Godwin's daughters.

Mary Shelley

The marriage has not improved the economic state of the family: William took new loans to pay the old ones. Poverty did not allow Mary of full education. Father led daughters for training events, allowed books from the library. Some girlfriend girls gave birthday to Godwin, including the poet Samuel Taylor Kalridge.

In 1811, Mary was held half a year in the boarding school of Ramsgitis, and in June next year, his father sent her to live in Scotland, in the family of British botany William Bakster. In the diary, Baxter wrote that Mary was brought up "as a philosopher, even as a cynic." Girl stayed twice at Botany, on March 30, 1814 returned to his home.


Roman with Poet Persi Bishi Shelly and Friendship with George Gordon Byron fruitfully reflected on the work of the writer. One day, three, sitting by the fire, told each other horns, and Bayron offered to a dispute to write a story about the ghosts. That same night, the girl dreamed of a pale scientist who collected a disheveled creature from individual parts. It was alive.

Writer Mary Shelley

On the basis of the Mary Shelly seen in his dream, he planned to write a story, but Percy helped her expand the idea to a full-fledged novel. On January 1, 1818, the debut and the most famous work of the writer Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus came to the world. The first edition of the novel, consisting of 500 copies, was released anonymously. The readers suggested that the author - Percy Bishi Shelly: He wrote the preface, contacting Mary and her father William Godwin.

The second version of Frankenstein was released on August 11, 1823, and Mary Shelley was indicated on the title page. The most common is the third version of the novel, released on October 31, 1831. He was supplemented by a new preface, in which Mary told the vigorous version of the origin of history.

Mary Shelly - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books 12992_4

In 2008, Charles I. Robinson released the work of the "original Frankenstein". He studied Mary Shelley's first manuscript and noted what changes to Shelly's Persity contributed to it.

Based on Frankenstein, many performances, musicals, shields, radio stations have been created. The 1931 film of the 1931 is considered classic, and the recreated portrait of a monster is a flat macushkin, like glass eyes under low-depth centuries, screws in the neck and high growth - became canonized.

Boris Carlof in the role of Frankenstein in 1931

In the period between 1819 and 1820, Mary wrote the novel "Matilda", which was published only in 1959 due to theme-suicide and incest raised in it. However, the more joyful narration from Shelley, who experienced the death of two young children, was difficult to expect. At the same time, she created a historic story "Valperga, or the life and adventures of Kastrumcho, Prince Lucci."

In 1826, the second large work of Mary was published - the novel "The Last Man", which, however, will not be compared with the popularity with Frankenstein. Actions occur back for Shelley 2073. Here, people ride horses, ships float completely with sails, wars are conducted with a firearm, and the fastest way of movement is airship.

The novel consists of three volumes, each of whom tells about the period of life of the main characters - Lionel Vernea with his sister Perditi, Prince Adrian with his sister Aidris.

The first volume describes growing characters, and the focus of Shelley makes the political situation in the world, in the second volume the city is under the threat of plague, and in the third disease, progressing, destroys humanity. The Russian translation of the "last person" appeared only in 2010.

Portrait of Mary Shelley

In the 1830s, Shelley released the novels "Fate Perkina Warbek" (1830), "Lodod" (1835) and "Falkner" (1837), earned writing articles for women's magazines. In 1836, Father Mary died. He bequeathed to release his memoirs, and the daughter rushed to fulfill the last will of the deceased, but after 2 years he refused this idea.

Thanks to the writer, the creativity of the deceased Percy Bishi Shelly by 1837 it became widely known: Mary published his poem in newspapers, on the pages of their works. A year later, the major publisher Edward Moxson released a collection of his writings with extensive biographical footnotes.

Personal life

Persity Bishi Shelly, the future husband Mary, adhered to the views of William Godwin, described in the labor "Political Justice" (1793). The poet will go with him so much that he promised to repay the debts of the philosopher. However, the rich aristocratic family refused Shelly in a loan due to personal hostility to the works of Godvin. After several months, the promises a young man announced that he was not able to help financially. The philosopher, feeling a devotee, ripped a friendly connection.

Persity Bishi Shelly, Mother Mary Shelly

Constantly seen in the house of Godvina, Mary and Persity pierced sympathy. They secretly met the grave of the mother of the mother, they also confessed to each other in love. The date of this event is known for certain thanks to the diary records - June 26, 1814. The next day, the girl told the Father about the connection with Percy, and he, to the horror of his daughter, protested.

On July 28, the couple escaped to France, taking a sister Mary, Claire with him, and in England, in the meantime, she was a pregnant mistress of Shelley's mistress - Harriet Mr. 2 years after the birth of the Son Charles, the woman was drowned, unable to endure such life. In the journey prevented and Mary itself. Having returned home on September 13, the lover of lovers appealed for help to Godwin, but he did not want to have anything in common with his daughter.

Thomas Hogg

Percy, leaving her pregnant Mary at home, walked from Claire, who became his mistress, and Mary, in turn, comforted in the arms of Thomas Hogg, a lawyer and a close friend of Shelley. The personal life of the couple did not suffer from the change - both believed in free love and adored each other.

On February 22, 1815, Mary gave birth to a girlfriend prematurely for 2 months. She died on March 6th. The woman fell into depression, I have experienced a baby everywhere. Dreams of the child were embodied in a year a year later: on January 24, 1816, the heir to the heir to Perse - William appeared. From that moment on, Mary was asked to call her "Mrs. Shelly."

William Shelly and Perse Florence Shelly, Children Mary Shelly

On December 30, 1816, the couple finally got married, and on September 2, the same year Mary gave birth to the daughter of Clara. To both children were not destined to live a long life: in September 1818, Clara died, in June 1819 - William. Shelley plunged into a protracted depression. On November 12, 1819, Percy Florence was born - the only surviving child.

On February 27, 1819, the poet declared himself by the father of Elena Adelaide Shelly - allegedly them with Mary daughter. It is not known whose child is in fact, it is assumed that Claire gave birth from Bairon.

Statue of Mary and Percy Shelly

On June 16, 1822, Mary was on the verge of death: she had a miscarriage, because of which she lost a lot of blood. The doctor saved her life, settled into the bath with ice. A few days later, another tragic event happened - on July 1, the Pischi Shelly and his friend Edward Williams died in a shipwreck. Their bodies carried away 10 days after the storm. Shelly cremated in place.

In 1826, John Howard Paine, an American actor, made Mary offer. She refused, saying that she had already married one genius and her next husband should be no less talented. Later, the French writer Prospere Merima, Biographer Edward John Treloni and politician Obry Boklerk claimed. No one has achieved the location of Shelley.


In the 1840s, Mary Shelly lived with the son of Perse Florence, from 1848 - also with his wife Jane Gibson, the extramarital daughter of the American banker Thomas Gibson.

Since 1849, the writer suffered from migraine, sometimes her body was puzzled. Shelley's disease lived 2 years old, died on February 1, 1851 aged 53 years. Presumably, the cause of death was cancer brain.

Mary Shelly's grave

Mary showed it to bury her next to her mother and father in St. Paincår in London, but the condition of the cemetery at that time was depressing. Jane Gibson buried the mother-in-law in the Church of St. Peter in Bornmouth.

In the first anniversary of death, the box was opened, followed by Mary. It was found strands of hair of her dead children, a notebook, in which the handwriting of Pischi Beach Shelly was written earlier unknown poems, a handful of dust and a piece of his heart.


  • 1817 - "History of six-week travel"
  • 1818 - "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus"
  • 1819 - "Matilda"
  • 1823 - "Walperga, or the Life and Adventures of Kastrchcho, Prince Lucca"
  • 1826 - "The Last Man"
  • 1830 - "Fate Perkina Warbek"
  • 1835 - "Lodod"
  • 1837 - "Falkner"

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