Camille Saint-Sans - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, music



Camille Saint-Sans, the author of the famous Carnival Animal, Opera Samson and Dalila, the Symphonic Poem "Dance of Death", the instrumental play "Introduction and Rondo Capricchiyozo" and other musical masterpieces, was a French composer of the era of romanticism. The talented master of the game on the organ, a virtuoso pianist and a conductor, whose preferences were in the field of classics, played an important role in the development of music, having transferred their own experience to future generations of writers.

Childhood and youth

Charles Camille Saint-Sans was born in Paris on December 9, 1835 and was the only son of Jacques Joseph Victor Saint-Sansa, an official of the Department of Internal Affairs of France, and Francoise-Clemans Cleven, taking care of the house and the younger Son. In infancy, the Camille lost his father and lived for some time in Corbale, located near Paris in the southern direction, taking care of attentive and caring nanny with medical education.

Portrait of Camille Saint-Sansa

Upon returning to the capital, the child lived in the society of mother and grandmother by name Charlotte Masson, who recognized the musical talent of the grandson and taught it the basics of playing the piano. At 7 years of age, Saint-Sans became a student of the composer of Camille Stati, who developed the flexibility of the brushes and the mobility of the boy's fingers, enriching his innate ability to skills in the piano.

Camille began to give concerts when he was 5 years old. At first he performed in front of the chamber audience, and in 1845 he made his debut on the SALLE PLEYEL scene with a program consisting of works of Mozart and Beethoven. Continuing training at the composer Pierre Malnedania and the organist Alexander Pierre Francois Boeiei, Saint-Sans prepared for admission to the conservatory. In 1848, the teenager stand out the exam and became the ward of the organist Francois Benois and the master of the Firomantal Galevi composition.

Camille Saint-Sans in youth

In the student years, Camille showed outstanding creative abilities and perfectly knew general educational items. He was interested in philosophy, archeology and astronomy and replenished knowledge in these areas throughout his life.

The early writings of Saint-Sansa were the "symphony of a major major" and choral play "Ginny", written based on the work of Viktor Hugo. In 1952, the young composer failed at the Prix de Rome competition, and then won the first award in a musical competition organized by the Sainte-Cécile metropolitan society.


After leaving the Conservatory in 1853, Camille entered the position of an organist in the Saint-Merry church, located near the Metropolitan Town Hall. A large number of events held in the temple brought a good income to a young musician, but the tool at which Saint-Sansu had to play, left much to be desired.

Camille Saint-Sans in youth

Having enough time for their own music, Camille composed several works and attracted the attention of the famous composers Joakkino Rossini and Hector Berlioz, as well as the influential singer Polina Viardo. And by going to the service in the imperial church of Saint Magdalene, the organist received the highest praise from the famous Fens Leaf, who called Saint-Sansa the greatest virtuoso.

In the 1850s, Camille adhered to advanced musical trends, admired the works of Robert Shuman and Richard Wagner, but did not imitate them in contrast to many French composers. During this period, Saint-Sans created "Symphony No. 1" and the work of Grad Rome, as well as the "Concert for Piano D Major", which remained little-known.

Camille Saint-Sans

In 1861, the church virtuoso became a teacher in the Paris Music School of Niedermeyer and introduced the work of modern composers into the curriculum. At this time, he conceived to compose a musical farce, intended for execution by students, who later became the famous "animal carnival".

Staying as teachers, Saint-Sans due to lack of time almost did not engage in his own creations. His composer and performing career resumed in 1865, after leaving the teaching work. Camille wrote Kantatu "Les Noces de Prométhée", which won at the Paris Competition "Grande Fête Internationale", bypassing more than 100 participants.

And in 1968, the premiere of the 1st orchestral work of Saint-Sansa called "Concert for Piano No. 2 Sol Minor", which secured in the metropolitan musical repertoire before the start of the Franco-Prussian war and the bloody time of the Paris commune. During these years, the Camille was in England, where from time to time gave musical ideas to get the livelihood.

Returning to Paris, in 1871 the composer became one of the founders of society to popularize the new French music entitled "Ars Gallica". Being obsessed with innovative ideas, Saint-Sans began to compose in the "Symphonic Poem" genre and submitted to the public of the public "Snayer Ommopals", which was ease and sophistication.

Camille Saint-Sans per piano

Interesting is the fact that in the early 20th century Saint-Sans changed the attitude towards modern music and, moving away from advanced trends, returned to the old good classical tradition. According to eyewitnesses, the composer went with the show of the Spring Spring Ballet Igor Stravinsky, considering the written writing, and the author is crazy.

In the genre of the poem, the greatest popularity acquired a "dance of death", written in 1874 and originally conceived as a play for a voice accompanied by an orchestra. The mythical plot of the parish of the old woman with a scythe on the eve of Halloween and the rebellion of the dead formed the basis of musical parties of the essay. Replacing the poetic lines with a piercing sound of the violin, the composer is horrified by the listeners who came to the premiere. Only some time after some time, the audience appreciated the sinister dance of skeletons, accompanied by the roasting of bones, sounded xylophone.

The art of the opera colored Saint-Sansu in 1877, when he completed the work on the work of the "silver bell", according to the plot of the legend of Faust. The premiere of creation dedicated to the Metsen's Albert Libon took place on the stage of the Paris Theater and was subsequently played 18 times.

In gratitude for the music, a patron who died shortly after the first performance, left the composer inheritance, which was enough for the Camil to deviate himself to creativity. Saint-Sans wrote "Requiem" in memory of the friend and benefactor, and then composed Opera Samson and Dalila, which came into the repertoire of French and foreign theaters.

Composer Camille Saint-Sans

Refuting the view that the symphonist is not able to write a worthy opera, Camille took up the work about the life of the bloody English king. He with incredible hardworking and diligence worked on musical parties to convincingly transfer the atmosphere of the Renaissance. The audience recognized the talent of Saint-Sansa in the opera genre and gladly visited the ideas of Henry VIII.

Thanks to this, Camille was recognized in England as one of the talented French composers. In 1886, London Philharmonic ordered the author orchestral product, known as "Organ Symphony No. 3 to Minor." After a successful premiere on the territory of foggy Albion, Saint-Sans brought a fresh essay to his homeland and called the unanimous delight of listeners and critics.

At the same time, the composer has completed the work on the famous instrumental play "Carnival Animals", started during the years of teaching in a music school. Faught after the death of San Sansa, Suite became incredibly popular and recognizable. More than others were famous for the "Royal Marsh Lviv", "Aquarium" and "Swan".

In 1890-1900, the Camille gave concerts in France and abroad. For the choral festival, held in 1913, the musician composed the oratoria "The Land Promised" and personally conducted during the premiere. He often visited London, and 1906-1909 spent on tour in the United States. The last solo speech of Saint-Sansa took place at the end of the autumn of 1921.

Personal life

Saint-Sans was a bachelor for a long time and lived with an elderly mother in the Paris apartment. In 1975, he unexpectedly married a young girl named Marie Laura Treuffo, who was sisted by a composer's student. Francoise Clemenes did not support this marriage and did not give a pair to achieve happiness in his personal life. Camille with his wife had two children who were dead in infancy. The eldest son Andre fell out of the window, and the youngest Jean-Francois died from the inflammation of the lungs.

Camille Saint-Sans in recent years

After these tragic events, the spouses lived together for 3 years, and then drove. During a family holiday in the resort of La Burbul Saint-Sans disappeared from the hotel, leaving the spouse a note, which said that everything was over. According to the researchers, the musician threw his wife, because he considered her guilty of the death of the first child.

Marie returned to the parent house, and Camil, who avoided the formalities of the official divorce, has lived with his mother for another 10 years. After the death of Francoise Clemans in the biography of the musician, black days came, he fell into depression and thought about suicide. In order to restore health, undermined by experiences, the composer moved to Algeria and stayed there until spring 1889. In 1900, Saint-Sans donkey in Paris, removed the apartment on the street of curses, not far from the former home of the mother, and spent the rest of his life there.


At the end of 1921, Saint-Sans took a trip to Algeria with the intention to spend the winter there. The concent of the composer on December 16, 1921, he read the global cultural elite in the shock, because the 86-year-old musician looked healthy and vigorous on the last lifetween photos and portraits. According to doctors, the cause of the sudden death of the famous Frenchman became a heart attack.

Grave of Camil Saint-Sansa

Camille buried in the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris. At the farewell ceremony, held in the Church of St. Magdalen, the widow of San Sansa, Marie-Laura was noticed among the grief.


  • 1867 - "Introduction and Rondo Capricichiosis"
  • 1869 - "Omfali Spread"
  • 1872 - "Yellow Princess"
  • 1874 - "Dance of Death"
  • 1877 - "Silver bell"
  • 1877 - "Samson and Dalila"
  • 1879 - "Lira and Harp"
  • 1886 - "Animal Carnival"
  • 1886 - "Symphony No. 3 C-Moll (with an organ)"
  • 1901 - "Varvara"
  • 1913 - Oratorion "Land Promised"

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