Lion Ponomarev - photo, biography, personal life, human rights activist, news 2021



Lion Ponomarev, a former deputy of the State Duma, today is a member of the Political Council "Solidarity". He became one of the first in the USSR, who went into the struggle for human rights, which subsequently pushed him to create a human rights organization.

Lion Ponomarev

Lev Alexandrovich was born in the fall of 1941 in Tomsk, by nationality he is Russian. What his parents were engaged, the press is not advertised. At school, the boy studied well and after her ended went to Moscow. In the capital goes to the Moscow Physical and Technical Institute, graduating which, not only received a diploma of higher education, but also defended his thesis to have a doctoral degree.

Career and social activities

In his youth, even before the public activity, Ponomarev devoted a lot of time to the scientific sphere. At that time, the man worked at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, in the Epoch of Brezhnev adjoins the movement of dissidents. And in 1988, he, together with other organizers, created the Memorial society, whose work was based on the perpetuation of the memory of the victims of Soviet repression.

Physicist Lion Ponomarev

Fame to Lero came in the late 1980s. At that time, he was an approximate Andrei Sakharov and helped an academician in the elections of the People's Deputies of the USSR. Then, in the country, the wave of education of new parties and movements was rolled, Ponomarev did not remain aside and participated in the founding of the Civil Action Committee. And in 1990 he, with the support of Soviet citizens, becomes a people's deputy and is located in this position the following 3 years.

Soon in the biography of Lev Alexandrovich, the Democratic Russia faction appears. This is a political movement that combines all opposition parties opposing the CPSU. At the time of the nomination of Boris Yeltsin, the faction supported his candidacy. In the days of August, the man initiated the creation of the Commission, where the deputies were included, to investigate the activities of the GCCP and the KGB.

Lion Ponomarev

In the period from 1994 to 1996, Ponomarev occupies a deputy post in the State Duma and is included in the ranks of representatives of the Committee for CIS and Relations with Russians. The movement "For Human Rights" was created on his initiative in 1997, it was funded by foreign funds. And from the moment the coalition "Other Russia" in 2006 is in the ranks of its members.

Developing and farther in this direction, the human rights activist tried to protect Mikhail Khodorkovsky's rights, convicted in the field of economy, considering the accusation fabricated. The man even attended single pickets demanding to free him and Plato Lebedev.

Lion Ponomarev stands for the liberation of political prisoners

And after the application in an interview about the "discipline and order" in Russia's prisons, where some citizens have special privileges, then the Director of the FSIN of Russia, Yury Kalinin, filed a lawsuit against the protection of honor and dignity. Lev Alexandrovich lost a lawsuit and as a result of a court order was obliged to refute the information vaulting earlier.

In the spring of 2009, the Ponomarev was attacked. Some believe that this is due to the activity of a man in the democratic movement "Solidarity", where he entered in the late 2008th. Leo beat unknown persons. This case was even discussed at the meeting of the presidents of Russia and the United States, to the time of America led Barack Obama, who expressed the alarm regarding Russia, mentioning about the beating of Leo Alexandrovich.

Lion Ponomarev in the office

In the summer of 2010, Ponomarev reiterated himself, expressing the desire to preserve 282 an article of the Criminal Code, which protects the rights of people from hatred or hostility related to nationality, race, gender and other signs. A man stated that in their native country there is a danger of the development of Russian fascism or Nazism.

Also during this period, Ponomarev became a participant in an unauthorized procession. The man was at the head of the column, which on the Day of the Flag moved along Arbat. On the call of police officers to stop illegal actions, Lev answered with refusal, for which it was detained and arrested on three days under Art. 19.3 Code of Administrative Code.

Public Worker Lion Ponomarev

International organizations this arrest was then called illegal, and Ponomareva recognized the "prisoner of conscience." At the beginning of the fall, the story was repeated, but for the second time the man was already sentenced to 4 days.

In 2017, Lev Alexandrovich tried to spend several events in Moscow, but both were banned by the authorities. For several years, he challenged this decision, but, receiving refusals in different instances, the human rights activist reached the European Court of Human Rights, which confirmed that the actions of officials were illegal.

Personal life

Personal life of the human rights defender has developed successfully. And although the first marriage collapsed, a man has two children from him. Ksenia Ksenia and Lipser Elena work lawyers.

Lion Ponomarev

Later, Lev Alexandrovich married faith Shabelnikova. Wife gave birth to son and daughter. Anastasia appeared in 1984, by education sociologist, and Son Fedor - in 1986. Today Ponomarev Jr. works by a journalist.

Lion Ponomarev now

Despite the old age, the human rights activist is now engaged in public activities, which do not always like officials. In December 2018, Lion Ponomarev was arrested again. How the accusation was impulsed by Art. 20.2 Part 8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. For this, the man appointed 25 days of arrest, since his participation in illegal street shares was noticed before.

Lion Ponomarev in the courtroom

The main proof of the guiltle's guilt is the post placed in Facebook and calling for an action to support the defendants of two criminal cases. The man appealed against the sentence of arrest, as a result of which the Moscow City Court reduced the time of punishment from 25 to 16 days.

The appointed punishment of Ponomarev was serving in a chamber with eight other arrested. According to media reports, the man complained about unbearable conditions, because it is forced to be in close room with smoking men and non-working hood. Himself the human rights activist does not smoke and tolerate the cigarette smoke badly. And before that, Lion Alexandrovich complained about uncomfortable beds and mattresses that fall. The lawyers were allowed to bring a prostrate special polypropylene substrate.

In an interview for Echo Moscow, a man said that the protrusion passed on October 28 was called "Walk". Participants were parents of children sent to prison in the case of "New Majesti" - the organization of the extremist community, and the "network" case accused of participating in a terrorist organization. The notice of the shares filed in advance, but did not agree, then the group spent a walk at the FSB building.

Lion Ponomarev in 2018

That day about 2 thousand people gathered, no one was arrested, because those who came did not hold posters and did not shout slogans. However, after a half months against Ponomarev, the case was opened, accusing in an administrative offense, and soon delivered it to the police department.

This interview with Lion Aleksandrovich gave a radio host Alexey Solomine on the phone, right from the bus along the way to prison. The radio station "Echo Moscow" carefully follows the human rights activist and periodically publishes articles about it on the official website and in Twitter. The arrest of a man ends at the end of 2018, which he was very lucky, because the new 2019 he spends at home, in a circle of loved ones.

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