Gobsek - biography, image and character, quotes, meaning


Character History

The story of Oneor de Balzac "Gobsek" is impressive in a deep meaning and moral population of the plot. This work is associated with the novel Balzaka "Father Gorio", and some heroes flashed in other writers of the French writer, for example, in the novel "Human Comedy".

History of creation

Working on the literary work, Balzac thoroughly formed the description of the heroes, raised his concerns and expanded the vices. Greed, vanity, hypocrisy always defeated the author. In addition to the main thought of the story, Balzac thought about how to give the work of art sophistication. He tried to preserve conviction of the characteristics, to make the characters assembled in the work ensemble, personified the modern author of the era.

Writer Onor de Balzac

The exact date of writing is disputed by historians. After the death of the writer, there were three editors of the work in which he made edits for 18 years. The basis for the story was the short story "Roshchistsky", written by Balzac to order for the magazine "Modnik". He served as the basis for the first chapter of the work called "Danger of Blowjobs". In 1832 he was transferred to Russian, and already in 1835 the public accepted the updated version of the story. The name was changed to Padas Gobsek, associated with readers with the name "Father Gorio".

The current name Balzac gave a story in 1848, when the inspiration returned again to the editor. He removed the soft appeal of Papasha, deciding to introduce the reader with a rude and ancient degree in an unusual biography.

Books Onor de Balzac

In both options, the story of Balzac was crushed by victims of money and pledges, as well as those who had the power over them in the form of bills. In the composition of Balzak, aristocrats and simple segments of the population are opposed; Those who are used to working without rest, and those who can spend gold, burning life.

Art historians suggest that Gobsek is based on real events, whose witness was the author of the work. The story is called autobiographical, seeing parallels with a personal life of Balzak. The writer discusses the meaning of money in his works, condemning their all-consuming power. Dramaticism, which carry male and female images, unpredictable collisions, a high degree of moralism bribe anyone who gets acquainted with the work of Balzak in general and the story "Gobsek" in particular.


Gobsek - Art.

All heroes are described in detail by the author and have detailed characteristics. The appearance of Gobsek speaks a lot about the character. The old man with a yellowish face of a rounded shape and unpleasant features does not cause sympathy. The nationality of the hero is hiding. Its past is covered with a curtain of secrecy, but it is clear that the life of the roster was rich and diverse. Gobsek argues that a person makes strong difficulties and grief, they also increase susceptibility.

An analysis of the hero suggests that he was a pirate in his youth. Measurement and egoism helped to scatter some state that he used, giving money to a high percentage. For the inaccessibility and severity of the old man called "Golden Istukan". Gobsek was in demand in his environment. After the separation of the "service zones" between urban uskeces, he began working with aristocrats and representatives of the Society cream. At the same time, in any situation, how tidy it would be, he remained adamant in decisions.

Illustration for book

Gobsek is an personification of greed. The image combined romantic and realistic literary traditions. The appearance of the character speaks of noble old age, umudnia experience and everyday wisdom, and the deeds make it a soulless car to earn money. The more the state of the Roshovshchik, the less humanity remained in it. The best professional in his field, it demonstrates a high degree of preparation for work with finances, foresight and dismissibility.

A cool uplist deftly turns the scams, remaining a diplomat. Businessman and experienced dealers, hero gives advice, invests money, bringing society, but does not matter at idleness. The character attracts honesty and philosophical look. All the arguments that he voiced are supported by experience from his past life.

Appearance Gobsek

Gobsek was Junga-Corsary in his youth, traded precious stones and slaves, was in the service of the state. They moved the instinct of self-preservation, which allowed the hero to survive in difficult situations with which he came across a career.

The final of the life of the Roshovist is striking. His life was held in the accumulation, which did not bring or pleasure, no benefit. Closer to death romantic nature took over the rational grain, so the legacy of Gobsek will depart his granddaughter of his sister.


The action originates from Dervil's conversation, Ernest de Reto Count and Vikontessee de Grand in her salon. The daughter of a high-ranking person showed a clear arrangement to the count, for which she was rooted by her mother. Ernest, who does not have a status and condition, was a disadvantageous party for her daughter. I hearing this dialogue, Dervil leads as an example, the history of Gobsek, which the reader perceives from his mouth, as from the narrator.

Gobsek collects coins

Dating Dervilles and the Roshovshchik lasts long ago. During this time, Gobsek penetrates a lawyer to be trusted and told the story of how once recovered impressive debt with a countess that fell into a difficult position. The woman was forced to lay diamonds, and the money through the bill went to her lover. A rustler hint on what he will break the family of the Countess, was not heard, but soon justified.

Later, for help to Dervil, the loves of the Society of Maxim de Triad, who needed the help of a real estate appealed. Gobsek refused to provide services, knowing about handsome debts. Previously, the countess again began to come to Gobsek, laying the jewelry. She did it for the sake of de tray, had a threatened committee to her. About the transaction recognized the spouse of the Countess, noblely hiding the contact of the spouse. This man was the father of Ernest de Reto, who was loved by the daughter of Vikontesses.

The main characters of the story

After some time, the count is fatally ill, and the Council after his death burned the testament, thereby giving the property of the family to Gobsek.

Dervil was an intermediary in the question of the return of the inheritance Ernesut de Reto, but the Rostovist did not go for concessions. The Rostovist died in terrible conditions, becoming a hostage of his own miserism and greed. The state was returned to the rightful owner. Marriage of daughter Vikontessee was organized not without Dervil's efforts.


Leonid Leonidov in the image of Gobsek

The works of classical literature became the first material used for visualization in cinema. Balzacé director did not pay attention. The first film on the story "Gobsek" went on screens in 1936. He was removed by the Soviet director Konstantin Eggert. The role of the main character was performed by actor Leonid Leonidov. Alexander Shatov appeared in Derville. It is curious that the director himself appeared in the image of Count de Reto.

Actor Sergey Bekhterev in Gobsek

In 1987, the director Alexander Orlov offered the attention of the public his own version of the story. The film was prepared in the USSR, at the Moldova Film Studio. Gobsek in kinocartine played Vladimir Tatos. The role of Derville went to Sergey Bekhterev. The tape became one of the first in the filmography of Alla Budnitskaya, renovated in the frame in Countess de Reto. The young Count de Reto, played theatrical director Konstantin Bogomolov, while being still a boy at that time.

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