Harry Harrison - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Harry Harrison is an American science fiction writer, even a schoolboy hesitated who he could be. He was drawn into art, then in writing. I brought myself, and more than once, before depression. He concluded: his place in free art. The path to creativity began with comics, and fiction made him famous.

Childhood and youth

The boy was born on March 12, 1925 in Stamford. The head of the Henry Leo Dempsey family worked as a printer, Mother Kiryasov's mother - a teacher. Harrison rose without brothers and sisters. When he was only born, the happy father hurried to register the kid. In the documents, the newborn was recorded as Henry Masquell Dempsey. But, having come home, the newly dad decided to declare the whole relatives that Garry Harrison gave his son.

Writer Harry Harrison

The writer remembered later about his dual name with humor. In school and army years he was in complete confidence that he was Harry Masquell Harrison. Everywhere in his lists and pointed it. But when receiving a passport, he was surprised to see the name Henry Dempsey in the document. With confusion, the names were dealt with when it turned out that the Father after the birth of the heir changed the surname of Dempsey on the name of his stepfather Harrison. According to the science fiction, he is the only writer in the world who uses the real name as a pseudonym.

The family together with 2-year-old Harry moves from Stamford to New York. They constantly moved, changing housing. Great Depression and Mass Unemployment, in which America stayed at the time, reflected in the material state of the family. Father was considered a good specialist, but worked for several days a month. The debts were copied, and the family was forced to hide from lenders.

Harry Harrison in childhood and youth

In his biography, Harry recalls childhood as a period of loneliness. He hardly found a common language with the peers, so the books became his invented. I read everything that came on hand. It began with cheap publications: these were female novels, detectives and horoscopes printed on cheap fine paper. Books in the library.

There was a habit - read on the go. The writer remembered how he improved her day after day. To do this, it was necessary to periodically tear off the eyes from the spell and throw a look at the interference in front, so as not to crash into the post in the pillar or the telephone booth.

Harry Harrison

Fantastic boy was fascinated at the age of 7 and, becoming a teenager, was a real fan of the genre. He wrote reviews, was a member of the Scientific Fantastic League. In the 40s, his first publications appeared in specialized journals. After graduation, Harry received an agenda to the army. The Second World War was, and, by the definition of the writer, she did not leave him a generation of choice - only to serve.

Here were 3 years of life. Harrison served in aviation, in which "grown" to Sergeant. After the Army, Harry continued to look for a place under the sun and entered the Hunter College on the course of John Blisshild, who he studied visual art. Without finishing the semester, Harry decides to leave their studies, but continues to take lessons in the master in private.

Harry Harrison and Isaac Azimov

At the same time, the guy begins to attend the school of cartoonists and illustrators. He began to call himself a free artist. It was taken for any lesson for which he paid. A lot of time gave work on comics. The fate brought him to the artist Welly Wood. Friends and colleagues opened the studio in which they worked on the drawings for comics. After such experience, Harry decides to take a new height and opens the company. The main direction is advertising.

Harry does not lose time in vain and actively working on the texts that writes for the Flash Gordon comic. He enters the Science Fiction Club "Hydra". Here gets acquaintance with leading science fictions. Among them was Isaac Azimov, who became a different life. Harrison is increasingly immersed in the editorial, working for different publishers. It continues to work by the artist in the WORLDS BEYOND magazine, in which at the beginning of the 50s will publish his first story "penetrating the rocks".


Its bibliography has more than 200 stories and 35 novels. The beginning of a big way to the world of science fiction was found in 1956, when the writer, together with his family, moved to Mexico. Here he begins to work on the novel "The World of Death". He is more famous for Russian readers as a "indomitable planet."

Writer Harry Harrison

After Mexico, Harry Harrison lived in London for some time. In the capital of Misty Albion, he first introduced a hero in one of the stories by James Bolivar, in the plot - slippery Jim Digriz. He became the main acting face in the famous series of novels "Steel rat".

After returning to New York, Herrison is again taken for the novel "The World of Death", which becomes his first book and the first part of the trilogy about the adventures of Yazon Dina Alta. The continuation of the novels "Ethics Engineer" and "Equestrian Varvars". Having received the fee, Harrison with his family moves for 7 years to Denmark. During this period, he did a lot of creativity and traveled. He managed to visit 50 countries around the world. But the soul bought to Ireland, in which it remained to live until the end of his life.

Books Harry Harrison

Science fiction was then considered a rather serious genre, but only in the stories and novels Harry Harrison was attended by humor. According to the writer, he wanted people to raise their spirits while reading and died from laughter. The writer in his novels shows non-existent amazing worlds: a futuristic gloomy future - with robots, moving between planets, aliens, threats from space.

In the Roman-trilogy "West Eden", the writer turned to an alternative reality of human life together with evolving dinosaurs on Earth, to which the deadly meteorite did not reach 65 million years ago.

Frame from the film "Green Coylent", filmed by Harry Harrison's novel "Move! Move! "

Harry Harrison's novels tried to shield. But only one came to the audience - "Move! Move! " The film called "Green Soylet" came out in 1973. For him, the science fictoriously received the "incommation" premium in the nomination "The best dramatic production".

It is also worth noting and attempts to remove the film on the works of the Steel Rat series. The writer in his interview told about the producer, who for 27 years I tried to start shooting, but never happened. In 2006, there was information that a team of Mel Gibson was taken for the adventure of the adventures of Jim Digriz. But still the steel rat lives only on the pages of the novel.

Personal life

The writer was married twice. Evelin Harrisson became the first wife, with whom he broke out a year after the wedding. In the same year I met Joan Mercler. The girl was engaged in dancing and clothes design. She had to make a choice between a career and family, she chose the second.

In his personal life, everything was well enough. A couple of children have two children: the son of Todd and daughter Moira. The man continued to engage in creativity, earning money. Spouses traveled a lot by European countries. In love and harmony, they lived 48 years.

Harry Harrison and his wife Joan

In 2002, Joan discovered an oncological disease from which she never cured. Todd and Moira live in America: he is engaged in computer technology, it teaches biology.

When health worsen, Harrison decides to move to the nursing home to the south of England.


Harrison gave a lot of interview in life. Quotes in one of them turned out to be prophetic. Harry, predicting his death, said that he would leave, without surviving up to 89 years. He considered the end of life with tangible and the bad, equalizing people before the laws of space. For him, the care was the beginning of something new, passing in peace and peace. Harrison died at the age of 87, August 15, 2012. The weak heart was the cause of death.

Harry Harrison in recent years

The first information about death appeared on its website. By photography Harrison stood a farewell inscription, which expressed bitterness of the loss of millions of fans of his books:

"Your books were filled with incredible, but invariably witty and exciting characters' tricks - even if not in freaks with the law, but always cute."


  • 1964-1994 - Series "Bill Hero of Galaxy"
  • 1961-2010 - Series "Steel Rats"
  • 1969-2001 - Series of the World of Death
  • 1969-1974 - Series "Man from S.V.N. and R.O.B.O.T. "
  • 1984-1992 - Series "Eden"
  • 1964 - "Vendetta for Holy"
  • 1966 - "Move! Move! "
  • 1969 - "Captive Universe"
  • 1972 - "Long live transatlantic tunnel! Hooray"
  • 1973 - "Star Galactic Rangers Galactic Adventures"
  • 1976 - "Rescue Ship"
  • 1980 - "Missing Liner"
  • 1982 - "The purpose of the invasion is land"
  • 1983 - "Time for a rebel"
  • 1992 - "Choice for Turing"

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