Yuri Takeles - Biography of footballer, appearance, character, actor, film "Trainer"


Character History

The 2018 World Cup for the first time received by Russia will become an important sporting event of this decade for the Russian Federation. The cinema not remaining away from the questions of sports achievements, raising the patriotic spirit, regularly releases ribbons telling about the success of Soviet and Russian teams and teams. On the eve of a significant event, the popular actor Danil Kozlovsky decided to try himself in director and submitted to the public the coach "coach".

History of creation

The solution of dramatic artists to try ourselves as directories becomes predictable. The spectacular audience has gained popularity, the actor and cinema actors decided to demonstrate the depositors' depositors, presenting their debut work in the cinema.

The first advent of Kozlovsky on large screens was the film "Garpastum" Alexey German. Film crimits see some symbolism in the fact that for the first director's work he chose the plot of sports.

Actor and director Danil Kozlovsky

Like all the boys, as a child, the artist dreamed of becoming a football player. Despite the fact that fate ordered otherwise, he retained the sports spirit. Danila proved the ability to support the shape and orientation in the laying of team games, starring in the legend №17 tape. In the film "Trainer", Kozlovsky played a major role, made a contribution to the project as a director, producer and a screenwriter. In addition, he tried himself in the form of a coach, while simultaneously fulfilling this role on the set and in the frame.

To understand the subject of the plot, the artist studied profile literature and looked through football matches one after one. The stadium in Novorossiysk, where the Chernomorets club is based, was modified under the home location of the Meteor football club. According to the plot, she was headed by the hero of Kozlovsky - the former football player Yuri Stolekowikov.

Danil Kozlovsky in the image of Yuri Tabletikov

The picture was colorfully demonstrated by the mythologies of domestic football. It is a story about intrapersonal conflict, the flour of self-determination and the life realization of a football player who made himself. This is a story about a personality, about this professional who can apply talent in practice and during the training of other players. Directed in the professional issues by Leonid Slutsky, the former head coach of the Russian national football team, Kozlovsky took a movie about a person who could achieve the goal, despite the obstacles.

The image of the main character - Yuri Tabletopovan - in the tape became collective. He allowed to unite situations typical of football player and representatives of other sports, highlighted the details encountered in real stories of athletes of different years and teams. The director did not try to describe a specific hero, so it's hard to talk about whether the Tabletopian has a prototype. Its character collects features inherent in real fighters for victory facing the realities of modern sports.


The picture of Kozlovsky does not carry a deep philosophical promise. It contains a simple idea, and the plot is based on the state of the state of modern Russian football and the personal drama of the Scorer Yuri Tabletikov.

Frame from the film

In his youth hero dreamed of becoming a professional football player. Perseverance helped him make a star career. Belief in yourself and unrelated labor can make the winner of anyone. Grueling training and insane self-dedication accompanied the professional path of Tabletopianov, placing it. Persistent work led a brilliant player in the national team, which has discovered great opportunities.

Member of the National Football team, he is famous for its achievements and bathes in the love of the public and fans. In the match with the team of Romania, Tabletopikov trust the penalty spot. The fate of the national team depended from this strike, and everyone was sure that the professionals were not able to sum up the team.

Danil Kozlovsky in the film

The hero is mistaken, and the national team with the scandal loses the match. The player is removed from participation in subsequent matches. His career is doomed. This time becomes a period of thinking on his personal and professional life for him. Those whom Yuri considered friends, turned away from him. The fans despised a football player for the inept realization of the penalty.

Having moved to a small provincial town, the star of football changes the status and experiences the role of the team coach with minimal prospects. Football Club "Meteor" gives a new leader to test the abilities and strength of character. Stoleside understands what his destination, and gives confidence in the wards. The team acquires faith in success, and in the town of staffing becomes celebrity.

On the example of the character of Kozlovsky, the creators of the films prove the obvious truth: our capabilities are limited only by desires.


Filming a movie

The story of how the seaside provincial club managed to make themselves to the number of star teams thanks to the skillful advice of the coach, timed to the World Cup. The premiere of the tape was scheduled for April 19, 2018.

In the creation of film, 15 thousand people were employed, the impressive part of which are fans of football. Professional footballers who have passed serious casting were involved in work on the project. In the ribbon, 200 professional athletes are involved.

The film was filmed in the cities of Russia. The film crew worked at the stadiums "Krasnodar", "Arena Khimki" and "Opening Arena". Some scenes were shot in London. The work ended after 50 shifts, during which the skill on the field was demonstrated by 9 prefabricated football teams. Especially for the project, 55 thousand copies of the football form were sewn. Artists worked with five hundred balls, among which - collectible samples.

Irina Gorbachev in the film

The creator and ideological inspirer of the project, Danila Kozlovsky was remembered by the public on the works in film stories: "Simple truths", "Spirie", "Vampire Academy", "Status: Free", "Matilda". In addition to him, the film was starred popular artists and movies: Irina Gorbachev, Andrei Smolyakov, Victor Verzhbitsky, Olga Zueva.

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