Okhunejon Madaliev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



Uzbek singer Okhunejon Madaliyev is a famous artist in his native country and beyond. The man fascinated the public with a strong and implanial voice, as well as lyrics that are filled with a deep life sense.

Okhunejon Madaliev

Okunejon was born in 1963 in the village of Urban-type Altyaaryk, which is located in the Fergana region of Uzbekistan. Since childhood, the boy loved to sing, participated in school events. And having received secondary education, decides to further develop the opened talent and comes to the Fergana Pedagogical Institute for this, to the music department.

Madaliyev's higher education diploma received in 1985, after which it settled to work in high school by the vocal teacher. However, this did not satisfy the needs of a young man, he wanted to develop further. Okhunejon is confident that work in the Fergana State Philharmonic will bring him more success and will allow to open all sides of the talent. There, for some time he was a soloist, participated in concerts and various events.


In 1989, the first solo concerts appear in the artist's biography, Madaliyev's debut speech passed in the palace of the friendship of peoples. But the public attention came to him a little earlier: the singer noticed at the Kamolot-89 contest. The organizing organization, then the competition, was founded to unite the young people of Uzbekistan for the purpose of their creative and spiritual development. Speaking there, Okhunejon received the 1st place, this news quickly scattered around the district, making Madaliyev popular.

Singer Okunejon Madaliev

The public was struck by the deep voice of the artist, and the songs filled with meaning were sounded sad and at the same time forced to think. Soon he began to learn everywhere. At this, Okhuneon did not stop, gradually it organizes concerts in other countries. A man performed in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, gradually conquering the hearts of an increasing number of listeners.

The first album called "Ziyodam" an artist recorded in 1983. The compatriots were delighted by this event, so the discs with his music were very quickly flew from the counters. Madaliyev is pleasant this fact that it stimulates him to record new works.

Songs about love, in which the artist a lot of beautiful words devoted to representatives of weak gender was popular with popularity. Those who knew Okhunejon closely assure - in life a man had a modest and calm character, was friendly and polite, the popularity did not turn his head.

Throughout the musical career, Okhuneon recorded many melodic songs, including "Yig'ladim", "Sevgi Sevgi", Qaddingdan, UnuTmoq Osonmas Bizlarni, "Dunyosan" and others. Moreover, the man developed both in the solo direction and in joint work.

He recorded compositions with other popular Uzbek artists. He has songs with a pop performer Yulduz Usmanova. She is the star of Uzbekistan, which is the title of folk artist, has about 600 compositions in the opponent in the native language, as well as in Turkish, Uygur, Russian, Tajik and others.

Also, Madalieva has clips, on Youtube's video portal Fans of creativity Men rated the rollers on the songs "Ko`Rmasam Bo`lmas", UnuTmoq Osonmas Bizlarni, G`amzalaring and others. Each clip is filled with a national flavor, bright dances and abundance of natural landscapes. Also on the channel created by his name, posted records from concerts.

For Eastern Artists, recognition is considered an invitation to the wedding. Singers are pleased to perform on this important event for the newlyweds and their guests of the event, thus emphasizing their relevance. Okhunejon often appeared on such holidays, he loved his work and gladly performed songs both at concerts, in front of the general public and on holidays, where his listeners were guests.

Okhuneon's musical career recorded 20 audio parts, almost every singer's album decorates his photo. Madalieeva's talent was appreciated at the state level, having honored the title of the Honored Artist of the Republic.

Personal life

Despite the permanent employment and tours in Uzbekistan and other countries, Madaliyev managed to build a happy personal life. Since the eastern peoples prefer not to advertise such information for a wide range of persons, a little about Okhuneon's family is known, the man was married, the spouse gave him four children.

Okhunejon Madaliev

Despite numerous troubles on the housework, if possible, the wife tried together with his spouse to attend concerts and speeches at weddings. The woman helped him in the organization's issues and always tried to surround Okhuneon care.


The tragedy that occurred with the artist was a surprise for his relatives and fans. On this day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The events took place at the end of June, along with his wife, he went to Tashkent, where a major event was held. Many listeners then gathered to see a beloved singer. The spouses were detained in this city for a couple of days, and soon Okhunejon was invited to a wedding as an artist. From the morning, the man felt himself, complained about pain in the heart. However, he promised to hold an event and went.

Portrait of Okhunejon Madalieva

Despite the bad state of health, the man joked all day and was eagerly communicated with the guests. In the morning, the artist performed the favorite songs of the public, but after a few hours, during the performance on stage, Madaliyev fell. People rushed to him, caused ambulance, but it was too late. The singer failed to save, already later in the hospital, the doctors announced that the cause of death was the heart failure, from which Okunjon suffered earlier, but tried to not pay attention to the alarming signals of the body. The death of the artist came on June 29, 2000.


  • "Ziyodam"
  • Navoiy Bobo
  • "Javohirim"
  • JamshidBek Fayz
  • Ozbekistonim

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