Kodak Black - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Kodak Black (real name Dyson Oktayvi, replaced on Bill K. Capri) - Young American hip-hop and rap artist, the most famous for his songs "Roll in Peace", "Tunnel Vision", "No Flockin" and "Don ' T Wanna Breath. "

Kodak Black in 2018

Duson Oktayvi was born on June 11, 1997 in the American city of Pompano-Beach State Florida in the family of Gaitian immigrants. Duson's father threw the family shortly after his birth, and the boy was brought up by her mother's mother. Mother and her mother moved to the neighboring housing in Golden Eikers, where many emigrants from Haiti also lived.

Life in the area led the boy to get acquainted with the local criminal authority, sale of drugs and small crimes. Oktayvi was not interested in studying and had a bad reputation. He fought several times at school, which led to an exception. Duson dreamed of becoming a rapper. He actively read the books to expand the vocabulary and feel English.

Kodak Black in Youth

By the time the boy was 12 years old, he had already started reading his first rap. Remembering hard days, Oktayvi stated later in an interview that he had only two options: selling drugs under the gun of the gun or read rap.

The guy began to attend the recording studio and soon realized that he really likes to make music. However, he did not give up his gangster, for which he continued to be exposed to arrest. At the age of 15, Oktayvi was arrested on suspicion of a serious crime. It seemed that the dream of becoming a rap star came to an end, but one of the musical producers was noticing a talented hooligan in time. It turned out to be a turning point in Duson's destiny.


The guy took the pseudonym J-Black and began to take career seriously in the rap industry. Shortly after he was 12 years old, he joined the local small rap group called "Brutal Youngnz". When his plans with the team were not realized, he became part of the other team "The Kolyons".

Rapper Kodak Black

In December 2013, J-BLACK released his debut mixture "Project Baby". The record has proven itself in local nightclubs and brought the young man with significant fame. Over the next 2 years, he has released two more HEART OF THE PROJECTS and INSTITTION mixer.

Although his music was not bad assessed, the rapper was still not widely recognized. In October 2015, the famous hip-hop artist Dreyk was stationed under one of the songs J-Black "SKRT". This has played an important role in the career of the future Kodak Black. After that, the number of search queries of his songs in the "Google" took off, and his work became public domain.

Kodak Black on stage

ATLANTIC RECORDS Shot Recording Company wanted to make money on the growing popularity of the guy and offered him a contract. In May 2016, Kodak Black announced his participation in the "Parental Advisory" tour, but could not take part in concerts for personal reasons.

FRENCH MONTANA became the first of the popular rappers, who agreed to cooperate with Kodak Black. Their first overall single called "Lockjaw" was released in May 2016. The song entered several R & B and hip-hop charts immediately.

In August of the same year, Solo Single Duson "SKRT" was also presented in various thematic musical charts. The guy decided to fully took advantage of his fastest growing popularity and soon released his fourth mixture "LIL B. I. G. PAC". The tracks were released all the same Atlantic Records label. "LIL B. I. G. PAC" became the first album of the musician who went to the Billboard charts.

However, success was overshadowed by a racist incident on the Internet. On the video in one of its social networks, the rapper ridiculed a black woman using a speech. Lyrics meant that she was not as beautiful as a white woman.

In early 2017, Kodak released a single called "Tunnel Vision". The song reached the top of many American music charts. She debuted at the 27th place and reached the 6th in Billboard Hot 100. It was a huge achievement, since Kodak Black was a relatively new performer at that time.

In March 2017, the guy released his debut studio album "Painting Pictures", which turned out to be one of his most successful projects today. He took the 3rd place in the Billboard 200 Charter.

In August 2017, Kodak has released "Project Baby 2", the continuation of its "Project Baby" mixture. One of the singles of the album called "Codeine Dreaming" became particularly successful and took the 52nd place in the Billboard HOT 100 chart.

On Valentine's Day 2018, Kodak presented another heartbreak kodak mixture, which also became popular. In the fall of the same year, the rapper announced a joint track, and then the clip with Bruno Mars and Gucci Mane "Wake Up in the Sky", which was a continuation of successful creative collaborations in Kodak Black career.

Personal life

During one of his innumerable visits to prison, he met with a Jewish minister, who gave him a few lessons in Hebrew. After that, the young man replaced the religion and became a representative of Judaism. He also changed his real name to Bill K. Capri.

Kodak Black.

Kodak Black is one of the most controversial modern rappers. He was sitting in prison several times for large and minor offenses. He charged with the storage of weapons, cannabis and armed robbery.

In January 2017, the musician recorded and posted a video on his page in the "Instagram" on which a woman sexually satisfied him and several other men. After the scandal and public perturbations, the guy deleted the video, publicly apologizing.

In June 2017, he discovered that he prefers white women black, because, according to him, black women were too dirty. It caused a greater controversy in the media.

Regarding the personal life and relationship Bill K. Capri with girls knows little. The media covered his relationship with the rapper Cuban Doll. There is no wives and children of the guy.

Bill growth 168 cm, weight - 66 kg.

Kodak Black Now

2 weeks before the 2019th rapper released his second studio album called "Dying to Live". The title single "IF I'm Lyin, I'm Flyin" and the second "Zeze", recorded together with Travis Scott and Offset, were released in advance, in the fall, and gained popularity.

Now, in the biography of the musician, scandals associated with the photo and video content of its social networks, creativity, as well as with violation of the law. But, perhaps, this creates the "criminal" image of the "criminal" image, and adds the scandaling and recognition of his person.


  • 2013 - Project Baby
  • 2014 - Heart Of The Projects
  • 2015 - Institution.
  • 2016 - LIL B.I.G. PAC
  • 2017 - Project Baby 2
  • 2018 - Heart Break Kodak
  • 2017 - Painting Pictures
  • 2018 - Dying To Live

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