Gennady Zharov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



If the text of the song, the "Shmon", "convoy", "camp", "koreh", is fulfilled by a non-rented brutal male voice, then this is an unmistakably chanson. You can relate to it in different ways. Here, for example, "Domestic Ray Charles" Sergey Manukyan on the Testament of the Father always treated this genre of music respectfully. Following the example of Mikhail Circle - it is not necessary to be from the places of detention to have a relation to it. Gennady Zharov continues this glorious law-abiding tradition.

Childhood and youth

Familiarity of the parents of the future singer occurred in the city of Zaraysk, as it is called, "according to the classics" of those times - on dancing. In this locality, Father fell to avoid threatening Tribunal. In 1945, Viktor Silchuk, who came to Königsberg, was preparing to transfer to the Far East, the path flew through his native Moscow.

Singer Gennady Zharov

Sin was not to take advantage of a similar chance - the soldier raised a meeting with his relatives, during which overtook the news of the long-awaited end of the war. On joy, the guy missed the shipping time, and this, by those standards, could cost free life. Fortunately, the case was corrected by the friend who sent in the suburbs. After demobilization, Victor with Claudia went to the capital, where 4 years after the victory, June 13, the son of Gene was born.

The love of "melodious" art from him - from his father, in a pre-war time engaged in water jumps, for which he received an invitation to become an artist of the musical and acrobatic genre. Mother represented a noble profession of the doctor.

"And my parents are lucky. They lived all their life well. I remember, at that time, artists had almost no costumes, so, Mamanka, though the health worker, and something sewed, some pockets for focus, something else, "said the singer.

In School, Gennady was interrupted from the twins on the top five, was from the director and even in the police, and in the first lesson the singing received a unit - for behavior. By the beginning of the 60s, thanks to friends, the first plates of King Rock and Roll Elvis Presley appeared, then "Rollings" and "Bitles" were in access, which they invariably imitated.

Gennady Zharov

Of course, it was not without affecting the youth creativity of the Soviet bards - Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Galich, Bulat Okudzhava. Silchuk with friends gathered together in the Izmailovo area, sang songs and tried to write texts. According to Zharov, Vladimir Semenovich pushed his choice in this genre, participation in the club of amateur activities, where he got acquainted with Yuri Varbor, and the first success at the author's song festival.

Gennady's special education does not have, but behind his shoulders and chemical industries, and the automotive institute. He helped development in the musical terms and service in the army, where he performed as a vocalist, and then bass player of the soldier ensemble.


At first, the repertoire of the artist was songs with humor, which soon noted attention, and the musician included in the tour of the famous satirians - Victor Koklyushkin, Anatoly Trucin and others. But the soul asked for another.

Gennady Zharov and Amnesty II Group

And this other appeared in the face of Sergey Trofimova (Trofim), who became a group of Amnesty-II with like-minded people and the produced Debut Collection "Ushanochka", which brought instant popularity and became the most successful in the creative biography. The song of the same name became a kind of visiting card, "the bottom of the subsoil" was memorized, and the representative of "Blame" was invariably waited with performances.

Cooperation with Trofim ended in zero, and Sergey Kuzmenko began, and immediately fruitfully. The albums went out one after one, "Killer" with the title hit "Telogreček" rushed to change the "vest poles". Following the current tradition, on their covers - photographs or one soloist, or in the company of the entire composition.

As for the clips, the records from concerts are most common on YouTube, and the most popular by the end of 2018 (more than 1 million views) was the video for the same "earbon", where documentaries are mixed with memories of the group participants about the creation of a hat .

Personal life

The personal life of the Chanson artist, according to his own expression, resembles the cult series "Santa Barbara" - he had two wives, and every further relations were in different ways. Talking about it, the singer does not work out without a joke:

"I was not lucky in my family life twice. The first wife left me, and the second is not ... I am friends with everyone. "
Gennady Zharov

However, the man does not hold the man on the former choices - they say, it is to blame himself, often put his own "I" in priority. And he believes that the person did not meet with a complete understanding of his work.

Zharova has two children who have emerged with a difference of 7 years. Alena's younger daughter went in footsteps of the parent: got a musical education and took up singing professionally, performed a duet with his father and recorded songs. Senior, although owns a guitar, far from the scene.

Gennady Zharov in 2018

Unlike colleagues, which, in addition to the main activity, do not mind try their strength and in other business, is faithful to Chanson - willingly gives concerts and now, tries to cooperate and with other artists, for example, with Mary's sisters and Olga Guli, Ildar South, Alla Coven, etc.

"I do not care about the question: repeat or not repeat, or someone is better, more, then, not like me. Maybe this is a sense of self-realization. But, I think, if all this is supported by the aspirations that are combined with my needs, then everything is fine. I'm not complaining. At the moment, life develops as it consists. I am writing, there is thoughts, the heart works, "the artist shared his thoughts.

Gennady Heads now

During 2018, one of the recognized Khanson kings invited loyal fans to their concerts in the cities of Russia - in Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Moscow and others. And in the summer, his single "Hymn Chanson" appeared on the network.

On December 7, YouTube enriched himself to the pre-holiday roller of the singer to the "New Year's" song, different from the video, which appeared a year ago, only the date of the upcoming year and addition to the animation in the form of a dancing symbol on the Eastern calendar.

In the billboard for 2019 there was a Martam speech in Nizhny Novgorod in Tandem with Ildar South.


  • 2017 - "One Fate"
  • 2012 - "The legends of the Russian chanson. Gennady Zharov "
  • 2010 - "Blind"
  • 2008 - "Ushanochka - 2"
  • 2007 - "In the city of Zhigansk"
  • 2006 - "Fences and Mulechki"
  • 2003 - "There is a lamp on Lipetsk"
  • 2002 - "Killer"
  • 2001 - "Vertical Pillars"
  • 1998 - "In Magadan a businessman"
  • 1996 - "From Seville to Odessa"
  • 1995 - "Slippery Road"
  • 1994 - "Best Songs"
  • 1994 - "Tyur-Liu-Tyu"
  • 1992 - "Ushanochka"

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