Grant Thahatan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The Biography of Grant Takhatan tells not only about the successful career of the artist, but also about the desire to help their country and its inhabitants. She proves that money is not the most important goal in life, more importantly, family and care for others.

Childhood and youth

In Yerevan, in the capital of Armenia, on January 10, 1958, Grant Takhatan was born. The birth of the son was happy with the whole family, but most of all he paid attention to Mom. Evgenia Tikhatan is the only one who paid a lot of time to the child and raised him. In addition to the upbringing, the woman managed to work in parallel in the hospital. Grant's father, Aram Tikhatyan, was fond of cars and was the winner of the USSR in the Championships of the Rule. By nationality, the boy is Armenian.

Grant Thahatan and his portrait

Grant Takhatan studied at school number 109 and already there began to show interest in acting art. In the educational institution for this also worked their own theater, and the vocal instrumental ensemble. The Armenian actor participated in the School team KVN. His class was friendly, and Tikhatan continues to communicate with classmates still. Every august the artist meets with childhood comrades.

In 1976, the young man entered the university at the Faculty of Physics. There he began to participate in KVN again. Grant was held by one semester and was transferred to the pedagogical university, at the Faculty of Russian and Literature.

Theater and films

The acting activities of Grant began since 1976, when the guy was invited to the chamber theater. Tikhatan served there for 15 years, and the artist's profession became native for him. In 1989, he participated in the International Theater Festival in France.

Full Grant Thahatyan

In 1991, Takhatan, together with the comrades, founded the company "Sharm Holding", which specializes in the development of television projects. In addition, the company organizes concerts, presentations and PR-shares. In 1995, Grant took the post of Director General and remains in the post to this day.

Grant Takhatan began to film from the films since 1987. Until 2012 film projects, where the actor participated, was not seen by the public. But in 2013, when Sitka "Last Magician" came out, Tikhatan noted in Ukraine, Russia, Armenia and Belarus. In Comedy Grant played the main role of Karen, the head of the Magikian family. The series was filmed until 2015 and on television scans showed 5 seasons.

The next famous picture of Takhatan was the film "Without Borders", the premiere of which took place in 2015. The comedy consists of four independent novels whose actions occur in different cities. Three director worked on the picture at once - Gigineyishvili Roman, Roman Jiphunov and Karen Oganesyan. Each of them removed a separate storyline. The actor played one of the four main characters, Armen. Also, Alexander Pal, Milos Bikovich and Maria Shalaev starred in the film.

In addition to the comedy, Grant Thahatane starred in the Earthquake Movie-catastrophe, based on real events. The picture tells about the tragedy of 1988, which destroyed half the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. The earthquake took the lives of 25 thousand people. Tikhatan played a secondary role of local district. The premiere of the film first took place in Armenia on September 13, 2016, and in Russia - December 1.

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In 2017, the TV channel "Ivanov-Ivanov" came out on the TV channel, which immediately became popular in Russia. Total shot 3 seasons, and the fourth will appear on the screens in 2019. The picture tells about poor and rich families, the fates of which are intertwined. Grant Takhatan played in the secondary role of Hamlet Ohanyana, neighbor and friend Anton Pavlovich, heads of the secured family.

In 2018, the shooting of the Russian-Chinese film "How I became Russian." The premiere is scheduled for January 17, 2019 in Russia, and on January 18 - in China. Grant Thahatane starred in one of the main roles. In an interview, the actor said that he was sympathetic to good and positive heroes, and therefore he is rarely removed in drams and militants.

Personal life

The personal life of Takhatan was saturated. At the actor three children from different marriages. In his youth, at the age of 27, the artist met the girl Aruska, who was in love with him. Soon the couple played a wedding, and they had a son of Aram.

Grant Takhatan and Irina Danielyan with Son Aykom

The second wife of Tikhatan became the actress Irina Danielyan, with which the actor worked on one set. The marriage turned out to be unexpected, because Grant made her an offer during the flight from the USA. At that moment, the plane did not produce chassis. Fortunately, after the consent of the girl, the chassis was released, and the landing was successful. After the wedding, Irina gave birth to a boy who was called Ayk. Family life of spouses lasted 10 years.

For the third time, Takhatan married Actress Louise Nersheyan, which is the younger grant for 19 years. The girl was also born in Yerevan, but became acquainted with the actor in the United States of America. The cause of marriage was Scorpio, who bit Louise at night and died. After this incident, Takhatan decided that the actress would be his wife. After the wedding, they had a daughter Lilith.

Grant Thahatan and his wife Louise Nerses with her daughter Lilith

Grant Takhatan is an exemplary family man, who pays a lot of attention to family and children. He supports friendly relations with the former wives, and women are not against it. In 2016, the son from the first marriage, Aram, a boy was born. According to the family traditions of Talkhants, the child was named after grandfather, grant.

Grant Thahatan now

In addition to work on the replenishment of the filmography, now Takhatan is engaged in charity and leads a telemaceraphone with other countries. The actor collected by money lists to the restoration of Nagorno-Karabakh, in which fighting was carried out. Thanks to the grant in the region, new roads were laid, gas and light were carried out. The actor also takes care of the sick children of Armenia and lists a part of the revenue for their treatment.

Grant Thahatan in 2018

In "Instagram", on different fan pages, there are many photos of the actor with family, comrades, colleagues. Grant has a dense physique.


  • 1996 - "Our Yard"
  • 1997 - "Our yard 2"
  • 2004 - "My big Armenian wedding"
  • 2005 - "Our yard 3"
  • 2013-2015 - "The Last Magician"
  • 2013 - "Grandfall 005"
  • 2015 - "Without Borders"
  • 2016 - "All about men"
  • 2016 - "Earthquake"
  • 2017 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"

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