Vladimir Soloohin - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin - a bright representative of a rustic prose. The flourishing of his creativity fell on the 60-70s of the XX century. Colorful Russian village with her bold bell tower, apple orchards, peasant houses, picturesque nature with quiet rays and dissemination of meadows, simple rural life - on this charming background writer, as a true patriot, chasing the main thing - the beauty and wealth of the Russian soul, history and culture of the native Earth that has become his fate.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Soloohin was born on June 14 (according to other information - 17th) of 1924 in the village of Alepino, Vladimir region. Father - Alexey Soloohin, mother - Stepanid Cheburova. Volodya became a tenth child of a married couple. Solochny family came from wealthy peasants.

Vladimir Soloohin in youth

Grandfather of the boy on Father - Alexey Dmitrievich - owned his own railway and a brick stock, on which the Father Volodya worked and his older brothers. Bright childhood memories, the first pages of their biography, Soloohin described in the story "Laughter behind the left shoulder" (1989).

"The smell of wax and the smell of fresh stirred clay is two odor, which are clearly woven into the smells of my childhood: straw, honey, raspberries, chimney ... Yes, you never know!".

The initial school of the future writer graduated in his native Alepino, then began to go to the neighboring village of Chekrutino, where he studied until the 7th grade. In 1938, the young man entered the Vladimir mechanical technical school, where unexpectedly became interested in poetry. His first poetic writings were printed in the urban newspaper "Call".

House Vladimir Solowhina in the village of Alepino

The guy graduated from the technical school in 1942, receiving a diploma of the instrumental mechanic, after which he was immediately taken to the army. Soloohin served in special purpose troops guarding the Kremlin.

With the end of World War II, the Vladimir service was completed. And now he completely devoted himself to his beloved hobby. He entered the Literary Institute named after A. Gorky, wrote poems, published in Komsomolskaya Pravda. After release in 1951, he worked as a traveling correspondent in the magazine "Ogonek", traveled through a vast country, wrote a report.


The first collection of Stychs of Solowhina called "Rain in Steppe" was released in 1953 and was warmly met critics. The following year, the author's literary debut as Prosaika: The Book of Essays "Birth of the Grain" (1954) is published, and the new edition is "golden bottom", both work is written on the topic of rising agriculture.

Until the end of the 50s, the author works much and fruitfully. From under his feather, the poetic collections of the "break-grass" (1956), "streams on asphalt" (1958), "Zhuravlikha" (1959) and others, but the first big success comes to a writer in 1957 with the publication of the collection of the ART " Vladimir Caps. "

These lyrical works in the format of diary records were written under the impression of traveling, which Soloohin committed along with his wife Rosa in Vladimir Earth. The book is superbly described the culture of Russian life, having a unique beauty and wisdom. "Vladimir Caps" read millions of readers and wrote positive responses to the author for a long time.

Writer Vladimir Soloohin

Very warmly, the reader met the next work of the writer - the collection of the "drop of dew" (1960), in which Soloohin glanced at the native village of Alepino through the eyes of a simple peasant boy. The autobiographical prose is generally a mansion in the work of the writer. Many of his stories and stories come from childhood, youth ("at the light of the day", "Salt Lake", "Bowl", "Avenger", etc.).

The logical continuation of the topic of Russian roots was a new direction in the work of Vladimir Alekseevich - reasoning about Russian culture. Such a mood was inspired by the acquaintance and further friendship writer with the artist Ilya Glazunov. Soloohin is watched with admiration for the work of the master, especially it touches the process of restoration of an ancient icons.

Vladimir Soloohin and Ilya Glazunov

Under a great impression, he writes the sensational essays "Letters from the Russian Museum" (1966) and "Black Boards: Notes of the Beginner Collector" (1969). In them, the writer sought to draw attention to the problems of the perpetrators of the antiquity of the Orthodox shrines: the temples and the estates, the icons and other things, for which he was exposed to sharp attacks by party ideologues.

In 1964-1981, Vladimir Alekseevich was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Young Guard". Living in Moscow, Soloohin continues to write about the topics relatives. In the 1970s they saw the light of the books "Oleppinsky ponds" (1973), "Visit 3Vans" (1975). During this period, the writer worsens well-being, doctors make a disappointing sentence - cancer. Solobukhin falls on the operation, after which it renews the work again, a lot goes as part of creative delegations, both in the country and abroad.

Vladimir Soloohin and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

In 1979, a commemorative trip to the United States took place, during which Soloohin conspiratically traveled to Vermont to see Alexander Solzhenitsyn from Russia. Prose a prose and in the famous optical desert, which in the 1980s wrote the work "time to collect stones" and the collection "Disaster with pigeons".

In the 90s, many small stories were published: "Tree" (1991), "Salt Lake" (1994), "With the light of the day" (1992). In 1995, he saw the strongest, according to critics, the work of Vladimir Solowhina - the "last step", which was written in 1976 and lay down in the table for more than 20 years.

Vladimir Soloohin

Roman-confession about the painful path of the transmission of the Russian-writer-nugget, about the fate of Russia in the twentieth century, the lifestyle in the era of "stagnation", the author himself called his "main book", which, according to him, was written "without regard "(I.e. without self-censorship). The book became the last edition, which was already deadly sick Soloohin. The work-memoir "Bowl" published posthumously.

Personal life

Personal life and family life of the writer are associated with the name of one woman - His spouses of Rosa Lavrent Solophina. They are both of the Central Stripes of Russia: he from the Vladimir region, she is from the eagle. A future spouses at the Far North became met - in the city of Naryan-Mar, where Rosa arrived on the distribution after the end of the medical institute in Leningrad, and Vladimir Alekseevich arrived as a correspondent of the magazine "Spark".

Vladimir Soloohin and his wife Rosa

The feelings broke out immediately, leaving, Soloohin said Rosa: "We will be together." Then he flew several times, being on business trips. In one of the visits and made a favorite offer. The wedding was played in Moscow, the whole "Spark" walked on it. The newlyweds began to live in a room in a communal room, and with the advent of the first-mention of Lena moved for the city, in Khlebnikovo.

Vladimir Soloohin with family

Rose left a doctor's career, completely devoted himself to her husband, care for children, house. The woman was the loyal assistant Vladimir Alekseevich: she traveled editors, delivered manuscripts, photos, took letters, invitations, reviews. It shutd up life, followed what and how the spouse is dressed, took his guests.

Rosa Lavrentievna accompanied her husband in a journey (680 km) in his native Vladimir Earth, led a travel diary, printed on a typewriter and never complained about any difficulties. The faithful, loyal and loving spouse gave birth to her husband two daughters - Elena and Olga.


In the 90s, the state of the writer worsened, the disease returned and slowly pushed his strength. Despite this, Solobukhin kept courageously, attended the events, went to meetings. It was not on April 4, 1997.

Grave of Vladimir Solowhina and his wife

The funeral of the writer was the first in the very renovated church of Christ the Savior, in the restoration of which Vladimir Alekseevich took the most direct participation (led by the Foundation for the Recovery of the Temple). On July 7, 2017, the beloved wife of the Writer Rosa Lavrentyeva died. She was buried next to her husband in a cemetery in Alepino.


  • 1953 - "Rain in the steppe"
  • 1955 - "Birth of the Grain"
  • 1956 - "Rule-Grass"
  • 1957 - "Vladimir Caps"
  • 1960 - "Dew drop"
  • 1964 - "Magnifier"
  • 1966 - "Letters from the Russian Museum"
  • 1969 - "Black boards: notes of a novice collection"
  • 1973 - "Olepinsk ponds"
  • 1977 - "Pebbles on the palm"
  • 1980 - "Time to collect stones"
  • 1989 - "Laughter behind the left shoulder"
  • 1991 - "Tree"
  • 1994 - "Salt Lake"
  • 1995 - "Last Step"

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